@sonhouse saidThat would be true if the only thing we are doing is comparing opinions, but the truth of the things we talk about the reality of them, would not allow for that. Our opinions reside only in us, reality is what reality is, no matter our opinions.
Yep, you come up with yours, I come up with mine. And never the twain shall meet.
Understanding reality would get us on the same page, we would have to conform to it, not our bias. If you are going to insist on being at odds with someone else, that is not looking for the truth of any matter, you are showing what is important, disagreeing not seeking what is, for truth's sake.
@sonhouse saidI'm pro-life, I believe every child killed in the womb is a human being, not something that should be thrown away on a whim.
What specific policies would you vote for?
I have a great dislike for political non-speech, I want specifics. So verbiage like someone saying I'm for common sense gun control I write off immediately! They are not being specific, my version of common sense gun control and yours, could be very different so without specifics they are trying to please everyone without saying anything of substance. Those who hear that may think they agree with them, not realizing nothing of substance was said, only feel-good speech.
I have a strong dislike for those making promises that require greater national debt, as every promise that requires new spending does. I dislike anyone I think cares more about increasing their own wealth, than the service they provide (what was their wealth before and after they came into office?)
So huge new programs promising the moon are long on promise but always come at a great cost of inflation.
I dislike political cover for bad behavior if my guy or yours is free from fair criticism then it is not the politician that the real issue is, it is a culture built around a political party that is shielding them. The greater the shield the more bad behavior can be done without criticism, open borders, drug trafficking, murder, rape, allowing in anyone from those who want a better life to terrorists is setting up the country for failure in the name of compassion. Now so much is happening right in front of everyone, and half the country is blind!
Fiscal responsibility would be a nice change, requiring the government to owe less by doing less than trying to do everything for everyone while requiring more taxes being needed from taxpayers.
You are done worrying about what would happen if Trump actually kidnaps 10 million workers and installs a 20% tariff? Have you EVER given even one thought to what that would entail, SERIOUSLY? This is NOT about Trump HATRED, this is about a policy experts have said will have disastrous consequences if invoked.
Can you bring yourself to at least think about just those two issues?
This has nothing to do with any feelings for or against Trump.
This is 100% a policy issue.
@KellyJay saidFrom the web, all four of these are required for life, each has its requirements, and then there is putting them together. None of which has anything to do with American politics.
Can we tell if life’s genetic code can be mathematically understood to not be randomly put together?
When running the numbers on all possibilities for each molecule, and then putting them together, the possibilities of possible combinations are exponentially large to leave all possibilities of chance out of the question. The information required is precise, and unlike pure Shannon information of odds in life there are instructions, we can read it, it isn't gibberish which is what pure chance produces.
The four molecules of life are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, with each of the four groups vital for every single living organism.