The Moon and Design

The Moon and Design


Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jan 17
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
Wow. You don't see it?
No, I clearly do not. And it is also obvious that you do not intend to help me see it by explaining anything.

It is NO coincidence that the sun is 400 times larger than the moon.
It is NO coincidence that the sun is 400 times further away from the moon.

On what basis do you say that? What is special about 400? Is it a magic number from the Bible or something? Please explain rather than repeating over and over and over and over and over and over and over how much you think it was designed.

You say that their crossing paths is "unavoidable", but you are dead wrong!!!
Explain why I am dead wrong? It tried really hard to think up an orbit for which they would not cross and I failed.

They ONLY cross paths because of the orbit the moon just 'happens' to be in.
Can you please give some sort of explanation for this? As far as I can work out, every possible orbit would cross. What have I missed? Don't just say I am wrong, give either an explanation or a reference to a site where I can learn more.

How are you missing this?
I think its because it just ain't so and you are a fool that is talking about something you know nothing about, but we wont know for sure until you actually try explaining it rather than repeatedly feigning incredulity.

And why are you attempting to casually dismiss the importance of all these so called accidents?
1. When did I call them accidents?
2.I am casually dismissing their importance because you have failed to provide any reason whatsoever for me to think they are important, other than your obviously false claim that the moons current orbit is the only one which crosses the path of the sun. It don't think the number 400 is particularly special so I didn't find that important.

14 Mar 15
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by chaney3
I have answered your question.

If there is no design, then everything is an accident and luck.

By removing design, there is no need to consider how things may be different than they are now, including the moon's orbit, because it is already an accident, as believed by atheists. Why would the list of accidents need to change just by removing design?
I know you feel you are holding your own in this discussion. You're really not.

Ever post just deepens the embarrassment. You are doing the design argument no favours.


26 Dec 14
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
No, I clearly do not. And it is also obvious that you do not intend to help me see it by explaining anything.

[b]It is NO coincidence that the sun is 400 times larger than the moon.
It is NO coincidence that the sun is 400 times further away from the moon.

On what basis do you say that? What is special about 400? Is it a magic number from the Bib ...[text shortened]... the sun. It don't think the number 400 is particularly special so I didn't find that important.[/b]
You are minimizing and ignoring, especially with the 400 and 400. Ironically, it is magic.

The dilemma you face is this:

I cannot even give you a hypothetical scenario with regards to current size and distance of the sun and moon. Why? Because changing any of it, as an attempt to discuss an eclipse, would likely mean life on earth could not exist.

Meaning, the 400 is important because I cannot speculate on eclipses by suggesting: what would happen if the sun was only 100 times larger than the moon, because if it were, life would likely not be possible.

So, you have inadvertanly made my point of design much more likely, because the eclipse goes hand in hand with life on earth, based on size and distance of the moon and sun.


26 Dec 14
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
I know you feel you are holding your own in this discussion. You're really not.

Ever post just deepens the embarrassment. You are doing the design argument no favours.
Sorry Ghost, your opinion here doesn't matter to me because you cannot offer anything except probabilities, luck, accidents and maybes.

Design is more believable than what you suggest.

Unless you have something more?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by chaney3
You are minimizing and ignoring, especially with the 400 and 400. Ironically, it is magic.
Please explain rather than once again dodging.
What is magic about the number 400?

The dilemma you face is this:

I cannot even give you a hypothetical scenario with regards to current size and distance of the sun and moon.

Sounds like you have a dilemma not me.

Why? Because changing any of it, as an attempt to discuss an eclipse, would likely mean life on earth could not exist.
Huh? What does life on earth have to do with eclipses? Stop trying to change the subject.

Meaning, the 400 is important because I cannot speculate on eclipses by suggesting: what would happen if the sun was only 100 times larger than the moon, because if it were, life would likely not be possible. So, you have inadvertanly made my point of design much more likely, because the eclipse goes hand in hand with life on earth, based on size and distance of the moon and sun.
Now you are just spouting nonsense to try and get out of answering my questions.


26 Dec 14
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Please explain rather than once again dodging.
What is magic about the number 400?

[b]The dilemma you face is this:

I cannot even give you a hypothetical scenario with regards to current size and distance of the sun and moon.

Sounds like you have a dilemma not me.

Why? Because changing any of it, as an attempt to discuss an eclipse, wo ...[text shortened]... n and sun.
Now you are just spouting nonsense to try and get out of answering my questions.[/b]
Did you really not understand my post?

Tell me, would life on earth be affected if the sun were only 100 times larger than the moon, and was also 500 times further away?

This should be very easy for you to answer.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Did you really not understand my post?
No, not really. I asked you what was special about the number 400 and you went off on rant about how you were in a dilemma. Weird really.

Tell me, would life on earth be affected if the sun were only 100 times larger than the moon, and was also 500 times further away?
I don't know. Does it matter? There would still be eclipses.

This should be very easy for you to answer.
Very easy.

My questions too are easy to answer, but you keep dodging them. Why? Scared of the answers perhaps?


26 Dec 14
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
No, not really. I asked you what was special about the number 400 and you went off on rant about how you were in a dilemma. Weird really.

[b]Tell me, would life on earth be affected if the sun were only 100 times larger than the moon, and was also 500 times further away?

I don't know. Does it matter? There would still be eclipses.

This shoul ...[text shortened]... questions too are easy to answer, but you keep dodging them. Why? Scared of the answers perhaps?
We would be dead.
That's the correct answer.
An eclipse wouldn't matter, would it?

The 400 and 400 have a direct relationship with not only an eclipse, but life itself.

How you cannot see this is troubling.


06 Mar 12
31 Jan 17
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
If there is no design, then everything is an accident and luck.
NO, there is also natural law including the laws of physics that would thus give a degree order predictability and structure to the world.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jan 17
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
We would be dead.
That's the correct answer.
An eclipse wouldn't matter, would it?
Do you have a point? If we all got rabies we would be dead and an eclipse wouldn't matter. But the thread is about eclipses not stupid scenarios in which we would all be dead.

The 400 and 400 have a direct relationship with not only an eclipse, but life itself.
Nonsense. If the moon were say 350, then it would almost certainly have no significant impact whatsoever on life. The only way you were able to find a scenario that would affect life was to think up a scenario in which the sun would be much dimmer. But this has nothing whatsoever to do with the number 400.
And the number 400 has no direct relationship to eclipses.

How you cannot see this is troubling.
Yes, your desperate attempts to dodge my questions is troubling.

Once again: what does the number 400 have to do with with eclipses and how is the number 400 special?


26 Dec 14
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Do you have a point? If we all got rabies we would be dead and an eclipse wouldn't matter. But the thread is about eclipses not stupid scenarios in which we would all be dead.

[b]The 400 and 400 have a direct relationship with not only an eclipse, but life itself.

Nonsense. If the moon were say 350, then it would almost certainly have no significa ...[text shortened]... again: what does the number 400 have to do with with eclipses and how is the number 400 special?[/b]
Really twitehead?

Are you really saying that it would not matter if the sun was 200 times closer to the moon? Or if the sun was 800 times further than the moon? With regards to human life?

My point, yet again twitehead, is that the sun and moon are exactly.....exactly where they need to be for BOTH an eclipse AND human the same time!!!

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by chaney3
The 400 and 400 have a direct relationship with not only an eclipse, ...
The moon is approximately 400 times smaller than the sun. The moon also has one face that always faces the earth. These are two facts about the moon. The moon is also involved in eclipses. But that doesn't mean the two facts 'have a direct relationship with an eclipse'. After all, an eclipse on Jupiter would have nothing whatsoever to do with either fact.
Eclipses on earth occur because the moons shadow falls on the earth. It is not because of the number 400.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Really twitehead?
Yes really.

Are you really saying that it would not matter if the sun was 200 times closer to the moon? Or if the sun was 800 times further than the moon? With regards to human life?
No, what gave you that idea? I am starting to think you have difficulty reading.

Once again, we are discussing eclipses not human life.

My point, yet again twitehead, is that the sun and moon are exactly.....exactly where they need to be for BOTH an eclipse AND human the same time!!!
And my point again chaney3, the whole 'human life' issue is just something you introduced to try and distract from the fact that eclipses would occur whatever the proportions. So no, they are not exactly where they need to be for eclipses. We can discuss the effects on human life after you have admitted that you are flat out wrong about eclipses and have been wrong about them this whole thread and have been lying your butt off to try and avoid admitting that.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Jan 17
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
You say that their crossing paths is "unavoidable", but you are dead wrong!!!

They ONLY cross paths because of the orbit the moon just 'happens' to be in.
I am still waiting for that reference or detailed explanation supporting this ridiculous claim.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
31 Jan 17

Originally posted by chaney3
We would be dead.
That's the correct answer.
An eclipse wouldn't matter, would it?

The 400 and 400 have a direct relationship with not only an eclipse, but life itself.

How you cannot see this is troubling.
Actually, it is your thought processes that are troubling.

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