The Moon and Design

The Moon and Design



26 Dec 14
05 Feb 17

Originally posted by humy
Yes, I can prove Earth life has an origin by deduction;
Life exists on Earth.
The Earth once didn't exist.
Therefore there once existed no Earth life.
Therefore there existed a first Earth life.
That first Earth life must have had an origin.

That inference isn't assuming anything because it is valid deduction.

Can you prove no origin of life?

Can you prove magic/Goddidit?
If not, you are assuming.
7 edits, and your post still doesn't make sense.

You give evolution an intellect, even though you deny it.


06 Mar 12
05 Feb 17
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3

You give evolution an intellect, even though you deny it.
How can I imply evolution has intellect when I wasn't talking about evolution but rather the origin of life?
You still make no sense.

7 edits, and your post still doesn't make sense.

only to the rare moron like you who doesn't understand logic.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
05 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
You give evolution an intellect, even though you deny it.
You just make up what you think other people are thinking. You have many times in this thread attributed to people views they have not expressed.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
You just make up what you think other people are thinking. You have many times in this thread attributed to people views they have not expressed.
Evolution DOES have an intellect but not like he thinks. There is definite computational ability in the DNA/RNA interactions, something he would probably deny to his dying day. It has to be some kind of god overseeing every atom in the universe. Sounds like it would get a tad boring after the first billion years, eh. Like a queen bee just spitting out eggs for her entire life. Pretty preposterous.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
Evolution DOES have an intellect but not like he thinks. There is definite computational ability in the DNA/RNA interactions,
DNA / RNA interactions are not evolution, nor is computational ability equivalent to intellect.
Evolution does not have intellect by any reasonable definition of that word.
Evolution is, however, a pretty effective algorithm for finding best fit solutions. I would not call an algorithm 'intellect'.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
DNA / RNA interactions are not evolution, nor is computational ability equivalent to intellect.
Evolution does not have intellect by any reasonable definition of that word.
Evolution is, however, a pretty effective algorithm for finding best fit solutions. I would not call an algorithm 'intellect'.
Yes, not intellect like we think of it of course, never suggested there was some kind of consciousness involved, but computing power, definitely. Enough to drive evolution.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Feb 17
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
Yes, not intellect like we think of it of course, never suggested there was some kind of consciousness involved, but computing power, definitely.
Well as I say, intellect is not equivalent to computing power. It is the wrong word altogether.

Enough to drive evolution.
Evolution is not driven by computing power. Evolution is driven by two things:
1. replication.
2. selection.
Evolution IS an algorithm, but I wouldn't really say it is computing as such, nor is DNA / RNA computing power involved nor required. All they need to do is replicate (with occasional errors). Other features such as sexual reproduction and the swapping of bits of DNA between species does help too. But I don't really think DNA based computation or intellect can really be said to be involved.

One could argue that a river finding the sea is computation and performs a minimum height topological calculation, but one would not typically attribute rivers with computing power or intellect.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Well as I say, intellect is not equivalent to computing power. It is the wrong word altogether.

[b]Enough to drive evolution.

Evolution is not driven by computing power. Evolution is driven by two things:
1. replication.
2. selection.
Evolution IS an algorithm, but I wouldn't really say it is computing as such, nor is DNA / RNA computing power ...[text shortened]... cal calculation, but one would not typically attribute rivers with computing power or intellect.[/b]
You might, however, call it an analog computer🙂


26 Dec 14
07 Feb 17

Whichever way you guys want to evade the intellect you have given to evolution, go ahead, we are now up to DNA super computers.

Quite an admission from your earlier stance on 'probability' and 'random nothing'.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Whichever way you guys want to evade the intellect you have given to evolution, go ahead, we are now up to DNA super computers.

Quite an admission from your earlier stance on 'probability' and 'random nothing'.
Quite a wild attribution to nobody in particular. Not surprising given that you just made it up.

I bet you have no clue who in this thread has what stance on what. I know for a fact that you have multiple times attributed to me views I neither expressed nor hold.


06 Mar 12
07 Feb 17
4 edits


What you don't seem to get is that here you have totally lost what pathetically little credibility you may have once had because you just keep making stuff up (lies) about what we say.
Who are you trying to kid here? We know what we said.


26 Dec 14
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by humy

What you don't seem to get is that here you have totally lost what pathetically little credibility you may have once had because you just keep making stuff up (lies) about what we say.
Who are you trying to kid here? We know what we said.

Deny intellect, then assign intelligence to DNA and evolution, as a 'computer'.

The more you try to defend a majestic accident, the more credibility you all lose.

14 Mar 15
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3

Deny intellect, then assign intelligence to DNA and evolution, as a 'computer'.

The more you try to defend a majestic accident, the more credibility you all lose.
How tall are you? I ask as everything seems to go right over your head.

If my cat wandered into this thread she would have more credibility than you.

Again, i'm embarrassed for you.


26 Dec 14
07 Feb 17

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
How tall are you? I ask as everything seems to go right over your head.

If my cat wandered into this thread she would have more credibility than you.

Again, i'm embarrassed for you.
Everything you have offered in this thread amounts to zero. Science has not offered much too much more.

Without knowing origin, you are simply applying known science to something ALL of you have admitted to being unknown. You all like to think you sound scientific, but in reality, it is merely guessing. There is a clear intellect involved here, which sonhouse noted only a few posts ago, as did twhitehead.

All of you 'say' you are open to the possibilty of design, while arguing against it at all times.

Total hypocrisy, which is embarrasing for you and your 'probability' and your 'guessing' and your Elvis toast.

Oh yeah, evolution is being compared to computers now. And not by me.

Nice try Ghost.


07 Feb 17
07 Feb 17

I'd like to point out that this entire thread is Chaney flat out denying evidence in favor of a bottle and his idiotic assumptions a well learned schoolchild would be embarrassed of.

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