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Why don't stars change position?

Why don't stars change position?


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@metal-brain said
You are such a retard.
Is mindless trolling all you do?
Is lying all you do?

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@metal-brain said
Time dilation causes the bending of space time.
Einstein concluded that with a thought experiment. That is what the equivalence principal was all about.

You are as clueless as suzi.
You cannot find a single quote from Einstein to support your error in logic. Einstein would never say something so completely backwards.
You're an idiot.

Did you ever take a physics class?

You do understand the difference between a cause and an effect, right?

Time dilation is merely an effect. It causes NOTHING.

@suzianne said
You're an idiot.

Did you ever take a physics class?

You do understand the difference between a cause and an effect, right?

Time dilation is merely an effect. It causes NOTHING.
"Time dilation is merely an effect. It causes NOTHING."

Once again, why would gravity cause time dilation?
Since I am an idiot you should be able to answer the question.

@sonhouse said
Showing off your fourth grade education again.
Gravity is NOT a force. It is a bending of spacetime. But you are unable to understand that so you just go to the nearest fringe site you can so you can find your scientist of the month club.

MASS is what forces the bending of spacetime. Also, do you get the part about it being SPACETIME. Just like magnetism an ...[text shortened]... away from Earth, just the two experiencing the spacetime curve at those two distances from the sun.
Go to the top of your roof and jump off.
Then when you break your ribs or some other bones tell me it is not a force.

Tell us all how spaghettification is possible if gravity is not a force.


2 edits

Magnetic fields are a force, Van der Waals is a force, electric fields are a force, the strong force is a force, the electroweak force is a force but not gravity.

Gravity ACTS like a force but it is just like sliding down a hill the mass doing the sliding gains kinetic energy but there is no force like a magnetic field, it is a bending of spacetime that makes it SEEM like a force and of course you fall out of a 40 story building and hit the ground you will most likely be spread out in a much thinner layer than your body but it is still not a force like an electric field IS a force.
Take light for instance, the bending of spacetime causes light to change position but it is just following the rules of spacetime, following the curvature of space. That is what Eddington figured out to prove Einsteins relativity over a century ago.
Kind of like a skate boarder going around the perifery of the tube or whatever, the only force going on here is the kinetic energy of the board and rider, it whips around and such even though there is not a rope pulling it in a circle, it is simply following the curve of the tube, THAT is a poor but reasonable description of gravity.

Here is a bit on Eddington if you wish to read it.


@sonhouse said
Magnetic fields are a force, Van der Waals is a force, electric fields are a force, the strong force is a force, the electroweak force is a force but not gravity.

Gravity ACTS like a force but it is just like sliding down a hill the mass doing the sliding gains kinetic energy but there is no force like a magnetic field, it is a bending of spacetime that make ...[text shortened]... a bit on Eddington if you wish to read it.

So gravity is an actor? LOL!
Nothing you wrote is compelling at all. You are writing non explanations and do not have the critical thinking skills to realize it. You are just repeating non explanations you heard from a series a parrot like people.

Tell us all how spaghettification is possible if gravity is not a force.


You really need to take cosmology 101. EVEN SPAGHETTIFICATION is the result of an extreme bending of spacetime. If I have a piece of paper lying flat on a table and I put a marble on it, it doesn't move, no force applied. But if I tilt the paper the ball rolls downhill, still no force it is following the local spacetime curvature but you are just too pigheaded to understand.

@sonhouse said
You really need to take cosmology 101. EVEN SPAGHETTIFICATION is the result of an extreme bending of spacetime. If I have a piece of paper lying flat on a table and I put a marble on it, it doesn't move, no force applied. But if I tilt the paper the ball rolls downhill, still no force it is following the local spacetime curvature but you are just too pigheaded to understand.
The extreme bending of spacetime is obviously a force.
Go jump off of the roof of your house, then tell me gravity is not a force. Call me from the hospital if need be.

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When you bend a sheet of paper it takes some energy to do that but just having it in place, say stapled together in a soda straw shape, no further energy needed but if you put a ball in it, it rolls to the lower gravity field, if you can actually call it that.

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