Hi Russ
Just a moot point maybe to get fixed when the more important things are sorted.
Is it possible to have the date added when the forum post was posted like it use to be.
for example Thread 198611 is 128 days old, tomorrow it will be 129.
But when was it without resorting to counting back the days with a calendar.
(it was November 7, 2023.)
Also, just a suggestion, make the 'preview post' active so posters can see what
they about to post before they post it. It should cut down on blank posts and
maybe a pause before posting will stop a lot of needless arguments.
re: @jmwinrider post
I suspect what is being encountered is the new 'never-ending' single page.
I have the same thing happen when I look at any of the 'my games' folders or forum thread lists that have a large number of games or threads in them. As I schroll down the list using the mouse wheel to schroll down the page, when I reach the bottom of the screen it just keeps updating the list as I look at it.
Usually before, when you reached the bottom of any page the schrolling stopped and there were the variety of other website links, and also a display of page numbers to click on if you wanted to continue going down the list. The page then stayed put until you clicked something or moved the pointer back up the page.
Now it's all just one long page and it does keep on schrolling further down whenever you reach the bottom of the screen, since it's no longer the end of a particular page. I'm sure it will stop continuing to schroll when you do finally get to the real end of that single page list.
Anyway, I think that's what the OP is experiencing. But then, I could also be wrong.
@cawsddyn saidA "My Active Tournaments" switch has been added.
Thanks 🙂
"My Active" used to show only the ones that I was still in, ie not eliminated
"In Progress" shows all the ones I entered that are still running.
You do need to be viewing the "In Progress" or "All" tab to see results though, of course.
@arj1 saidSee Thread 199620.
3. How to make the list more compact in the "compact" mode? There is too much space between lines on PC.
The mod bot has went mad…
There seems to be a list of newly banned words. Some I can understand.
But when quoting Seth Meyers joke:
“Stormy Daniels has been told she can’t describe trump’s cock in court… it would violate the gag order…”
The proper word for cock (pen is) gets the post rejected.
That is madness. It’s a proper word for a body part. And one that can get loads of laughs. In some cases. Not in mine, obviously!
Hey. Focus… banned words…
Some issues with site features from mobile chrome browser:
When bringing up game from game explorer first screen shows board but the arrow buttons to play through the rest of the game are on a second page with the move list and you can't tab through the game from the board, or have to do it as if blindfold from the second page.
I tried searching for one of my previous games in the games directory by putting my name and opponents name in the search boxes. A blue cross remained in the second box even though name correct and there was no send or search button and site did not respond to magnifying glass button on mobile keyboard.
From an opponents profile "performance against" screen pressing the green total games number that normally brings up the list of previous games with that opponent - just takes you back to the open games directory screen and not to the games with that opponent.
These are features I like to use frequently and mostly from via a mobile. Disappointed they are no longer usable.
@shavixmir saidA two tier check now occurs - not just on the forums, but everywhere - titles are strictly moderated, content is (just a little) more relaxed.
The proper word for cock (pen is) gets the post rejected.
Please change the Analyze Game function back to the way it was before, with the arrows to go back and forward on the same page as the board, and not on a separate window. That was my favorite feature on this site, and now I can't analyze lines properly.
Edit I'm noticing now that's only an issue on my phone, and not my laptop. Maybe I should download the app? I usually just play online. The Analyze Game function is definitely worse on my phone now.
@MaxStirnersGhost2 saidCan you let me know which phone model you use? I can then investigate. Thanks.
Please change the Analyze Game function back to the way it was before, with the arrows to go back and forward on the same page as the board, and not on a separate window. That was my favorite feature on this site, and now I can't analyze lines properly.
Edit I'm noticing now that's only an issue on my phone, and not my laptop. Maybe I should download the app? I usually just play online. The Analyze Game function is definitely worse on my phone now.