@Ragwort saidActually this "performance vs" returning to the game directory first screen without populating the search box with the player names happens on my laptop as well (I'm using firefox).
Some issues with site features from mobile chrome browser:
From an opponents profile "performance against" screen pressing the green total games number that normally brings up the list of previous games with that opponent - just takes you back to the open games directory screen and not to the games with that opponent.
@MaxStirnersGhost2 saidA new revised version has gone live, which retains the side by side nature of the controls & board from before, on all but the smallest devices.
Please change the Analyze Game function back to the way it was before, with the arrows to go back and forward on the same page as the board, and not on a separate window. That was my favorite feature on this site, and now I can't analyze lines properly.
Edit I'm noticing now that's only an issue on my phone, and not my laptop. Maybe I should download the app? I usually just play online. The Analyze Game function is definitely worse on my phone now.
Let me know if this fixes this for you.
edit : and on mobile, the controls will not be hidden behind the pop-out side window - they will be located below, as before.
I have a question. Sometimes I will only move for the games I have going on that are either running timebank or are at risk of being timed out, so to do that I to scroll though the My Games page looking for games with red or yellow clocks showing. With the old setup, when I went back from the game I made a move for to the My Games list using the back window keyboard command, the game I had just moved for would be updated to show it to be my opponent's move and I would then just on to the next game. This no longer occurs automatically and I have to manually refresh the page every single time and it jumps all over the place when I hit refresh, so I have to scroll a lot more now making it honestly rather tedious. Is there any possibility of this being fixed so that the My Games list updates on its own again or will this be the way it is moving forward?
I use Chrome on a Windows desktop. Thank you.
@Russ saidOkay I can navigate to the back chevron, but where the flying kazoo is the "thread name link below the search button"
Either use the "back" chevron below the site logo, or the thread name link below the search button.
And in an unrelated plea....could we just have the thread list button back? please...
@kmax87 saidOkay okay okay..It was staring me in the face or as metalika would say it was hiding in open sight.
Okay I can navigate to the back chevron, but where the flying kazoo is the "thread name link below the search button"
And in an unrelated plea....could we just have the thread list button back? please...
Yup the thread list is in the name of the forum you are in below and to the left of the search tab.
I was looking for an empty field with a magnifying glass. 😆