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A cruel god?

A cruel god?


Flamenco Sketches

Spain, in spirit

09 Sep 04
02 Dec 05
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Originally posted by specs57
And unlike God there is no evidence to support your Flying Spaghetti Monster.
You seem to miss the entire point of the FSM satire.

Every 'evidence' you care to supply for the existence of 'god' can be utilized to prove that our creator is a Flying Spaghetti Monster (bless his noodly appendage). Unless you're willing to accept the Flying Spaghetti Monster (may his noodly appendage never cease to shine) as your creator, you are doomed to spend an eternity eating nothing but anti-pasto with over-the-hill Las Vegas showgirls that have nasty smoker's coughs and varicose veins on their sagging cleavage.


An' it harms none...

15 Sep 04
02 Dec 05
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Originally posted by specs57
Ok first of all the plagues and smiting are punishments and second God hasn't disappeared; you just need to open your eyes

and I have yet to see any solid evidence saying he doesn't exist
So your god gives you free will then punishes you when you exersize it? Nice god!



14 Nov 05
02 Dec 05
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Originally posted by David C
Every 'evidence' you care to supply for the existence of 'god' can be utilized to prove that our creator is a Flying Spaghetti Monster
God is not a flying spaghetti monster;

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

So if God created man in his own image, he must look something like us (not a flying spaghetti monster)



14 Nov 05
02 Dec 05
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Originally posted by dags
So your god gives you free will then punishes you when you exersize it? Nice god!
God only punishes us when we choose to do wrong; he is not going to smite someone because they chose to be a technician instead of a carpenter

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
03 Dec 05
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Originally posted by specs57
God is not a flying spaghetti monster;

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

So if God created man in his own image, he must look something like us (not a flying spaghetti monster)
You see, there you go again, just believing what was written in a book
two thousand years ago are from god. In the first place the book was
written by man and a lot of it to the detriment of half the human race.
You may be able to guess which half. A true god would not denigrate
half of a race to the benefit of the other. A true god would by definition
not find anyone more equal in its eyes. The bible, the Quran, and
many other so-called godly texts, supposedly coming from god
all and some specifically put women on a lower plane than men.
If the true god does this, we are doomed, for this is the cruelest
trick ever to be foisted on the human race, Crusades and jihads aside.
Tell me how the bible and the Koran put women on an equal footing
with men? Tell me how a true god would have it such that only men
are in the highest ranking of just about every religion on earth?
Tell me how text A says just the opposite of text B, say about
adoption of orphans, or the tolerance of other religions or other gods.
Tell me again how all this can be true AT THE SAME TIME?
Could it be that, oh maybe, ITS ALL BS?
Could it be that, oh maybe, All of it was written by men for the
benefit of men to the detriment of women?
Tell me again how god would conspire to put it in writing that women
are the property of men.
Of course all the indignity of men will come forth defending it all,
hit me with your best shot.


An' it harms none...

15 Sep 04
03 Dec 05
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Originally posted by specs57
God only punishes us when we choose to do wrong; he is not going to smite someone because they chose to be a technician instead of a carpenter
Ok, let me get this straight. This god gives us free will, we use it, and then smites us. Whether free will is used for good or evil is beside the point. It's like giving a kid an Xbox, telling them not to use it, and smacking them when they do.

If this god of yours were good why give us something we would be hurt by?



11 May 04
03 Dec 05
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Originally posted by dags
So your god gives you free will then punishes you when you exersize it? Nice god!
No, he punishes us when we do evil and remain unrepentant. Jesus had free will, so there is nothing inherently wrong with it.



15 Nov 03
03 Dec 05
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Originally posted by dags
So your god gives you free will then punishes you when you exersize it? Nice god!
and he rewards the ones who use it . a very nice god



11 May 04
03 Dec 05
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Originally posted by sonhouse
You see, there you go again, just believing what was written in a book
two thousand years ago are from god. In the first place the book was
written by man and a lot of it to the detriment of half the human race.
You may be able to guess which half. A true god would not denigrate
half of a race to the benefit of the other. A true god would by definition
f course all the indignity of men will come forth defending it all,
hit me with your best shot.[/b]
Tell me how the bible and the Koran put women on an equal footing
with men?

These verses come to mind.

Genesis 1:26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 2:21-24 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

God made both man and woman in his own likeness/image, and he created Eve from a rib. The rib was taken out of Adam’s side and not his front or back. This would indicate that men and women are equal and perfect in God.

Tell me how a true god would have it such that only men
are in the highest ranking of just about every religion on earth?

There are thousands of religions, are you qualified to say this? Perhaps you could point out the passages in the Bible that say women are inferior to men.



14 Nov 05
04 Dec 05
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Originally posted by dags
Ok, let me get this straight. This god gives us free will, we use it, and then smites us. Whether free will is used for good or evil is beside the point. It's like giving a kid an Xbox, telling them not to use it, and smacking them when they do.

If this god of yours were good why give us something we would be hurt by?
No, like I said he only punishes us when we do evil; if we use our free will for good we are rewarded and if we use it for evil we are punished

And it's not like God resorts to smiting right away



14 Nov 05
04 Dec 05
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Originally posted by sonhouse
You see, there you go again, just believing what was written in a book
two thousand years ago are from god. In the first place the book was
written by man and a lot of it to the detriment of half the human race.
You may be able to guess which half. A true god would not denigrate
half of a race to the benefit of the other. A true god would by definition ...[text shortened]... f course all the indignity of men will come forth defending it all,
hit me with your best shot.
Ok first of all I would like to point out that The Bible and the Quran are not from the same religion

Only one religion is the correct one

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

And I would also like to see where in the Bible it says that women are inferior to men

And yes society saw women as inferior back then, but that doesn't mean that God does

And the Bible was written by men who were inspired by God

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
05 Dec 05
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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Is it cruel to demand that a father sacrifice his son for reasons other than crops? e.g. Genesis 22:1-12.
Yes, but didn't God stop him?

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
05 Dec 05
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Originally posted by specs57
God only punishes us when we choose to do wrong; he is not going to smite someone because they chose to be a technician instead of a carpenter
Punishes? You believe God punishes people? I don't believe that.



11 May 04
05 Dec 05
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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Punishes? You believe God punishes people? I don't believe that.
What do you believe then? How does God handle sin?


Halifax, NS

08 Jan 05
05 Dec 05
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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Punishes? You believe God punishes people? I don't believe that.
Well, then I assume you don't believe He blesses people either.

Scripture teaches he blesses, and Scripture teaches he punishes. Take it or leave it, but don't do a bit of each.

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