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A Muslim Who Became a Hero to Christians

A Muslim Who Became a Hero to Christians




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I don't think I've read such a precise and accurate summation for some time. Tedious, transparent and plastic is how I prefer to describe their posts and simply not worth dignifying with a response.


Oh look, Duchess64 is calling some people "trolls".



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The post that was quoted here has been removed
This sounds a lot like a Dasa post.

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Maybe Suzianne and robbie carrobie someday will be saying things like: 'While Dasa and Duchess64 seem to agree on almost nothing else, I believe they would heartily agree that [insert the name of someone held in disdain here] a persistent extremely dishonest troll'. 😉

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Originally posted by FMF
Maybe Suzianne and robbie carrobie someday will be saying things like: 'While Dasa and Duchess64 seem to agree on almost nothing else, I believe they would heartily agree that [insert the name of someone held in disdain here] a persistent extremely dishonest troll'. 😉
All this strife is what leads to religious war. Just showing more evidence a god was not required to boot up these religions that demand killing of people of other religions.

Something a real god would never do, its moral values would be above that of mankind and thus would never set up such a system.

If a god needed sycophants, it could just as easily speak to every individual on the planet at the same time, 'here is how it is..." in all of their individual languages. It would also not need to test humans for loyalty since it would know well in advance the outcome of such loyalty tests, obviating the need for such tests in the first place, like Ab with knife in hand ready to kill his son because his god said too. Bullshyte, a god would have known very well there was no need of a test.

So it just goes to say no deity was needed or wanted in the creation of religions around the world.


Originally posted by sonhouse
All this strife is what leads to religious war. Just showing more evidence a god was not required to boot up these religions that demand killing of people of other religions.
This "strife" was caused by a few people disagreeing with Duchess64 ~ something he cannot handle at all - checkout the bizarre escalation of abuse he was dishing out on this thread ~ but it won't lead to "religious war" - it will lead to nothing.


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Sacrificing ones own life to save another is the ultimate sacrifice and example of showing love towards others, a true Christ like example.

I often wonder if I could or would do the same, or if others who try to follow Christ would also do the same. Unfortunately, Christians often do not follow the example of the man whom they purport to follow.

I'm just glad most Muslims seem to have the same problem of following their example Mo as Christians do trying to follow Jesus. For example, most Muslims don't convert with the sword, hold women sex slaves, marry children, and personally murder hundreds of infidels.

Keep up the good work peace loving Muslims!! 😵

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