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A Room Full of Regurgitators

A Room Full of Regurgitators



Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
09 Jan 20


"When I came into the Lord's recovery the veils came off my heart's eyes and I realized that the church is "the Christ". What an uplifted vision was given to us right out of the New Testament about this hum drum word taken so much for granted "church". "

And one other thing about what you said here, it isn't "the Lord's recovery" movement, or any "local church" or denomination or institution that lifts the "veils off" anyone's "heart". Only God's Word can do that.

Open your mind. 1 Corinthians 12:12 does not say that "the church is the Christ". The "church" is "the body of Christ", and Jesus is the head of that body. Paul used the analogy of a body to describe the union between its members and that of Jesus. It's metaphorical for the mystical union of the church corporately, its members individually and with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

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