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A Sign From the Lord

A Sign From the Lord


Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
General Duke sir was an American Thoroughbred racehorse who won the second running of the Belmont Stakes in 1868.

Man! This is the twenty first century. It's not normal to know that kind of stuff. 😉

Originally posted by @secondson
Ya, ThinkOfOne has been assaulting my intelligence for the last three pages. I think he thinks I care whether or not he's more intelligent than I. He probably is, but that doesn't mean much without humility and kindness.

Thing is though, to be honest, I'm not the nicest guy around either, but only against other not so nice guys. 😉
Not that I expect you to have the humility to acknowledge the truth about yourself, but my previous posts have clearly illustrated your reading comprehension problems as well how you repeatedly draw the most nonsensical conclusions. That you choose to characterize pointing out the truth as "assaulting [your] intelligence" is indicative of pride. Don't really expect you to acknowledge that either.

"The truth will make you free."

Originally posted by @secondson
Man! This is the twenty first century. It's not normal to know that kind of stuff. 😉
A fitting response to the real General Duke I had in mind, as he doesn't exist until the future.

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Originally posted by @romans1009
I think seeking a sign is akin to putting God to the test, which is a big no no. It’s like human beings saying, “All right, God, here are my terms. If you do X, I’ll do Y. But if you don’t do X, or if you do Z, I’ll do Q.”

Can you imagine if every believer on earth was doing that nonsense? How is that a relationship with God?
Intercessory prayer does not work. This is known. What does that say about your god?

Originally posted by @apathist
Intercessory prayer does not work. This is known. What does [b]that say about your god?[/b]
Prayer does indeed work. It’s worked for me and I believe studies have shown that it works as well.

Your premise is flawed.

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Originally posted by @thinkofone
Not that I expect you to have the humility to acknowledge the truth about yourself, but my previous posts have clearly illustrated your reading comprehension problems as well how you repeatedly draw the most nonsensical conclusions. That you choose to characterize pointing out the truth as "assaulting [your] intelligence" is indicative of pride. Don't really expect you to acknowledge that either.

"The truth will make you free."
Sure, I have pride issues. So does everyone else, but you have a bigger problem.

"The truth will make you free" when you learn the truth about the true identity of Jesus Christ.

If you can't find that in the Bible, then it is you with a "reading comprehension problem".

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Originally posted by @romans1009
Prayer does indeed work. It’s worked for me and I believe studies have shown that it works as well.

Your premise is flawed.
Prayer doesn't work for apathist because he doesn't realize that the only pray God will hear from an unbeliever is the prayer of repentance from a humble and contrite heart asking God for forgiveness of his sins.

That's the sinners first prayer. God will answer and save.

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Originally posted by @romans1009
Prayer does indeed work. It’s worked for me and I believe studies have shown that it works as well.

Your premise is flawed.
Non-intercessory prayer has the same benefits as other types of meditation.

Intercessory prayer does not work.

I like learning about the truth of things.

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Originally posted by @secondson
Prayer doesn't work for apathist because he doesn't realize that the only pray God will hear from an unbeliever is the prayer of repentance from a humble and contrite heart asking God for forgiveness of his sins.

That's the sinners first prayer. God will answer and save.
So if any person suffers horrible abuse or tragedy we now know they weren't theist.

Or are you saying they failed to pray properly?

Originally posted by @apathist
Non-intercessory prayer has the same benefits as other types of meditation.

Intercessory prayer does not work.

I like learning about the truth of things.
Did you read the studies tab? Maybe try reading what you post before you post it. It’s nowhere near as cut and dried as your conclusion.

Originally posted by @apathist
So if any person suffers horrible abuse or tragedy we now know they weren't theist.

Or are you saying they failed to pray properly?
God doesn’t promise Christians an easy life - in fact, Jesus said Christians should expect the opposite, and He said that in numerous places in the Gospels.

But He promised to be with us through everything we go through.

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Originally posted by @secondson
Sure, I have pride issues. So does everyone else, but you have a bigger problem.

"The truth will make you free" when you learn the truth about the true identity of Jesus Christ.

If you can't find that in the Bible, then it is you with a "reading comprehension problem".
Sure, I have pride issues.

Matthew 18
2And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4“Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

"The truth will make you free" when you learn the truth about the true identity of Jesus Christ.

If you can't find that in the Bible, then it is you with a "reading comprehension problem".

Clearly Jesus said, "The truth will make you free" IF "you abide in [His] word".
Clearly Jesus did not say "'The truth will make you free' when you learn the truth about the true identity of Jesus Christ".

Yet another example of your reading comprehension problem.

John 8
31So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

Originally posted by @romans1009
But He promised to be with us through everything we go through.
I guess you are right. He shows up in natural disasters, horrendous events, child rape and the murder of innocent people all the time.

Why do atheists ceaselessly focus their attention on child rape and murder? Nary a mention of God being there when someone triumphs over a bad situation, or a flower blooms, or at a beautiful sunset.

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