Originally posted by cpbrown... you are still only human, and so are trapped within a highly limiting neural framework.
Clearly you are far beyond us all with logic and your fine wit.
I'd agree, but modesty prohibits such displays of public self-approbation. Perhaps you can help my cause by posting such sentiments from time to time in random threads?
Sure thing, freaky
... you can't imagine a world where you don't exist.
You'll have to humor me on this one: how ...[text shortened]... ago and results again in there being no point in me arguing with you about your beliefs?
Right. And you are suggesting that such limitations can be temporarily suspended while non-existence and its ramifications are considered.
OK, so by which process have you decided which parts of the bible to believe literally and which parts to take poetically?
Hermeneutics and isagogics are tricky things. Those parts which are intended as literal, we ought to take as such. Likewise with the remaining categories of thought and/or expression.
Do you accept the subjectivity of your faith?
I accept the subjectivity of my thoughts as they relate to my faith.
If you do, does that remove meaning, reducing it to a postmodern approach - in which case you're more or less an atheist and there is no point in me arguing with your beliefs?
Which beliefs are those, exactly?
Or are you a literalist in which case you threw logic out the window a long time ago and results again in there being no point in me arguing with you about your beliefs?
Do you literally take yourself seriously?
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneThe Lord Jesus Christ said many things throughout His ministry on earth. Do you really think you have a handle on each and every quote? I'll give you some advice: don't tread where your study can't keep up.
Jesus saw it differently:
Matthew 7:21-23
Not everyone who says to me,'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will tell me in that day,'Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?' Then I will tell them,'I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work iniquity.'
Originally posted by FreakyKBHYou can either choose to follow the teachings of Jesus or your conceptual model that you call "Christianity". You only prefer your conceptual model because you believe it allows to continue in sin with impunity. You can't get much further away from the teachings of Jesus than that.
The Lord Jesus Christ said many things throughout His ministry on earth. Do you really think you have a handle on each and every quote? I'll give you some advice: don't tread where your study can't keep up.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneBe not deceived: God is not mocked. Whatseover a man sows, so shall he reap.
You can either choose to follow the teachings of Jesus or your conceptual model that you call "Christianity". You only prefer your conceptual model because you believe it allows to continue in sin with impunity. You can't get much further away from the teachings of Jesus than that.
Doesn't sound much like impunity to me. Try 1 John 1:9 sometime. You might find it illuminating.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHWho is God to force us to exist in the first place? I'm sorry but there is nothing about your post which includes logic. I don't choose not to follow God. How can I choose to or not to follow something I veiw as fiction?
Everyone is born with their name automatically in the Book of Lives. Only those who consciously reject the grace provision of God will have their names blotted out. Once a person accepts the grace provision of God, their name cannot be blotted out, regardless of what happens following such acceptance. Therefore, the potential is really that everyone has ...[text shortened]... of becoming negative one.' ?
No. My point was that there was no logic in such thinking.[/b]
I didn't ask you to explain the logic, I asked you to explain the lack of logic in such thinking.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHFirst of all, are you saying that you believe that 1 John 1:9 supercedes the words of Jesus?
Be not deceived: God is not mocked. Whatseover a man sows, so shall he reap.
Doesn't sound much like impunity to me. Try 1 John 1:9 sometime. You might find it illuminating.
Second of all, look at that verses that precede it. The only way that 1:9 makes sense in that context is that it is speaking of sins committed prior to coming to true repentance and overcoming sin. If you continue to sin, you are "walking in darkness". 1 John 1:8-10 are aimed towards those who have overcome sin, but believe that they have never sinned. Sins committed prior to overcoming sin are what need to be confessed and cleansed.
Also, earlier you said:
"Once a person accepts the grace provision of God, their name cannot be blotted out, regardless of what happens following such acceptance."
Now you say:
"Be not deceived: God is not mocked. Whatseover a man sows, so shall he reap."
These statements appear to be at odds. How do you reconcile the two?
Originally posted by twhiteheadyup. only they are not really copies. more like entirely different persons sharing a common DNA. we are shaped by our past choices. different choices mean different persons.
And one must of course realize that such a model would totally contradict the usual assumptions of religion.
For a start, everyone would end up having an infinite number of copies in both heaven and hell.
check out this link. it isn't religious or anything so dont worry i am not trying to brainwash you.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOnei never said he needs to be omniscient and omnipotent. in fact i already proven(well the guy that made the rock paradox did) that he is not omnipotent.
Why would God need to have complete knowledge of the future to be "top boss"? This makes little sense to me other than for people to be able to win "my god is more powerful than your god" arguments.
i was just trying to theorize that we CAN have free will even if god were omniscient.
Originally posted by Jake Ellisonwell i believe that the main ideas of christianity are not contradicted and will never be by whatever science throw at you.
How do you justify your beliefs with Christianity in general? Do you see them as compatible?
be nice to each other and be nice to God are the main ideas of any respectable religions. and the fact that I believe also in Jeesus makes me a Christian.
atheist's main argument for their religion is that god isn't needed for the universe to function. i am trying to fit God around the science because although nothing in the universe requires God to be at a terminal doing maintenance, also nothing in the universe disproves his existance.
Originally posted by ZahlanziThe idea of the supernatural is contradicted and hence all supernatural events essential to Christianity.
well i believe that the main ideas of christianity are not contradicted and will never be by whatever science throw at you.
be nice to each other and be nice to God are the main ideas of any respectable religions. and the fact that I believe also in Jeesus makes me a Christian.
I would say that belief that Jesus was God is a fairly main idea in Christianity, so is belief that he rose from the dead.
atheist's main argument for their religion is that god isn't needed for the universe to function.
Atheists do not have a religion. Some of them may, but there is no such thing as the religion of Atheism.
i am trying to fit God around the science because although nothing in the universe requires God to be at a terminal doing maintenance, also nothing in the universe disproves his existance.
Well that depends on your definition. I think I have disproved the existence of a number of peoples gods.
Originally posted by ZahlanziMy post was in response to the following statement:
i never said he needs to be omniscient and omnipotent. in fact i already proven(well the guy that made the rock paradox did) that he is not omnipotent.
i was just trying to theorize that we CAN have free will even if god were omniscient.
"...and of course, God does need to omniscient and omnipotent to be the top boss."
It seems to me you did say it.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOnecrap, i made a typo.
My post was in response to the following statement:
"...and of course, God does need to omniscient and omnipotent to be the top boss."
It seems to me you did say it.
no, i meant "God does NOT need to omniscient and omnipotent to be the top boss." sorry about that. i usually check my posts for mistakes(for the obvious ones)
Originally posted by twhiteheadsmart atheists do not have a religion. i meant those that are so fanaticaly against god that they believe in the non existence of god as strongly as the creationism freak zealots believe in the literal bible
The idea of the supernatural is contradicted and hence all supernatural events essential to Christianity.
[b]be nice to each other and be nice to God are the main ideas of any respectable religions. and the fact that I believe also in Jeesus makes me a Christian.
I would say that belief that Jesus was God is a fairly main idea in Christianity, so epends on your definition. I think I have disproved the existence of a number of peoples gods.[/b]
people's gods shouldn't be taken literally as their holy books portray them. for example i may believe that the old testament God created the world, but who in their right mind would believe he did it in 7 days? people must adjust their faiths. an open minded priest told me once that he considered that one of the main reason Christians have the lent in easter and summer is to prevent them from getting sick. in easter lent they shouldn't have eaten three or more month old meat(the christmas pork). and in the summer what can they do with the meat of an entire pig so as not to get spoiled. Now, the refrigerator makes the practice obsolete.(unless you want to sacrifice, but then again i would sacrifice more if i abstain from computer)
Originally posted by ZahlanziNothing in this universe disproves a lot of Gods and any other supernatural creature you might care to mention. Do you believe in them too?
well i believe that the main ideas of christianity are not contradicted and will never be by whatever science throw at you.
be nice to each other and be nice to God are the main ideas of any respectable religions. and the fact that I believe also in Jeesus makes me a Christian.
atheist's main argument for their religion is that god isn't needed for t ...[text shortened]... d to be at a terminal doing maintenance, also nothing in the universe disproves his existance.