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Aggravating is it not ?

Aggravating is it not ?


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We go back and forth trying to convince the other that our position is the one that's right, and none of us really know anything about what we speak. The whole spiritual question is up for grabs because we have no Spiritual being we can go to and get the Truth from. We have holy books that are suppose to tell us all we need to know about God or the afterlife or anything else that deals with the non physical side of things. I think it would be a better system if God and his band of Spiritual beings would just reveal themself to us and, end the debate. Why the hide and seek thing ? Why is it soo drapped in mystery, and confusion ? I know I'm confused.

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Originally posted by buckky
We go back and forth trying to convince the other that our position is the one that's right, and none of us really know anything about what we speak. The whole spiritual question is up for grabs because we have no Spiritual being we can go to and get the Truth from. We have holy books that are suppose to tell us all we need to know about God or the afterlife ...[text shortened]... e hide and seek thing ? Why is it soo drapped in mystery, and confusion ? I know I'm confused.
Every time I pray for some answers, I get nothing in return.
So the conclusion of this is, of course, that... aw, you know...


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Originally posted by buckky
We go back and forth trying to convince the other that our position is the one that's right, and none of us really know anything about what we speak. The whole spiritual question is up for grabs because we have no Spiritual being we can go to and get the Truth from. We have holy books that are suppose to tell us all we need to know about God or the afterlife ...[text shortened]... e hide and seek thing ? Why is it soo drapped in mystery, and confusion ? I know I'm confused.
He already has revealed Himself.

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Originally posted by buckky
We go back and forth trying to convince the other that our position is the one that's right, and none of us really know anything about what we speak. The whole spiritual question is up for grabs because we have no Spiritual being we can go to and get the Truth from. We have holy books that are suppose to tell us all we need to know about God or the afterlife ...[text shortened]... e hide and seek thing ? Why is it soo drapped in mystery, and confusion ? I know I'm confused.
All one has to do is ask for forgiveness from God, pray to understand the Word, and have unshakeable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as one's personal Saviour. It's really that simple.

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Still silence... Waiting... Nothing happens... Line is disconnected... And will still be silent in the future....

I don't know if I've ever said I'm a atheist. Only that I don't believe in the christian god. "He Who Never Answers".

When he answers, then I will be a true believer. That will be the day!

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Originally posted by buckky
We go back and forth trying to convince the other that our position is the one that's right, and none of us really know anything about what we speak. The whole spiritual question is up for grabs because we have no Spiritual being we can go to and get the Truth from. We have holy books that are suppose to tell us all we need to know about God or the afterlife ...[text shortened]... e hide and seek thing ? Why is it soo drapped in mystery, and confusion ? I know I'm confused.
God is just Santa Claus for adults. Realize this, and your confusion will end.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
God is just Santa Claus for adults. Realize this, and your confusion will end.
I find it hard to believe that everything is a meaningless mass of matter, and gas, and with no intelligence setting the ball in motion. The angry God sitiing on a throne idea is a crazy one also, but something with great intelligence, and power is responsible for the universe in my opinion. The athiest viewpoint is to depressing ,and cold to hold any charm for me.

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Originally posted by buckky
I find it hard to believe that everything is a meaningless mass of matter, and gas, and with no intelligence setting the ball in motion. The angry God sitiing on a throne idea is a crazy one also, but something with great intelligence, and power is responsible for the universe in my opinion. The athiest viewpoint is to depressing ,and cold to hold any charm for me.
You express my thoughts well.

The christian god (or moslem or jewish god) cannot be the one.

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Originally posted by buckky
I find it hard to believe that everything is a meaningless mass of matter, and gas, and with no intelligence setting the ball in motion. The angry God sitiing on a throne idea is a crazy one also, but something with great intelligence, and power is responsible for the universe in my opinion. The athiest viewpoint is to depressing ,and cold to hold any charm for me.
Why meaningless?

If anything is depressing, it's the idea that there IS a powerful one with great intelligence that is watching what is going on, yet doing nothing to improve the situation. THAT is truly cold.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Why meaningless?

If anything is depressing, it's the idea that there IS a powerful one with great intelligence that is watching what is going on, yet doing nothing to improve the situation. THAT is truly cold.
Maybe there is no watching going on. Maybe we are on our own as far as not getting any assistance with problems. I have no idea as to the nature, and mind set of God or what ever you want to call the begining of everything. The idea that matter sprang from nowhere and all of ther universe is nothing more than scrub brush seems way more far fetched than even the Christian idea of things. I think a lot of us are so turned off with the Christian concept of a God that it blinds us to any idea of a supreme being.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Why meaningless?

If anything is depressing, it's the idea that there IS a powerful one with great intelligence that is watching what is going on, yet doing nothing to improve the situation. THAT is truly cold.
Improvement? He didn't foul it up, yet He nonetheless has provided the remedy. I don't think any one could say He was sitting on His hands.

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Originally posted by buckky
Maybe there is no watching going on. Maybe we are on our own as far as not getting any assistance with problems. I have no idea as to the nature, and mind set of God or what ever you want to call the begining of everything. The idea that matter sprang from nowhere and all of ther universe is nothing more than scrub brush seems way more far fetched than even t ...[text shortened]... turned off with the Christian concept of a God that it blinds us to any idea of a supreme being.
So the alternative is that the creator made everything, got bored with it, and just left it be?

I'm not sure how that's any less depressing. Under that view, the entire universe, and everything we are, is just the result of him killing a day.

I have yet to meet anyone that believes matter sprang from nowhere.

I'm turned off to the idea of a creator-being because I see no clear indication of design to the universe. There are little pockets of order among oceans of chaos. We don't even know if there is other life amongst the other galaxies in the universe. If there is not, then why on earth would a designer include all those galaxies and solar systems, etc? What purpose would they serve?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Improvement? He didn't foul it up, yet He nonetheless has provided the remedy. I don't think any one could say He was sitting on His hands.
They could say worse: He knew in advance that many would suffer in the world he was about to create, and yet he created it anyway.

He could have created only heaven, with only enlightened beings who would not sin, and yet have full free will. This is what a morally responsible creator would have done.

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Originally posted by buckky
The athiest viewpoint is to depressing ,and cold to hold any charm for me.
Firstly you should ask yourself whether belief should be based on charm. Your comment is a remarkably common sentiment usually expressed more along the lines of "If I am wrong I don't want to be right".
But that speaks so strongly of self delusion that you should ask yourself first whether or not self delusion is what you really want. If you do want it then I suspect you will find far nicer delusions than the most popular theistic religions. Surely when it comes to charm, why not start with fairies?

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