Originally posted by Rajk999How can the Bible be the word of God if it has contradictions? You are the one making the contradiction where there is no contradiction.
If it is indeed correct that what Jesus says is the exact opposite of what other parts of the bible say then I would lean towards the teachings of Jesus.
There are several reasons for that, all of which is in the bible:
- Jesus Christ is the sole authority on eternal life
- Jesus is the final judge of who enters the Kingdom of God
- Many other Bible prophets, apostles are less knowledgeable than Jesus
Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
With all the discussions we've had over the years, have you honestly missed my point that "Christianity" is built upon the words of those other than Jesus? Other than the words that Jesus spoke while He walked the Earth?
Or was the temptation to call me "sneaky" too much for you?
With all the discussions we've had over the years, have you honestly missed my point that "Christianity" is built upon the words of those other than Jesus?
So what ?
I rarely mention the word "Christianity".
Okay, noted - "Christianity" or "Christiandom" is built upon many words not representing the teaching of Jesus Christ.
We're in agreement.
Now some people would say that "Christianity" really is Christ. While I avoid the "anity" when speaking of Christ, I see the point that they are making.
Other than the words that Jesus spoke while He walked the Earth?
Could I get you to admit that your Jesus Christ is DEAD ???
If your Jesus Christ is DEAD and not LIVING in resurrection, then it is useless, in vain, and we disciples of Jesus are of all men to be pitied.
If Jesus is NOT, is DEAD, is not living then FORGET the ENTIRE matter - period.
Eat, drink, have fun, for tomorrow - we ROT.
Or was the temptation to call me "sneaky" too much for you?
How about we wait and see HOW you answer this enclosed question - whether straighforwardly or with stealth, evasion, cleverness, etc.
Is your Jesus Christ DEAD ?
And if you reach for that modernist hat and cane and start dancing, I'll have to stick with the word "sneaky".
Originally posted by sonshipDid you really already lose context of our discussion here?With all the discussions we've had over the years, have you honestly missed my point that "Christianity" is built upon the words of those other than Jesus?
So what ?
I rarely mention the word "Christianity".
Okay, noted - "Christianity" or "Christiandom" is built upon many words not representing the teaching of Jesus Christ.
We ...[text shortened]... ch for that modernist hat and cane and start dancing, I'll have to stick with the word "sneaky".
Try reading from the beginning of our discussion. Hopefully you'll be able to keep it in mind and take another pass at responding to my previous post.
21 Jun 17
Originally posted by sonshiplol. Seriously. Try reading from the beginning of our discussion. Hopefully you'll be able to keep it in mind and take another pass at responding to my previous post.
No .... clear ... answer ... yet !
Strike one.
[b]Is YOUR Jesus Christ DEAD ??? [/b]
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneStrike TWO.
lol. Seriously. Try reading from the beginning of our discussion. Hopefully you'll be able to keep it in mind and take another pass at responding to my previous post.
One more time - Is YOUR JESUS CHRIST DEAD ???
Your great great grandfather is probably DEAD.
Is your Jesus Christ also DEAD ???
You don't want me to say you're being sneaky. Right ?
Then come right out and answer the question, already.
21 Jun 17
Originally posted by sonshiplol.
Strike TWO.
One more time - [b]Is YOUR JESUS CHRIST DEAD ???
Your great great grandfather is probably DEAD.
Is your Jesus Christ also DEAD ???
You don't want me to say your being sneaky. Right ?
Then come right out and answer the question, already.[/b]
Though I suspect it'll go over your head, I'll repost a couple of things I posted years ago:
[By and large, the teachings of Jesus while He walked the Earth are as applicable now as they were then.] They are timeless, i.e., eternal. As such, those who follow the teachings of Jesus have "eternal life". They are living the life of the eternal. God is eternal. Those who follow the teachings of Jesus are living the life of God.
Truth is elegant in its simplicity.
[By and large], the teachings of Jesus [while He walked the Earth] are elegant in their simplicity.
Righteousness is following the will of God. God is eternal. The attributes of God are eternal: truth, love, compassion, justice, etc. Eternal life is living in the domain of the eternal. One must BE righteous to have eternal life.
Sin is a deviation from righteousness. Sin is a deviation from following the will of God. Sin is a deviation from the eternal. Sin is a deviation from truth, love, compassion, justice, etc. Sin is living outside the domain of the eternal. One cannot sin and have eternal life.
As such, far from DEAD. He who has ears, let him hear.
21 Jun 17
Originally posted by dj2beckerIs this directed to someone in particular?
If you believe the Bible is trustworthy and is God's revelation to mankind it means you have to believe all of it. You can't pick and choose what you like. If for example you choose only to take the words that Jesus spoke and yet you reject the words of the apostles it means you may as well reject everything because it means you don't trust the scriptures. If you don't trust all of it you may as well trust none of it.
21 Jun 17
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneThat was an elaborate and sentimental way of confessing that you cannot believe that Jesus rose from the dead and is available TODAY to be known.
Though I suspect it'll go over your head, I'll repost a couple of things I posted years ago:[By and large, the teachings of Jesus while He walked the Earth are as applicable now as they were then.] They are timeless, i.e., eternal. As such, those who follow the teachings of Jesus have "eternal life". They are living the life of the eterna ...[text shortened]... nnot sin and have eternal life.
As such, far from DEAD. He who has ears, let him hear.
Its kind of a sad answer.
Your Jesus Christ is DEAD and GONE.
All your effort to muster up something of the New Testament in spite of a dead and gone Christ is just your unbelief and choosing to bring to God something of your own to make you worthy of God.
He doesn't want what you have.
He doesn't want what I have.
He doesn't want what any of us have in ourselves.
He wants us to bring Christ - the living and available Christ - supernatural and mysterious - but living and available.
If God would accept what you and I are THEN HE WOULD NOT HAVE SENT JESUS ... to be everything that we need.
I let the living Lord Jesus subdue me.
I think you should let the Lord Jesus do the same thing to you.
"And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
If it is only that we have hoped in Christ in this life, we are of all men most miserable." ( 1 Cor. 15:17-19)
Originally posted by sonshipAs I posted about 6 months ago:
That was an elaborate and sentimental way of confessing that you cannot believe that Jesus rose from the dead and is available TODAY to be known.
Its kind of a sad answer.
Your Jesus Christ is DEAD and GONE.
All your effort to muster up something of the New Testament in spite of a dead and gone Christ is just your unbelief a ...[text shortened]... oped in Christ in this life, we are of all men most miserable." ( 1 Cor. 15:17-19) [/quote][/b]
By and large, I find the words attributed to Jesus while He walked the Earth to be reasonably sound and reasonably coherent within themselves. What's more, I find much of what was attributed to Him to be remarkably deep and quite profound. As such, by and large, I find the words attributed to Jesus while He walked the Earth to be "true".
I don't share that view of the mythology and beliefs that the NT writers wrapped around them. At best, they can merely echo His words. At worst, they deviate from His words and at times substantially so.
I certainly don't share many of the beliefs espoused by many Christians - many of which are antithetical to what Jesus taught while He walked the Earth.
Just as "Christianity" is built upon the words of those other than Jesus - other than the words that Jesus spoke while He walked the Earth, your beliefs are built upon the words of those other than Jesus - other than the words that Jesus spoke while He walked the Earth.
He who has ears, let him hear.
Originally posted by ThinkOfOneIn more words - A DEAD and GONE Jesus, and therefore a complete perversion of the New Testament.
As I posted about 6 months ago:
[quote]By and large, I find the words attributed to Jesus while He walked the Earth to be reasonably sound and reasonably coherent within themselves. What's more, I find much of what was attributed to Him to be remarkably deep and quite profound. As such, by and large, I find the words attributed to Jesus while He walked t ...[text shortened]... her than the words that Jesus spoke while He walked the Earth.
He who has ears, let him hear.
I don't know why you haven't the courage to simply use the words "DEAD" and "GONE" as Christ to you only kind of .... "lives on in the hearts of men" H.G. Wells style.
You don't have an ear.
And you don't hear what Christ was saying at all.
You have only "an ear" to glean from the New Testament only what confirms your philosophy.
Why don't you be a Bahai or a Moonie ?
Why are you trying so hard to dignify your doubts by attributing a selective portion of favorable sayings to Jesus ?
"While He walked on Earth" means "My opinions about what is true."
Originally posted by dj2beckerOk .. I got ya. I will stick with this one.. .. Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. (John 6:68 KJV) You go with whatever suits your fancy:
How can the Bible be the word of God if it has contradictions? You are the one making the contradiction where there is no contradiction.
I notice that you have ignored the part of the thread False Hope which deals with false hope which people like you give to Christians who continue with a life of sin.