Originally posted by Agerg
Ok...then *which parts* of the soul are flammable (some part of it must be because fire seems to burn it)? Also, (directing you towards http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combustion for an idea of what is entailed in the burning of matter) what is the average length of time it takes for a soul subjected to the flames of hell to be fully expended? Also, if your pries ...[text shortened]... ore they burn out completely (for all eternity), or
c) something else (explain please)
We Christians don't have enough information about the soul to answer your questions. I don't believe the soul is something that can be investigated and broken down into parts to catalog like a scientist might like to do. I get the feeling the soul is just one part something like the spirit that can pass through material objects with ease just like a ghost. I believe the soul is like your mind or it may even be your mind. A don't mean the physical brain when I mention the mind. They are not the same. While the soul is living in the body it uses the brain to control the operations of the body. The soul is the real you that exists even if the brain and the rest of the body dies. It usually remains in a sleep like stage during this time in my understanding, which is not even close to being complete.