-Removed-"...from a linguistic point of view an atheist "believes" that atheism is correct."
If a person simply professes to lack belief in the existence of deity, and does not profess that deity is nonexistent, then there is nothing to be correct about, other than that it is correct that he lacks belief.
Originally posted by PudgenikHEY, NO MORE CRACKS ABOUT MY PRIDE !!!!!!
There is another type of atheist, worst of any human on the planet. A spiritual Atheist. A Christian, who in his stubborness and pride feels he is above all and cannot accept any other possibility. This type of Atheist has become spiritually corrupt.
And I'm not stubborn !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I would really like to know what difference any kind of life makes if there is no God. I don't know to start a new thread. Maybe, I'll just ask it here.
Now if God does not exist then what difference does it make that anyone lived, anything existed, how we behaved, what we "lived" for ?
Honestly. What difference does it make ?
-Removed-There are a couple of "Been There, Done That" supposed X Christians who do a pretty good job at acting so.
Michael Schermer,
Sam Harris,
Bart Erhman
But then again the Apostle Paul said a few of his close co-workers had become "shipwrecked" concerning the faith. So even in the New Testament some apostolic workers made a shipwreck of their faith.
I am with you though. I don't believe anyone can be unborn again once they are born again.
Noah and family stepped into the ark, a type of Christ, and they were shut in. Once you are in Christ you cannot get out. That's my reading of the Bible.
Originally posted by sonshipSo there is no such thing as an ex-Christian. According to Divegeester and Sonship.
There are a couple of "Been There, Done That" supposed X Christians who do a pretty good job at acting so.
Michael Schermer,
Sam Harris,
Bart Erhman
But then again the Apostle Paul said a few of his close co-workers had become "shipwrecked" concerning the faith. So even in the New Testament some apostolic workers made a shipwreck of their fait ...[text shortened]... were [b]shut in. Once you are in Christ you cannot get out. That's my reading of the Bible.[/b]
Any other Christians care to weigh in? (....sound of crickets...)
Originally posted by sonshipYou could add John Loftus to that list.
There are a couple of "Been There, Done That" supposed X Christians who do a pretty good job at acting so.
Michael Schermer,
Sam Harris,
Bart Erhman
Here he gives a condensed version of his NO --> YES --> NO journey--
19 Jan 14
Originally posted by sonshipthere is a difference of being prideful and proud.
And I'm not stubborn !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I would really like to know what difference any kind of life makes if there is no God. I don't know to start a new thread. Maybe, I'll just ask it here.
Now if God does not exist then what difference does it make that anyone lived, anything existed, how we behaved, what we "lived" for ?
Honestly. What difference does it make ?[/b]
I am proud to be a Christian, I am proud to be an American. But i am not prideful, feeling i can do no wrong, or that i am above reproach.
Scripture states that God hates a prideful heart.
-Removed-I was thinking of this later, that the concept of this type of Christian is not Atheist, but something else altogether. However, anyone who claims to be a Christian, yet becomes an island unto him/herself. That is, this person feels the "god complex", the world cannot get along without me. This type of person is truly lost.
19 Jan 14
-Removed-Are you and sonship really arguing that there has never been a single person in all human history who has converted from Christianity to atheism?
Never in a million years would it even have crossed my mind that someone would make this argument. If anyone wonders why atheists come to a forum to debate religious people, this is a prime example. Rational, intelligent people can't anticipate arguments like this one, so at least part of the reason atheists come to forums like this is to learn how to debate against absurd and nonsensical arguments.
In any event, I offer both myself and the link below as evidence against your idea.
Originally posted by PatNovakPat, there are millions who call themselves Atheists all because of some crazy dogma or teaching from a priest or preacher that pissed them off, or just doesn't make sense.
Are you and sonship really arguing that there has never been a single person in all human history who has converted from Christianity to atheism?
Never in a million years would it even have crossed my mind that someone would make this argument. If anyone wonders why atheists come to a forum to debate religious people, this is a prime example. Rational, i ...[text shortened]... low as evidence against your idea.
But it isn't the title, Christian, Catholic, J.W., Jew, Buddist, or any other world religion that will bring you to the Father. God. Belief or unbelief won't do it either. All that truly matters is in your heart. If you love, wife,spouse, children, mankind. If you have compassion for others, anyone. Jesus lives in you, and you live in Him.
Originally posted by PatNovakThe position "no Christian ever becomes an atheist" begs for a No True Scotsman argument, that is, an argument such that: If any person self-identifies as a Christian and then later in life self-identifies as an atheist, that person was never a True Christian. There was something essential to being a Christian missing from his faith.
Are you and sonship really arguing that there has never been a single person in all human history who has converted from Christianity to atheism?
Never in a million years would it even have crossed my mind that someone would make this argument. If anyone wonders why atheists come to a forum to debate religious people, this is a prime example. Rational, i ...[text shortened]... low as evidence against your idea.
I can't imagine how this trap can be avoided.