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Belief about your worldview

Belief about your worldview



12 Jul 08
27 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
I don't know how constructive this would be.
You would probably deny that such a behavior was a sinful one.

For instance, if I reminded you of your past discussions about overeating, unless you have had some confession and repentance to the Lord, I would expect you to argue that by practicing gluttony it is okay with the Lord.

On the other hand, if ...[text shortened]...

Are you fully sanctified?
If not then you must tolerate some sinning still in your life.
According to Jesus nothing that goes into your body makes you unclean or is sinful.

Perhaps you can find where Jesus said that one's bmi is one of the ways God will judge you.

Body weight is based on many aspects much more complex than simply eating too much.

In any case, where is God's definition of overeating and getting too fat?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 17
3 edits

Originally posted by @eladar
According to Jesus nothing that goes into your body makes you unclean or is sinful.

Perhaps you can find where Jesus said that one's bmi is one of the ways God will judge you.

Body weight is based on many aspects much more complex than simply eating too much.

In any case, where is God's definition of overeating and getting too fat?
According to Jesus nothing that goes into your body makes you unclean or is sinful.

If this is your response then you are demonstrating that you can embrace sinning as good. For in principle you can consume crack INTO your body, you can consume as much alcohol INTO your body and indulge to the uttermost the consuming of any amount of food pass your need, and it is good.

You're demonstrating already that you set up the ground work to commit sinful acts and excuse them.

Is cannibalism good with Jesus too then?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 17
1 edit

Perhaps you can find where Jesus said that one's bmi is one of the ways God will judge you.

I didn't mention anything about weight or bmi, did I?
A skinny glutton who loves Jesus will too find himself repentant and confessing need for deliverance.


16 Feb 08
27 Dec 17

Originally posted by @eladar
Perhaps you can find where Jesus said that one's bmi is one of the ways God will judge you.
Would you like me to repost the scriptures on gluttony which you ignored last time I posted them?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 17
1 edit

Body weight is based on many aspects much more complex than simply eating too much.

I didn't mention being too heavy as a sin.
I mentioned gluttony.

In any case, where is God's definition of overeating and getting too fat?

Since the New Testament is not precise the Christian has to learn with Paul that the mind set on the flesh is death and the mind set on the spirit is life and peace.

We learn to be guided by the sense of life and peace.

In all matters we Christian learn to let the peace of Christ arbitrate in our hearts. Right? Do you know anything about this?

"And let the peace of Christ arbitrate in your hearts, to which also you were called in one Body, and be thankful." (Col. 3:14,15)

Our conscience will not give us peace when we trample on the finer sense of the Spirit in our spirit. We find it awkward to thank God while we are knowingly going against the fine sense of life and peace.

This is true of going to the Abortion Clinic and with sitting down at a meal. The Christian must learn to let the peace of Christ arbitrate as an umpire in their heart.

The sense of spirit death warns us that we are grieving the Holy Spirit sometimes.

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed unto the day of redemption." (Eph. 4:20)

When you grieve the Holy Spirit by indulgence of excess of fleshly pleasure, eventually you will have to confess your sin and ask for the cleansing of your conscience in the blood of Christ.

That is if you really wish to grow spiritually.
The same Spirit moving in the heart of the anxious woman about her baby coming, for whom she is not prepared and the man sitting down for a meal is here to help us.

There is no specific verse commandment for many many things. But we have the word of God without and the Holy Spirit giving the sense of life and peace or bothering from within.


12 Jul 08
27 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
According to Jesus nothing that goes into your body makes you unclean or is sinful.

If this is your response then you are demonstrating that you can embrace sin as good. For in principle you can consume crack INTO your body, you can consume as much alcohol INTO your body and indulge to the uttermost the consuming of any amount of food pa ...[text shortened]... e ground work to commit sinful acts and excuse them.

Is cannibalism good with Jesus too then?
I don't think that cannibalism is a ticket to hell. What you eat isn't sinful.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @eladar
I don't think that cannibalism is a ticket to hell. What you eat isn't sinful.
I didn't mention anything as criteria for going to hell.

Does the Christian conscience in you protest of things EVEN THOUGH you may not have a specific chapter and verse telling you to steer clear of something ?

This sense grows finer and finer and finer as you grow spiritually.
Is this your experience or am I speaking like a foreign language to you?

Marijuana smoke, according to Jesus, will not defile me coming INTO my body. But if I light up a joint, don't you think I will find it hard to say "Praise the Lord for this joint" ?

In the passage that you eluded to Jesus also said that out of the heart proceed "evil reasonings". You can have "evil reasonings" to reason and excuse yourself where your Christian conscience protests that you are in sin.

"Evil reasonings" proceed out of the heart and defile a man.
You can have twisted evil reasonings about gluttony or fleshy indulgence which does defile you. Then you need the blood for the clearing of your conscience. And you need the Spirit to move into that area of your life to give you freedom from your besetting weakness.


12 Jul 08
27 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
I didn't mention anything as criteria for going to hell.

Does the Christian conscience in you protest of things EVEN THOUGH you may not have a specific chapter and verse telling you to steer clear of something ?

This sense grows finer and finer and finer as you grow spiritually.
Is this your experience or am I speaking like a foreign language to you ...[text shortened]... the Spirit to move into that area of your life to give you freedom from your besetting weakness.
You are such a blow hard. I said eating another person is not sinful.

I have asked you to name a single sin that I do not call sinful. As I thought, all you can do is bring up something that isn't actually sinful.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Dec 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @eladar
You are such a blow hard. I said eating another person is not sinful.

I have asked you to name a single sin that I do not call sinful. As I thought, all you can do is bring up something that isn't actually sinful.
I don't need to bring up your sins.
I don't think it is that edifying for me to argue with you about this overmuch.

I ask you - Are you completed in the sanctification of your soul since you became a believer in Christ?

If your answer is Yes then I know you have no more sinning in your life.

If your answer is No then you are like me. There are still some sins and some sinning that you find you still need to have Christ deliver you from.

I have no intention to drag you down.
I just point out that you probably, like the ones you criticized, Suzziana and myself, ALSO yourself are in the process of further and deeper sanctification.


12 Jul 08
27 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
I don't need to bring up your sins.
I don't think it is that edifying for me to argue with you about this overmuch.

I ask you - Are you completed in the [b]sanctification
of your soul since you became a believer in Christ?

If your answer is Yes then I know you have no more sinning in your life.

If your answer is No then you are ...[text shortened]... zziana and myself, ALSO yourself are in the process of further and deeper sanctification.[/b]
I did not say my sins. I said beliefs that I have about something sinful.

What sin do I disagree with God?

If the spirit in your heart tells you that something which is a sin really isn't a sin, then that spirit within your heart is not the Holy Spirit.

If the spirit in your heart tells you something is sinful which really isn't then once again it is not the holy spirit.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @eladar
So you believe all educated people should reject a miraculous creation and need to embrace a natural creation of the universe?
In what way is natural creation not miraculous?

Seriously, we can accept the spoon-feeding for only so long, and then we are supposed to grow up. At a minimum, educated people should value science. Do you disagree?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @eladar
I did not say my sins. I said beliefs that I have about something sinful.

What sin do I disagree with God?

If the spirit in your heart tells you that something which is a sin really isn't a sin, then that spirit within your heart is not the Holy Spirit.

If the spirit in your heart tells you something is sinful which really isn't then once again it is not the holy spirit.
You don't have any case.

This started with you condemning a poster for wanting to butcher children.

I pointed out that any attempt to restrict your desire to to have the right to butcher people wholesale with advance firearms is not that much different from what you condemn.

You side stepped that observation.
And I take that as a placid admit-ion of your being basically with the same desire that you criticize in Suzzianne, with your religious devotion to the 2nd Amendment beyond all conceivable sanity of restriction.

The case is closed as far as I see.
You want everyone to be born.
And after they are born, NO ONE but NO ONE should interfere with your "right" to efficiently butcher them down scores at a time, in seconds with your idol - a gun.


12 Jul 08
28 Dec 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @sonship
You don't have any case.

This started with you condemning a poster for wanting to butcher children.

I pointed out that any attempt to restrict your desire to to have the right to butcher people wholesale with advance firearms is not that much different from what you condemn.

You side stepped that observation.
And I take that as a placid admit-ion ...[text shortened]... ur "right" to efficiently butcher them down scores at a time, in seconds with your idol - a gun.
Do you not know the difference between innocent life and killing evil people?

I support fighting Nazi Germany so I am a hypocrite for being against the holocaust.

You are a special person.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Dec 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @eladar
Do you not know the difference between innocent life and killing evil people?

I support fighting Nazi Germany so I am a hypocrite for being against the holocaust.

You are a special person.
I support fighting Nazi Germany so I am a hypocrite for being against the holocaust.

Easy for you to say big talker. You weren't there.

The 50 people butchered down in Las Vegas were pretty innocent.
Not saying you did it.

But you'd probably fight tooth and nail any legislation trying to keep instruments of mass liquidation of innocent people out of the hands of Americans. Because of you're brain washing at the hands of the NRA and your worship of guns.

That sicko who in seconds butchered all those people in Vegas probably thought he too was heroically preparing to resist the Nazis for all we know.

What high ground do you have for condemning mass abortions?
In principle you also want the right to snuff out life with the pull of a trigger, anyway, anyhow, anytime without government restriction.

Now bastardize the Bible to dignify your lust to butcher humans with the pull of a trigger, totally unrestricted from the government.

Come on right winger. Cry crocodile tears over the aborted.
Basically you'd die for the same right to slaughter efficiently, fast, with any and all the latest firearm technology, made unrestricted and free for everyone.

There's hardly a nickel's worth of difference between your insisted Choice to execute and the Pro Choice woman against government forced birthing.


12 Jul 08
28 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
I support fighting Nazi Germany so I am a hypocrite for being against the holocaust.

Easy for you to say big talker. You weren't there.

The 50 people butchered down in Las Vegas were pretty innocent.
Not saying you did it.

But you'd probably fight tooth and nail any legislation trying to keep instruments of mass liquidation of ...[text shortened]... een your insisted Choice to execute and the Pro Choice woman against government forced birthing.
Nice to see what the spirit within you leads you to write.

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