Originally posted by desertmonkIn the section you quoted wars weren't predicted in the Middle East. Wars were predicted. Of course predicting that is like predicting that the Superbowl won't end 0-2 in OT.
no one said that.. but if one trully reads biblical scripture as a whole ..it is so uncanny that the intensity, global warming etc.....wars predicted in the middle east...all that is happening.
this is one example ..i can give you dozens of prophecy already fulfilled..like Israel being reborn as a nation after their diaspora....and this one is amazing! a people almost on the verge of extinction making such a comeback...very interesting...and nations fighting over this one city of Jerusalem...Why?
Originally posted by desertmonkHow to make people believe in your religion:
well i think you better read the book of joel and some of them old testament prophets...they did predict war amoung the nations in the middle east....and these guys live in the B>C> era...
1) Wait until you hear of a world event that sounds somewhat similar to a prophecy (works best when prophecy is about a vague subject like war or famine, or my favorite, 'rumor of wars'😉
2) Claim prophecy is fulfilled
3) Establish 'credibility' for phoney religion
Originally posted by desertmonkwell ive read them and they happened before A.D. Isreal was torn by wars etc, but god told them if they repent and pray to me i will turn my anger and hear there call and return them to the land i promised to thier forfathers. this happened on many recorded times but the main used in the bible was the Babilonians. But may i also give you some advice read more that what was put together in the 1st century there are more knowledge of god than the bible has, the bible is the starting point. read D his vision is for the end
well i think you better read the book of joel and some of them old testament prophets...they did predict war amoung the nations in the middle east....and these guys live in the B>C> era...
Originally posted by desertmonkThere are many prophecies in the bible and as can be seen here:
Wether one believe's in christ, or judaism or Islam or whatever...One must at least admit that many's said thousand years ago are being fulfilled to day.
not all people agree that they have come true.
Although I do not neccessarily agree with everything listed on that website it does demonstrate that prophecy is often open to the readers interpretation.
I you were refering to war and disease and natural disarsters then you need to realise that many people throughout history have believed that that was occuring to them mostly because of the illusion caused by the fact that most of the wars etc you know about occured in or near your lifetime. If you actually study history you will find that we live in a very peacefull time with very little disease and although many natural disasters occur as a normal part of the workings of nature we are much better able to predict and deal with them so less people actually die from them than have in the past.
I do not know the Bible well but I do believe that it says that you can never predict the end of the world and it will catch everyone by surprise, so why does everyone still insist on trying to predict it ?
Also there are many other texts both ancient and modern which make predictions and many of those predictions can be shown to have come to pass.
If you are impressed by the Bibles predictions then you will be even more impressed by a good fortune teller so I suggest you go see one today !
People have been stating this "end of the world" crap for thousands of years. Their accuracy ranks right up there with the horoscope in my local newspaper.
Simple minds believe this nonsense. That's all.
We have always had hurricanes, tornados, typhoons, flooding, mudslides, earthquakes, etc etc... We will always have those things. And as for wars, fighting, political corruption and all of that man made nonsense, all of it can be found in the bible somewhere and interpreted in such a way as to make the doomsday prophecy applicable to today.
It's the same trick those 1-900 PROPHETS use to scam people.
So I'm going to make a prediction right now. Here it is, and remember if it comes true it means everything else I say is true and the world is going to end soon.
I predict "in the near future" a "flying machine" will "destroy itself" by "contacting" a "man made structure" and the "ground upon which it sits", killing "many humans" and bringing "misery and suffering". This "object" will have "red markings" upon its "tail" and will have at one time been a "beautiful and shiny thing", but will at once become a mere "shadow" of itself after this "tragedy".
There, that should be ambiguous enough to cover any plance crash for the next 100 years. If I'm lucky I'll catch a few other crashes like a space station or a satellite. Maybe even a weather balloon!
Here's a fun task for all you bible believers - go find all of the prophecies in the bible that have NOT come true. Start with Revelations. That should keep you busy for a few hundred years.