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Biblical prophecy's being fulfilled today

Biblical prophecy's being fulfilled today


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Originally posted by desertmonk
check with a geological site.. you would be estonished the tremendous increas of geological activity in last 50 years.. amazing what atomic detonations, oil drilling and earth shifts have caused.
How do you KNOW they have caused the geological activity?

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This is a relevant thread:


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so what do complex minds believe in? seems the more complex the world has become the less man has been able to deal with its complexities.

Like if earning a degree from the best schools in the world has really helped...

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how do you know it hasn't? What i am asking is for people to take a good look at the record that does exist. i am not asking you to convert to anything. this isnt religion 101...get it?

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well ..how do you know the thinking hasnt already been done?

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who's talking about believer's here? and jesus christ?

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I dont think anyone here is predicting anything.

and as for living in a more peaceful time in history...I totally disagree.....

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
How to make people believe in your religion:

1) Wait until you hear of a world event that sounds somewhat similar to a prophecy (works best when prophecy is about a vague subject like war or famine, or my favorite, 'rumor of wars'😉
2) Claim prophecy is fulfilled
3) Establish 'credibility' for phoney religion
How to make people believe in your religion:

Now what does this have to do with this thread?

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Originally posted by howardgee
How do you KNOW they have caused the geological activity?
Come on, desertmonk, answer my question.

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Originally posted by David C
You've got to be kidding me. Anyone of you xtians want to claim this one?
Alright, let's leave The Big Apple out of this huh?😉
I think he means end times prophecy from the gospels. ie., earthquakes, wars, plagues, etc. But I tend to disagree. People like Hal Lindsey are starting in on this, and there is some merit to it. He speaks of the recent hurricanes, earthquakes, plagues, etc. But the reason I say there is some merit is that the intensity of the earthquakes, hurricanes and new plagues(bird flu, aids, hiv, etc) are somewhat astounding. But I don't believe we are in the book of Revelations time yet. Perhaps getting close.
Here is part of his list....

But the end, as Jesus predicted, was not yet.

No. 3 Along with war, Jesus warned that “nation will rise against nation …” The word ‘nation’ is translated from the Greek word 'ethnos' which literally means ethnic groups or tribes. Ethnic unrest and tribal warfare has killed uncounted millions in this generation.

There are ethnic wars within the same nations. One of the most shocking examples of ethnic hatred is the case of the Kurds. They are Muslim, yet they are scattered along the borders of the fellow Muslim nations of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran – and hated by all.

No. 4 Jesus predicted that “kingdom will rise against kingdom …” The word ‘kingdom’ comes from the Greek word 'basliea', which means a literal nation in our modern understanding of the word. There has been such warfare between nations that mankind is trying to do away with nations.

The Antichrist will seize upon this yearning and establish a one-world government over which he will rule. But it want bring peace; it will bring total destruction.

No. 5 Jesus predicted “in various places there will be famine …” According to the world experts, the Age of Famines began in 1975. There are famines raging someplace in the world at all times now.

No. 6 Jesus predicted in Luke’s account, “There will be great earthquakes …” AP News reported on October 9th that there were only 10 major earthquakes from the decades of 1920 through 1980 – a period of 70 years.

But there have been 13 major earthquakes in the last 15 years. These refer only to the monster quakes that have caused great destruction and loss of life. More will be said in a moment on this.

No. 7 Jesus predicted, “there will be … plagues …” Diseases once believed eradicted from the earth by antibiotics have now developed immunity to virtually every drug we have. Now we have super-strains of them.

Because of the rapid mobility of travel, a dangerous infectious disease any place on earth can become a pandemic over night – killing millions.

New strains of viruses that have trans-mutated from the animal kingdom to man now make pandemics of unimaginable horror possible. The latest is a bird flu in Viet Nam named H5N1 that the World Health Organization says could kill 150 million people worldwide.

No. 8 Super Storms from celestial influence on the earth’s climate. The last “birth pang” Jesus predicted is, “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

I commented on these verses a couple of weeks ago. NASA has verified that the sun is getting brighter and hotter. This is having a dramatic effect on the rise of overall temperature on the earth. And that is causing the ocean belt around the equator to particularly heat up and cause more frequent and powerful storms – as we have definitely seen this hurricane/typhoon season.

Again, of all these things, the Lord said, “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.” Taken together and read in context, the Lord outlined, in advance, an exact history of the world as it has progressed since Israel took its place among the modern nations of the world in 1948.


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hahah serious....it works both way bud...no one really knows that is my answer. Do you have an anwser?

I am not a scientist.....but what i have read in many texts not just the canon ..but i am taking about other texts like the book of enoch, Kebra negaste, apocraphal writings etc...

I am not necessarily coming from a judeo-christian point of view. which i think you guys think i am.

even if you looked at it from a literary point of view..it still would have some merit.

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that was just one example i used. matt24...jesus was also thought of ..as a prophet. but read zechiriah,joel, micah,hosea..etc...some serious stuff from many different times and periods in history.

can anyone dis prove what these prophets are saying?

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I am into hal lindsay myself..i just didnt want to take that route.

But you made very valid points that other's want to dismiss...because of some notion that they have to take upon themselves some belief system.

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