Bill Maher: Atheism is not religion

Bill Maher: Atheism is not religion


Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
It has been a good while. I can't remember exactly who and how many. It was probably someone like Proper Knob, Void Spirit, or googlefudge. But it doesn't matter if one of you can prove God does not exist.
You can click on "search forums" and then in the content search box, type "prove+negative" and you'll get a whole bunch of data.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by sumydid
Problems for you maybe. Not me. What gives you the right to shift the burden of your problems on to my shoulders?

A "sound argument" does not a fact make. A negative can't be proven, no matter how much you personally desire such an outcome.

But, since you seem to think you have solid, verifiable *proof* that God doesn't exist--please, let's see it. I'll get my popcorn ready.
Looking around, I don't see any gods frolicking about...

Seems to me the burden of proof lies with you.

I'll get my weed and Cheetos ready.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by sumydid
You can click on "search forums" and then in the content search box, type "prove+negative" and you'll get a whole bunch of data.
The fist hit was Thread 129090 with a whole lot of people (myself included) stating categorically that the claim is untrue.
So, were you able to find any actual examples of people supporting your claim?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by sumydid
Now, if you disagree with them all and insist that this particular negative can be verifiably proven, then have at it.
The key here is what is the particular negative. If we are talking about proving that god/gods do not exist, of course it can't be proven because the statement itself is so vague as to be practically meaningless.
Once you define god/gods, then we can go about disproving his/their existence (or not). The more exact your definition, the more likely we can disprove its existence. However, you must accept from the beginning that changing the definition may render the proof invalid. So if you define God as 'an invisible pink unicorn in my fridge' and I prove it doesn't exist, then you say 'well maybe it isn't pink', then my proof is still valid but not for your new definition. This changing of the definition is the standard theist tactic for avoiding any proof against Gods existence. Simply manipulate the definition until it no longer fits the one that the proof was leveled against.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by sumydid
You can click on "search forums" and then in the content search box, type "prove+negative" and you'll get a whole bunch of data.
I am not going to bother. I don't really care who said it. But if any did say it and their statement is wrong, then why don't they prove the God of the Holy Bible does not exist? The answer is because He does exist and has created the heavens and the earth and living things on the earth and has also manifested Himself in the flesh as Christ Jesus as proof of His existence. Therefore, no one has an excuse for not believing. Their judgment is as sure as their death to the body.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
Maybe they have bribed the judge and the jury. 😀
No its worse than that, they have evidence and arguments and stand as the
only worthy judge too so they win in their own mind each time.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
But if any did say it and their statement is wrong, then why don't they prove the God of the Holy Bible does not exist?
It has been proven many times that he doesn't exist. The problem though is that the very fact that 'the God of the Holy Bible' doesn't exist posses a major problem when trying to prove that God doesn't exist.
You see, when I say 'the God of the Holy Bible' doesn't exist, I mean that because the definition is unclear or changing, it cannot refer to an actual entity. The definition is dependant on your particular interpretation of the Bible and even then you will change your interpretation when it suits you - thus changing the definition. Thus it is my claim that the definition itself does not actually exist.


24 Apr 05
19 Nov 12
1 edit

Originally posted by sumydid
I didn't say bbarr fits any description. I asked him a question. It's a perfectly logical, hypothetical question based on the pronounced beliefs of an Atheist vs. a believer.

His claim that he has proof that God doesn't exist quite obviously doesn't come in to play, as one cannot verifiably prove a negative. He has no absolute proof. You know it, I kn et back to reality....

Now if you'll excuse me, I asked bbarr a question...............
One sure as hell can "verifiably prove" a negative. Here's a very informal little essay that will help dispel your ignorance on this:

Anyhow, bbarr didn't claim to have "absolute proof" that your god doesn't exist. He claimed he knows that your god doesn't exist and that he has the arguments to back it up. And, again, he's correct about all that.

You can keep on sticking your head in the sand (and I'm sure that's just what you'll keep doing, given your track record) and pretending that strong atheists with respect to your god don't have a justified position. But that of course depends on their evidence and arguments, etc.


24 Apr 05
19 Nov 12
1 edit

Originally posted by sumydid
Problems for you maybe. Not me. What gives you the right to shift the burden of your problems on to my shoulders?

A "sound argument" does not a fact make. A negative can't be proven, no matter how much you personally desire such an outcome.

But, since you seem to think you have solid, verifiable *proof* that God doesn't exist--please, let's see it. I'll get my popcorn ready.
Again, you're just wrong about the whole "one cannot verifiably prove a negative" nonsense. Please educate yourself about such things before declaiming on them. This advice is for your own good, since you're making yourself look silly.


24 Apr 05
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by KellyJay
I would say no to that one, he may believe it isn't true, but he does not know.
What a shocker. Yeah, I know: we've debated your ideas on knowledge ad nauseam over the years.


24 Apr 05
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by KellyJay
Evidence and do you believe that people with both of those are
always right? Seriously there are many a court case where both side have
both evidence and arguments and even in our court system those we think win
the debate are NOT always right in the why are you so sure about
anyone with evidence and arguments being a clear winner?
Did I say that everyone who has an argument is thereby right? Of course not. So what on earth are you talking about? Arguments can be bad, sometimes outrageously bad. Others, though, are successful.

Of course, you and sumydid won't know if bbarr's arguments against the existence of your god are successful or not unless you bother to study them on their merits. Sumydid apparently doesn't think he needs to study them on their merits because he thinks "one cannot verifiably prove a negative". Hence he basically claims there can be no sound argument that shows his god doesn't exist. What a he does crack me up. 😵

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Nov 12
1 edit

Originally posted by LemonJello
What a shocker. Yeah, I know: we've debated your ideas on knowledge ad nauseam over the years.
True, but I've always, well almost always enjoyed them, for my part that is.


24 Apr 05
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by KellyJay
True, but I've always, well almost always enjoyed them, for my part that is.
Ha! I've enjoyed them too. 😀

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by wolfgang59
So according to you everyone is religious?
I believe we are all people of faith; however, that does not translate into all
people being religious since that requires people actually care about those
beliefs they have and some simply don't.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
19 Nov 12

Originally posted by RJHinds
I am not going to bother. I don't really care who said it. But if any did say it and their statement is wrong, then why don't they prove the God of the Holy Bible does not exist? The answer is because He does exist and has created the heavens and the earth and living things on the earth and has also manifested Himself in the flesh as Christ Jesus as proof ...[text shortened]... no one has an excuse for not believing. Their judgment is as sure as their death to the body.
Well one thing I will say about you, you are no Romney, no flip flopping about, one story and you stick with it.

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