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Billions Become New Jerusalem

Billions Become New Jerusalem


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03 Jan 13
02 Nov 17
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Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
The problem with the Trinity sir is that you have God talking to himself on the cross.

"My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" (Matthew 27:46)
You cannot believe that God became a man.
But look how the man lived.

You say "But this man said My God, My God Why have you forsaken Me?" . But He has told us that He came to bear our sins, our judgment by His death, that we might not be God forsaken.

The answer to why He is God forsaken is that you would not be forever. We are commanded to believe. We are not commanded to be able to explain the nature of the Uncreated and Eternal Life. How did He live? If you look into how He lived faith is supplied to come forward to Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior though He is mysterious.

You believe space is curved if a physicist tells you.
You believe some unusual things that I know you cannot explain.

You cannot define what TIME is.
But you know it when you see it.

I say if I can believe that God became a man and said "My God, My God Why have you forsaken Me." yet was also raised from the dead in victory, in vindication, in a display of God's utter approval of His act of obedience, I think you can believe also.

In myself, I don't have more faith than anyone else.
I draw near to Jesus because Jesus is believable.

Logically, you have a case. But you have to closely look at how this man lived. And thought with your reasoning you cannot grasp how God could become a man and be forsaken by God and raised too, His life testifies that He is God-man.

The deeper question is, is there some reason why you do not WANT Him to be Lord, Son of God, Savior for you?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Nov 17

God's eternal purpose for creating the universe was to build Himself into man for a corporate expression of the union of Divinity and humanity.

In other words, God intends to mass produce God-men, Jesus Christ being the Head, Originator, Firstborn Son, Pioneer, Captain of Salvation and leader into the Divine / Human mingling of God and man.

Some mysterious utterances of the Bible will show this.
Below, I expound on Revelation 2:17.

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna, and to him I will give a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives it."

What is the meaning of "the hidden manna".
You have to know Exodus.

What is the meaning of "a white stone" ?
And what is the meaning of such a stone with "a new name written" ?

And why does no one know that new name except him who receives it?
Latter I will expound on these things and you will perhaps see how they are related to the building of God city - "New Jerusalem", the consummation of God's plan and purpose in creation.

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03 Jan 13
04 Nov 17
2 edits

These words were spoken by the resurrected Christ to the church in Pergamos( Rev. 2:17) The church in Pergamos resided "where Satan's throne is" (v.13) .

" I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is ..."

God intends to build for Himself a living dwelling place where God dwells in His redeemed creature man. But temporarily the people dwell in the fallen worlds the place where God';s enemy has authority. Satan's throne is over the fallen sinful world.

Yet He promises to feed them with "the hidden manna"

"To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna ..." (v.17)

While in Egypt the Israelites ate the leeks, onions, and garlic of the Egyptians. When God brought the Hebrews OUT of Egypt to journey towards the Promised Land of Canaan He fed them with a new diet - "MANNA" from heaven. "Manna" literally means "What is It?". God changed what they ate to eat on miraculous food the came from the sky, from heaven - "manna".

They ate the "manna" for forty years. They ate until it got into their fibers and sinews. They ate until it completely saturated them. The Egyptian food was cut off and the p"What Is It?" from heaven fed them. It constituted them with a different element from the foods of the Egyptian kingdom.

The promised to feed the overcomers "the hidden manna" is a promise to constitute their beings with Christ. He is the true bread that came down out of heaven (see John 6).

The people held in the world where Satan's throne is will be saved by eating the living bread, the "manna" from heaven. This continued eating of "manna" will reconstitute them for the eternal building of God.

" Jesus therefore said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Moses has not given you the bread out of heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread out of heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world." (John 5:32,33)

Jesus taught that the "what is it?" the heavenly bread from heaven - "manna" pointed to the incarnation of God as a man. He comes to give divine life to believers out of the world.

"Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst." (v.35)

When a man is born again this divine and heavenly food is hidden in his deepest innermost spiritual being. Taking it in as "food" they will be satisfied and even reconstituted with a new element, so to speak, preparing them to go from being under Satan's throne to being the living house of God.

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03 Jan 13
04 Nov 17
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The worldly people do not understand what it is to take in Jesus. And the believers have a hard time describing it because it is mysterious like the "What Is It?" of the manna. But eating Jesus Christ will prepare the eater to be approved for the eternal dwelling place of God.

"To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna,

and to him I will give a white stone ..." (Rev. 2:17b)

White means approved, justified and made pure.
Stone means a part of the building of God.
Peter had his name changed from Simon Barjona to a stone. These meant that Jesus was in the process of transforming Peter into a stone for His church, His dwelling place.

We who believe follow Peter the stone to also be living stones built up into a spiritual house. This requires God's transformation to make us approved, fit, ready for the dwelling place of God in saved man.

Eating Christ as the mysterious and miraculous bread of heaven - the "manna" will eventually make one fit and approved for the building of God's eternal living dwelling place. He will eat the hidden Christ in his innermost being and be transformed by that Christ that he eats to be made "white" and approved for New Jerusalem.

" .. I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, ..."

The new name signifies transformation. God causes all things to work together for good to them who are called by Him to His eternal purpose. And all things, everything, each thing, because the believer loves God, is divinely engineered by God for her transformation into a stone for God's dwelling place.

" ... I will give a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives it."

Only the believer and Christ will know all that God had to bring him through in order to transform him. No one knows that transformation work except the one who has passed through all the personal things God engineered to transform him.

The trials, the difficulties, the blessings, the obstacles, the things to overcome, only are known to that one who with Jesus, has passed through the experiences. Of course the faithful God also knows. God knows exactly what He must do to transform a forgiven sinner to be a son of God.

He is saved to be conformed to the image of Christ and built up in love and oneness to be the habitation of God in spirit consummating in "New Jerusalem" - total victory over the fallen Satanic world.

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