Originally posted by robbie carrobieNo, I asked you out of the thousands of bible scholars out there, how many have corroborated Jason DeBuhn's opinions? Your answer is 'none as far as you are aware', is that right?
but you have not answered my questions , have you, you stated that there are
thousands of scholars who, apparently are able or otherwise to corroborate Dr
BeDhuns text, who are these thousands of scholars?
Originally posted by FMFwho are these thousands of scholars that is my question, you say they exist and are able to corroborate or not Dr. BeDhuns, text, who are they?
No, I asked you out of the thousands of bible scholars out there, how many have corroborated Jason DeBuhn's opinions? Your answer is 'none as far as you are aware', is that right?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThe Muratorian fragment mentions specifically that there are texts which are "forged in Paul's name to [further] the heresy of Marcion."
one only needs to examine the content, how does the content of Timothy and Titus
attest to their lack of genuineness
It is know there are forged texts and it is known there are genuine texts attributed to Paul. Now back to your statement earlier in the thread -
Its simply a nonsense to state that because a writer uses a different style, different vocabulary that it brings into suspicion the authorship.
It is definitely not a nonsense to question texts attributed to Paul if they are written in a differently style when it is known for a fact that writers were forging texts in his name.
As for your question, you're going to have to research that yourself. Although i sincerely doubt you will.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI asked you which ones corroborated DeBuhn's opinions and you said none. If you think there are not thousands of books written by thousands of bible scholars, then that is news to me, and perhaps a matter for you.
who are these thousands of scholars that is my question, you say they exist and are able to corroborate or not Dr. BeDhuns, text, who are they?
Originally posted by FMFI see, so a book looking at the specific translations of the English text found in eight
The veracity of ideas and opinions can be discussed without reading the books that propagate them, of course. You do it yourself, even with ideas that have been corroborated by thousands and thousands of scholars.
specific translations of the New testament can be discussed without actually having
read the work that seeks to examine them, tell us, how you propose to ascertain the
veracity or otherwise of Dr BeDhuns findings if you have not read his work on the
Originally posted by FMFI am asking you to produce five out of these thousands and make a recommendation, surely it should be an easy task for you?
I asked you which ones corroborated DeBuhn's opinions and you said none. If you think there are not thousands of books written by thousands of bible scholars, then that is news to me, and perhaps a matter for you.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieFMF is not questioning his findings. He's asking how many other Biblical scholars support DeBruhns assessment?
I see, so a book looking at the specific translations of the English text found in eight
specific translations of the New testament can be discussed without actually having
read the work that seeks to examine them, tell us, how you propose to ascertain the
veracity or otherwise of Dr BeDhuns findings if you have not read his work on the
Originally posted by Proper KnobHow many of those authors have undertaken to make an examination of different
Here's a list.
Biblical translations and produce a comparative evaluation as to the merits or otherwise
of said translations? It should be easy for you, you have thousand's to choose from.
Originally posted by Proper KnobI know what he is asking, let him cite five out of these thousands who can evaluate Dr
FMF is not questioning his findings. He's asking how many other Biblical scholars support DeBruhns assessment?
BeDhuns work, after all, I have only asked him five or six times to do so. surely they exist?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI don't know and i don't care. I'm not questioning his findings.
How many of those authors have undertaken to make an examination of different
Biblical translations and produce a comparative evaluation as to the merits or otherwise
of said translations? It should be easy for you, you have thousand's to choose from.