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Catholic Church Ruins Young Woman's Life

Catholic Church Ruins Young Woman's Life


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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing a wedding ring about becoming a nun?
The answer to your question is Yes, it is ethical.

Youre suffering from two ailments :
1. Lack of knowledge of the teachings of Paul and
2. PBitist.

1. This is fixable. Read 1 Cor 7. Paul said it is preferable not to get married and give your life to the Lord.
I Cor 7 : 7 Yet I would that all men were even as I myself. Howbeit each man hath his own gift from God, one after this manner, and another after that.
8 But I say to the unmarried and to widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

2. PBitist (pronounced 'pee bee eye tist'😉 is a disease which causes a person to behave like PrityBetta. Typical symptoms include (but not limited to) biasedness & twisting of the facts. In your case you clearly dont like Catholics so you pick on a trivial molehill of an issue and try to make a mountain of it. You might have had more luck discussing the improper behaviour of Catholic priests. Im not too sure PBitist is fixable.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
The answer to your question is Yes, it is ethical.

Youre suffering from two ailments :
1. Lack of knowledge of the teachings of Paul and
2. PBitist.

1. This is fixable. Read 1 Cor 7. Paul said it is preferable not to get married and give your life to the Lord.
I Cor 7 : 7 Yet I would that all men were even as I myself. Howbeit each man hath his own uck discussing the improper behaviour of Catholic priests. Im not too sure PBitist is fixable.
Did not Paul also say that wives should not divorce their husbands? Did he teach that there was an exception, that divorce is permissible if the wife to divorcing her husband to become a nun?

Did God not also command man to be fruitful and multiply?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Did not Paul also say that wives should not divorce their husbands? Did he teach that there was an exception, that divorce is permissible if the wife to divorcing her husband to become a nun?

Did God not also command man to be fruitful and multiply?
Thats it ! The disease PBitist has screwed up your ability to read and think and present the facts. Where in the story does it say the girl was already married? Or that the she was divorcing her husband to become a nun?

I wont bother to comment on your stupid point about .. 'fruitful and multiply'.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
Where in the story does it say the girl was already married? Or that the she was divorcing her husband to become a nun?.
I'm asking if it's ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing a wedding ring about becoming a nun.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
I'm asking if it's ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing a wedding ring about becoming a nun.
So this question has nothing to do with the initial story you posted. Correct?

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Originally posted by Rajk999
So this question has nothing to do with the initial story you posted. Correct?
It is very closely related both to the story and to Nordly's question the answer to which no1 is so eagerly awaiting.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
It is very closely related both to the story and to Nordly's question the answer to which no1 is so eagerly awaiting.
In the story the SINGLE girl was not happy with her life and the nun did very little to influence her. She had 'visions', and she felt that God was talking to her etc and it was her own decision. The nun in that case did nothing wrong.

I would agree that nobody should be the cause of a marriage breaking up.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
In the story the SINGLE girl was not happy with her life and the nun did very little to influence her. She had 'visions', and she felt that God was talking to her etc and it was her own decision. The nun in that case did nothing wrong.

I would agree that nobody should be the cause of a marriage breaking up.
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing a wedding ring about becoming a nun?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing a wedding ring about becoming a nun?
I would answer NO it is not ethical.

But if the nun knows that the woman is victim of abuse, or her husband is unfaithful, or similar circumstances exist, then my answer is YES.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
I would answer NO it is not ethical.

But if the nun knows that the woman is victim of abuse, or her husband is unfaithful, or similar circumstances exist, then my answer is YES.
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing an engagement ring about becoming a nun?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing an engagement ring about becoming a nun?
Probably not. What is the motivation for this question?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing an engagement ring about becoming a nun?
Married women cannot take vows, no matter how disastrous their marriage. The only exception is for unconsummated marriages, which are not technically marriages anyway.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing an engagement ring about becoming a nun?
YES. The words of Paul I quoted apply in my opinion.
The purpose of an engagement period is to get to know each other better before finally committing to marriage. Anyone of them is free to cancel the engagement and choose instead to give their life to God.

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Originally posted by Conrau K
He does not have a moral duty to sacrifice his life; he is only morally bound to avoid material cooperation in evil acts. From what I can make of the NYT article, he did not cooperate with the Hitler Youth. It is not even clear whether he enrolled himself, or whether the seminary or his school did.
You are mistaken. Membership in the Hitler Youth was not compulsory for teenagers in Germany in 1937 when Ratzinger joined. Even if his Catholic Youth group was merged with the Hitler Youth at that time (which is unclear), he could have left at any time prior to 1941. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hitleryouth.html

No one faced death for not joining the Hitler Youth but joining it was cooperating with the Nazis and by extension their evil acts. Thus, joining the Hitler Youth to avoid social consequences like possible ostracism by your Nazi age peers is reprehensible.

EDIT: To be fair, Ratzinger claims he did not join the HY until it was mandatory under the law. Whether he had a moral obligation to obey such a law is a rather serious question, however.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Is it ethical for a nun to approach a woman wearing an engagement ring about becoming a nun?
I assume this is a hypothetical as the story clearly states that the woman did not become engaged until after she was approached in the church:

When she was 21, Parra was invited to visit the Loreto order's house in Peru. Just before her departure, she became engaged to her boyfriend, though her doubts lingered.

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