@sonship I am not blaming God for anything. Our creator is necessarily good and without fault. I just don't worship a collection of literature written at a time mythological gods were popular. My statement was about the bible not God almighty. It is obviously written to control people and their beliefs. If you take your blinders off you will see it for yourself. The bible is neither good or evil it just is. I enjoy the stories and get more out of them than the churches would like. The serpent story is very interesting as is the whole bible. There is much to learn from it. The bible itself says that evil is Gods fault not me. The serpent story says listen to me about God instead of listening to God himself. And so you have the serpent alive today with all the religious nonsense and contradicting beliefs. Do you really believe God Almighty took a bet with the devil and allowed torture? Do you really believe God Almighty said populate the earth just to shut down efforts in a flood. How do you think the people felt watching their loved ones drown. How about the unborn as the temperature, oxygen, and nutrients plummet in their drown mothers. Is the god of the bible that cruel? Giving the god of the bible undue credit for the decision to genocide everyone but his favorites, why drowning? A God that can create the world certainly has the power to forgive freely don't you think? Did the god of Irael really want them to kill the men women and children but keep the virgin girls for themselves? Get to know God and you will like him much better than what men want you to believe. The parallels between Hitler and the false god of the bible are striking to say the least.