Before i asked is evolution a scientific fact? my explanation for very rief. What i was trying to stimulate was a discussion on poeples faith in a thoery (that is valid). However is seems to only be used as a refutatin of God. It is so stridently believed in a gospel reminiscent way that evolution is becoming a religion. You cannot ignore the statistical anomoly of evolution just to promote an atheistic argument. Evolution is not falsifiable along with creation theories if poeple place faith on them instead of reason. The Hebrews said the earth was enclosed by a dome of water with holes in it to cause rain. This is science in its lowest form. They inferred that because rain comes from the sky, the sky is the same colour as the ocean, hence there is an ocean in the sky. The real issue that must be addressed is, can evolution be solely responsible for lifes diversity?
I recognise evolution occurs, but i do not believe indpendently (that is improable), however i believe on reason not on faith. You can prove me wrong, attack me personally. Fair enough but at least give logic!Perhaps i have evolved to have an inferior intellect. So don't worry natural selection would probably kill my kind off in society. Question though, why are there so many stupid poeple then?
Originally posted by WulebgrThere is an entire world beyond your shores. The crteationist / evolution debate does not exist in the same way elsewhere. Where it does exist it is due to the influence of US funded evengeilsts trying to dumb the rest of the world down to their level.
Your statement should be true. Sadly, it is not. According to a CBS poll in November 2004, and referenced in this morning's newspaper as a sidebar to an article regarding secularist and religious conflict in contemporary politics:
55% of Americans believe God created humans in their present form
27% of Americans believe humans evolved under God's gui ...[text shortened]... onism should be taught in schools
37% believe creationism should be taught instead of evolution
Originally posted by Conrau KAs I said earlier in this thread, evolution does not require faith. People engaged in science do not argue that evolution is a refutation of god, only in the US has this arguement decended into hysteria.
Before i asked is evolution a scientific fact? my explanation for very rief. What i was trying to stimulate was a discussion on poeples faith in a thoery (that is valid). However is seems to only be used as a refutatin of God. It is so stridently believed in a gospel reminiscent way that evolution is becoming a religion. You cannot ignore the statistical an ...[text shortened]... robably kill my kind off in society. Question though, why are there so many stupid poeple then?
Originally posted by Conrau KNo one says science refutes God . What science does refute is literal reading of certain parts of the old testament, and Probably dents the claim that its God "inspired" and that ought to make you rejoyce knowing that God didnt tell Joshua to kill all the children in canaan.
I don't refute God or evolution but i do wonder the role evolution has.
Originally posted by AThousandYoung"Natural selection does not create the traits, but it does determine which traits accumulate in a species and which do not. Which organisms survive and which do not does have something to do with DNA. You are mistaken. "
[b]Natural selection does not cause anything to accumulate, that would
be stricly those rules/laws that have to do with what gets encoded
into DNA to stay. Natural selection has to do with what survives and
what dies, which does not again have anything to do with DNA.
Natural selection does not create the traits, but it does determine which ...[text shortened]... g else, a device could be made that could press keys and was triggered by the presence of light.[/b]
Again, no! Not at all, you have to show me first that these additional
pieces of DNA information for our new and improved systems and
organs actually accumulate within DNA to that degree. Simply seeing
changes does not mean that this is occurring! You can bread dogs to
get larger or smaller, long hair or short, these changes could very well
be mistaken for evolutionary change, but that does not mean that
you’re going to acquire a dog with wings that has the ability to fly by
additional information. I understand it is an evolutionary doctrine of
sorts, but I have never, ever seen it to the degree it is being
presented as turning a single cell creature into a fish or something
Originally posted by KellyJaydid you eversee this" U+0048,U+0065,U+006C,U+006C,U+0079 " ?
"Natural selection does not create the traits, but it does determine which traits accumulate in a species and which do not. Which organisms survive and which do not does have something to do with DNA. You are mistaken. "
Again, no! Not at all, you have to show me first that these additional
pieces of DNA information for our new and improved systems an ...[text shortened]... t is being
presented as turning a single cell creature into a fish or something
Originally posted by frogstompNo one? at all? I feel i have been scarified for my theism on this thread.
No one says science refutes God . What science does refute is literal reading of certain parts of the old testament, and Probably dents the claim that its God "inspired" and that ought to make you rejoyce knowing that God didnt tell Joshua to kill all the children in canaan.
Originally posted by Conrau KI have no problem with theism. However, your original post at the start of this thread asserted that you had "just completed a brief unit on genetis and remain sceptical about evolution." You appeared to be framing an honest question, and to be seeking open inquiry.
No one? at all? I feel i have been scarified for my theism on this thread.
Subsequently, you and others have deployed theism to distort evolution and stimulate the same old tired debate that has raged in the United States since prior to Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes (1925).
If your inquiry is honest, why do you persist in ignoring a fairly straightforward question?
Originally posted by Wulebgr
Where did you complete a course in genetics and fail to learn the difference between facts, hypotheses, and theories?
Originally posted by frogstompNonetheless, mutations (eg cancer, deformed babies) do not make anyone any happier or healthier.
[b]You have to understand, these guys have no clue to the use of the word theory '
The present state of affairs in science is rekindling the original Lamarckian evolution of changes being activity actuated. Which had been thought wrong because (under ferocious attack by religions) geneticists found that the DNA wasn't change ...[text shortened]... emporary victory of religion and the theory will once again be back on the right track.[/b
Originally posted by Daemon SinOhh yes of course, im just giving across my opinion, im sure youve realised that many people scorn creation here too.
Evolution isn't a 'way out' at all. No one knows the exact answer to where we came from (if we evolved or were created) so they look to find it. Some people whole heartedly believe they've found that answer with Religion, other people follow the factual path of science. Whatever their explenation they made the [b]choice they wanted with the ...[text shortened]... ur religion teaches you to respect people's free will and not to scorn other's beliefs![/b]
Anyway, you are right.
Originally posted by chinking58You are very correct.
No sir. A fact, especially in the sciences, must be testable or repeatable, to be taken as such.
Evolution stands as a valid theory, as does creationism, as a proposed explanation for the origin of man
Main Entry: fact
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum deed, real happening, something done, from neuter of factus, past par ...[text shortened]... f the evidence moves us....and then take the last step by faith. Ooops, I said the 'F' word!
Whatever you believe, the most important question to ask is:
Where here on earth, however we got here. We must make the best of it.
Bye 🙂
Originally posted by rwingettLikewise, with creation. Many points in favour but, hardly anyone takes the time to understand it.
Evolution is as close to being a proven fact as is possible. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence in its favor. Because you cannot comprehend how it works speaks more about your lack of understanding than about any shortcomings in evolution.
Hence my point above.