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Creationism Q and A

Creationism Q and A


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Originally posted by vivify
Was Adam created with genitals?
And if so why does God need genitals?

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Childbirth is painful because Eve disobeyed. Yes, Adam disobeyed too.
Time was not invented until the Creation, so it didn't seem so long.

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Why did God invent time?

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I guess to keep everything from happening at once?

I may have bitten off more than I can chew here.

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Instead of having Adam's children copulate with their siblings, why didn't God just make new women from Cain and Abel's ribs?

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I haven't thought it through that far.

A perfect creationist answer.

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Last one: how did the anaconda, which lives in South America, get there after the ark landed on Mt. Ararat?

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Floated there on a tree.

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Q: Where did the races of man come from?
A: Noah had a black son, a white son, and a Chinese son.
Q : Does the Bible say that?
A: No.

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Originally posted by vivify
Was Adam created with genitals?
He used dirt.

Although one could make a valid argument that some folks who frequent this forum act in a manner consistent with being made through the means of genitalia...

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Originally posted by vivify
Why did God invent time?
To give procrastination a purpose.

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Why did god create a serpent he KNEW was going mess with Adam and Eve, and then blame them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by vivify
Instead of having Adam's children copulate with their siblings, why didn't God just make new women from Cain and Abel's ribs?
Since you need about 100 individuals for a genetically viable population the Biblical story is at best incomplete. Which leads me to consider a paradox. They've committed the original sin and God has had them driven out of paradise, but despite this either produces new humans for Adam and Eve's children to breed with or protects them from the effects of inbreeding. Why?

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Originally posted by DeepThought
Since you need about 100 individuals for a genetically viable population the Biblical story is at best incomplete. Which leads me to consider a paradox. They've committed the original sin and God has had them driven out of paradise, but despite this either produces new humans for Adam and Eve's children to breed with or protects them from the effects of inbreeding. Why?
Radio's "Bible Answer Man" Hank Hanegraaf says it about like this: Adam and Eve had perfect DNA. After the Fall, DNA remained pretty darned good for generations, and near-perfect DNA allows inbreeding of siblings without producing crummy offspring. DNA got worse from generation to generation, such that at some point the Lord outlawed incest.

Don't shoot me; I'm just the messenger. 🙂

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