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Creationism Q and A

Creationism Q and A


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Originally posted by catstorm
Thou shalt not steal. Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis has refuted this thief more effectively than I can. I gave you Billy Graham and all you can scrape up is a crook for whom other creationists have even more contempt than I do? You would only respond the way you always do. "It depends on what your definition of 'refute' is". Liar and thief Kent Hovind? ...[text shortened]... d? The evolutionists will rest easy tonight. I can't wait to tell my students. Kent Hovind???
Oh, there are many others, but I just like the way he presents the material. He must have been one of the better teachers when he was teaching science. I thought he was very good in pointing out all the lies supporting evolution in the textbooks. If you were brave enough you would show some of his videos to your students and tell them where he goes wrong. Don't you think that would reinforce the truth? You should be able to make that part of science very entertaining for your students. ๐Ÿ˜

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Originally posted by RJHinds
If you were really interested you would have looked at his videos. ๐Ÿ˜

I do show my students creationist literature and they are able to explode their bad logic with no help from me. We don't give astrologers equal time in the astronomy lab or holocaust deniers equal time in a history class. A publication called 'The Genesis Foundation' by Ken Ham which calls American Indians ' degenerated' was very useful in educating my largely Native student body. When you receive your Henry Morris book will you 'refute' it or laugh at it for the foolishness that it is? Please keep the crackpot literature coming, creationists. I use it to promote evolution.

Yes, I will show them the video, and Morris' book. Though neither of them belong in a science setting, we will inoculate them against the Hovinds of the world. I would like to debate him publicly when he is done showering with his fellow criminals. Or maybe a group of hoboes from the train yard, if they are not busy with other projects.

Originally posted by catstorm
Yes, I will show them the video, and Morris' book. Though neither of them belong in a science setting, we will inoculate them against the Hovinds of the world. I would like to debate him publicly when he is done showering with his fellow criminals. Or maybe a group of hoboes from the train yard, if they are not busy with other projects.
I woild like to see such a debate. However, I doubt that you would stand much of a chance. ๐Ÿ˜

Originally posted by RJHinds
I woild like to see such a debate. However, I doubt that you would stand much of a chance. ๐Ÿ˜
Since you self-lobotomized your brain decades ago, nothing ANYONE could say about evolution would be true in your bible addled brain.

Talk about a waste of intellectual energy, you are the poster boy for that waste.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I woild like to see such a debate. However, I doubt that you would stand much of a chance. ๐Ÿ˜
Hovind's debating skills did not help him against the Prosecutor. I believe I would defeat him as easily as I defeated you, though his cellmate/boyfriend would likely take his side. Next topic?

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Q: Are the dancing mountains in Psalm 114 intended to be understood literally or as poetry? If not literally, why not?
A: In my opinion, they are meant non-literally, a common device used in Jewish literature.

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Originally posted by catstorm
Q: Are the dancing mountains in Psalm 114 intended to be understood literally or as poetry? If not literally, why not?
A: In my opinion, they are meant non-literally, a common device used in Jewish literature.
Psalm means song. All songs are written to be sung and are therefore usually written in poetic form that rhymes. But a song can also tell of a story that really happened and this story tells of the miracle Exodus from Eqypt.

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The dancing mountains may be a way of expressing the joy of the Israelites'
deliverance from slavery. Many Bible scholars believe that the Creation account in Genesis is a poem refuting false gods, that the sun, moon, stars etc. are not gods at all, but were created by the one true God. Scientists have made many mistakes, yes, but interpreters of the Bible have too. It seems arrogant to me when someone announces that this verse is literal and that one obviously is not.

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Originally posted by catstorm
The dancing mountains may be a way of expressing the joy of the Israelites'
deliverance from slavery. Many Bible scholars believe that the Creation account in Genesis is a poem refuting false gods, that the sun, moon, stars etc. are not gods at all, but were created by the one true God. Scientists have made many mistakes, yes, but interpreters of the Bib ...[text shortened]... arrogant to me when someone announces that this verse is literal and that one obviously is not.
In my case, it is not arrogance, but only common sense. ๐Ÿ˜

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Young Earth Creationists say that the days of creation must be literal 24 hour days because that is the ordinary, plain meaning of the word 'day'. Jesus, 2000 years ago told his followers that he was coming again 'soon'. 2000 years is not the ordinary, plain meaning of the word 'soon'. Why don't you believe that the mountains danced? The Bible says so. Are you calling God a liar?

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Two last questions for now. If you were to divide the literally-meant verses in the Bible from those that are to be taken figuratively, is it possible that you might be wrong about any of them? When you say common sense do you mean infallibility?

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Originally posted by catstorm
Hovind's debating skills did not help him against the Prosecutor. I believe I would defeat him as easily as I defeated you, though his cellmate/boyfriend would likely take his side. Next topic?
What's with the references to sexual orientation, catstorm?

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Originally posted by catstorm
The dancing mountains may be a way of expressing the joy of the Israelites'
deliverance from slavery. Many Bible scholars believe that the Creation account in Genesis is a poem refuting false gods, that the sun, moon, stars etc. are not gods at all, but were created by the one true God. Scientists have made many mistakes, yes, but interpreters of the Bib ...[text shortened]... arrogant to me when someone announces that this verse is literal and that one obviously is not.
"The hills are alive,
With the sound of music
With songs they have sung
For a thousand years

The hills fill my heart,
With the sound of music
My heart wants to sing
Every song it hears

My heart wants to beat
Like the wings of the birds
That rise from the lake to the trees

My heart wants to sigh
Like a chime that flies
From a church on a breeze

To laugh like a brook
When it trips and falls
Over stones on its way
To sing through the night
Like a lark
Who is learning to pray

I go to the hills
When my heart is lonely
I know I will hear
What I've heard before
My heart will be blessed,
With the sound of music
And I'll sing once more."

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