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Creationism Q and A

Creationism Q and A


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Originally posted by JS357
What's with the references to sexual orientation, catstorm?
I am emphasizing in my own subtle way that Kent Hovind, champion of creationism, is in prison for fraud. Whether he is gay or not, involved in a prison romance or not is really no business of mine. I withdraw the statement and apologize to anyone I have offended. (Nice poem by the way). I do not believe that the mountains literally danced, but that this was a figure of speech.

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Originally posted by catstorm
Young Earth Creationists say that the days of creation must be literal 24 hour days because that is the ordinary, plain meaning of the word 'day'. Jesus, 2000 years ago told his followers that he was coming again 'soon'. 2000 years is not the ordinary, plain meaning of the word 'soon'. Why don't you believe that the mountains danced? The Bible says so. Are you calling God a liar?
The New American Standard Bible translates that as "quickly" instead of "soon" so perhaps it does not mean "soon" at all. That is, when He does come, It will happen quickly.

However, even Jewish Rabbis that knows the Hebrew have stated that "YOM" in Genesis One means a literal 24 hour day because each day is numbered and consists of an evening and morning. Besides that the fourth commandment depends on the six days of creation as being literal 24 hour days because that is the amount of time allowed for the Sabbath observence for the seventh day.

Exodus 20:8-11 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.

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Originally posted by catstorm
Two last questions for now. If you were to divide the literally-meant verses in the Bible from those that are to be taken figuratively, is it possible that you might be wrong about any of them? When you say common sense do you mean infallibility?
It is common sense to me that we all can be wrong on a number of things, since none of us are infallible. 😏

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Originally posted by catstorm
Hovind's debating skills did not help him against the Prosecutor. I believe I would defeat him as easily as I defeated you, though his cellmate/boyfriend would likely take his side. Next topic?
Court trials are not conducted as a debate. Prosecutors would never allow a defendant to debate them. The Prosecutor is trying to get a conviction because a conviction is a win for the prosecutor.

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Originally posted by catstorm
I am emphasizing in my own subtle way that Kent Hovind, champion of creationism, is in prison for fraud. Whether he is gay or not, involved in a prison romance or not is really no business of mine. I withdraw the statement and apologize to anyone I have offended. (Nice poem by the way). I do not believe that the mountains literally danced, but that this was a figure of speech.
Those are the lyrics of Oscar Hammerstein in the play/movie The Sound of Music.

Just to show that hills can be alive if you play them music. It says so in the song.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
It is common sense to me that we all can be wrong on a number of things, since none of us are infallible. 😏
Thank you for that. This means that you may be wrong about speciation, literalness of Genesis etc. and so may I.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Court trials are not conducted as a debate. Prosecutors would never allow a defendant to debate them. The Prosecutor is trying to get a conviction because a conviction is a win for the prosecutor.
A better example would have been Kent Hovind debating Ken Ham, who are bitterly divided. No matter who won, it would not disprove creationism because one creationist would win and one would lose.

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Originally posted by JS357
Those are the lyrics of Oscar Hammerstein in the play/movie The Sound of Music.

Just to show that hills can be alive if you play them music. It says so in the song.
Yes, thank you. I trust we will not have to debate whether 'the hills are alive' is intended to be taken literally and whether geology textbooks will need to be revised.

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Q: Creationists make the mistake of thinking there are only two players in the game, Evolution and Creation. If evolution was proved wrong tomorrow which Creator would replace it in the textbooks? God? Allah? Bramah? Odin? And who would decide?
A: I have no answer for this. Anyone?

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There is a great deal of disagreement among Rabbis as to the correct meaning of 'yom' in the context of Genesis 1, and about every other word. The Rabbi of the local Conservative synagogue interprets it as 'period of time'.

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Originally posted by catstorm
Q: Creationists make the mistake of thinking there are only two players in the game, Evolution and Creation. If evolution was proved wrong tomorrow which Creator would replace it in the textbooks? God? Allah? Bramah? Odin? And who would decide?
A: I have no answer for this. Anyone?
None of them, obviously. We would look for another scientific explanation that was backed by evidence, not holy books.

Originally posted by catstorm
There is a great deal of disagreement among Rabbis as to the correct meaning of 'yom' in the context of Genesis 1, and about every other word. The Rabbi of the local Conservative synagogue interprets it as 'period of time'.
Yes, of course. Yom means day. One of the meanings of day is 'a period of time'. However, in the context of Genesis one in which each day is numbered and consists of an evening and morning just like every other 24 hour day of the week in a Jewish calendar, and the seventh day is described as a Sabbath day of rest for God as well as man, it should be obvious that 'a period of time' is 24 hours for each numbered day of that seven day week.

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Originally posted by catstorm
Q: Creationists make the mistake of thinking there are only two players in the game, Evolution and Creation. If evolution was proved wrong tomorrow which Creator would replace it in the textbooks? God? Allah? Bramah? Odin? And who would decide?
A: I have no answer for this. Anyone?
Evolution cannot be disproved.

It could be found to be incomplete, or insufficient, but it cannot be disproven any more.

Because it's BEEN proven.

Originally posted by catstorm
A better example would have been Kent Hovind debating Ken Ham, who are bitterly divided. No matter who won, it would not disprove creationism because one creationist would win and one would lose.
I don't know what you could mean by being bitterly divided. A minor disagreement here or there does not equate into being bitterly divided. Ken Ham is also a young earth creationist.


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Originally posted by googlefudge
Evolution cannot be disproved.

It could be found to be incomplete, or insufficient, but it cannot be disproven any more.

Because it's BEEN proven.
That is where you are wrong. Evolution has been disproven.

Evolution Demolition

Evolution is Wrong: Darwinism Exposed

The Death of Darwinism: The New Evolutionism - Soft Tissue Dinosaurs, etc. - Dr. G. Charles Jackson

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