Moving on.
Praying while reading the Scriptures is something many believers do rather unconsciously. They do so with not much thought of it being a method.
It doesn't hurt to encourage Christ not just to stumble upon the benefit of mixing reading with praying but deliberately set aside some time to do so.
As David said the precepts of God can make the believer's heart rejoice.
"The precept of Jehovah are right making the heart joyous." (Psa. 19:8)
When you are troubled and in difficulty stop thinking about your circumstances so much. That may make you feel more down and out, suppressed and "under it".
Instead take some comforting passage from the Bible and pray-read it for a little while. In the midst of difficulties your heart will be made joyful. Faith comes by hearing. And hearing by the word of Christ. The joy of God's truthful and trustworthy word will cause your heart to rejoice. You can be victorious over anxiety.
David only had the Hebrew Scriptures. But look how he regarded them.
"The commandment of the Jehovah is clear, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of Jehovah is pure, enduring forever.
The judgments of Jehovah are truth and altogether righteous.
More to be desired are they than gold, Even much fine gold.
Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb." (Psa. 19:8-10)
Praying over the Scriptures is like finding gold and tasting sweet honey.
@sonship saidHmm, sounds kind of materialistic and beholden to dopamine rewards.
Praying over the Scriptures is like finding gold and tasting sweet honey.
"It's a trap!"
@sonship saidTYPO:
Moving on.
Praying while reading the Scriptures is something many believers do rather unconsciously. They do so with not much thought of it being a method.
It doesn't hurt to encourage Christ not just to stumble upon the benefit of mixing reading with praying but deliberately set aside some time to do so.
As David said the precepts of God can m ...[text shortened]... (Psa. 19:8-10)[/b]
Praying over the Scriptures is like finding gold and tasting sweet honey.
I meant "It doesn't hurt to encourage Christians . . .".
I did not mean "It doesn't hurt to encourage Christ . . . ".
Somebody can rebuke me real good for not better checking my posts.
@sonship saidMoving on.
Rather than lock everyone into ONLY Witness Lee's utterances, Witness Lee strongly encouraged Christians everywhere to PRAY and READ the Bible to
receive direct nourishment from the Holy Spirits illuminating the words of Scripture to the seeking heart.
Witness Lee did however describe his own utterances as "High peak truths."
So let's be clear about this. In typical charlatan style, Witness Lee described established Christianity as being an organization of Satan and that his own words were 'High peak truths' supplanting what came before.
Moving on.
Praying over the word of God must be similar to what God commanded Joshua.
The words of God should not depart from Joshua's mouth in order that he might have great success in entering into the promised land.
" . . . This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth. but you shall muse upon it day and night so that you may be certain to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success." (Joshua 1:8)
This is still good advice for New Testament believers. Imagine that. We have one nutty poster here who hates that lovers of God would use their MOUTHS in the life of loving God with all their heart, mind, strength, and soul.
But God said His word should NOT DEPART FROM YOUR MOUTH. Don't let Rajk999 read that.
Praying and reading - reading and praying over God's word will strengthen the Christian that she or he may have success in living through Jesus. Pray-reading is one way to make our spiritual way "prosperous" and have success in living a blended life with the Holy Spirit.
That is reading His word, praying His word, singing His word, and musing over His word. That in such enjoyment His word may not depart from our MOUTH and fill our hearts with its truth and power.
Moving on.
Here is a classic hymn on receiving the word of God with a prayerful "Amen".
You may learn the tune here:
If from the world you’re longing to be free,
Amen the Word of God!
If you would live in all reality,
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word receiving, His Word believing,
Amen the Word of God!
Praying "Amen" to the word of God is liberating.
If you're longing for freedom from the addictions of the fallen word learn to
AMEN the words of promises in the Bible.
Continuing onward and upward with this classic hymn.
We can learn to Amen the word of God in prayer - line by line.
Here is the tune to this song.
Here is verses two and three:
If with your sin and self you would be through,
Amen the Word of God!
If you would let the Lord your mind renew,
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word is living, life-power giving—
Amen the Word of God!
Christ as the land of Canaan is our lot—
Amen the Word of God!
If you would enter, harden not your heart—
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word discerns us, all that concerns us—
Amen the Word of God!
The word of God is living and operative. It is a living sword discerning, piercing down into our innermost heart. It slays germs. It cleanses thought life. It nourishes the hunger for the spiritual.
Let loud and proud Bible doubter stay right there in his spiritual coma. No need to wake him up. Just step right over him. Step over and keep moving toward the kingdom of God!
Christ is coming and we all can prepare to meet Him by taking in the word of God.
Jesus is coming, now He’s on His way—
Amen the Word of God!
Would you be ready if He comes today—
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word prepares us, to Jesus bears us—
Amen the Word of God!
I am preparing to meet the Lord Jesus by daily spending some moments reading, praying over His words. Even just a few minutes each morning warms my heart up to love the Son of God.
I double checked Joshua 1, the whole chapter. I couldn't find anything teaching that God was invented by people. Ghost of a Duke must be worse than a false prophet!
Anyway, it behooves the man preparing for the kingdom to assimilate the word of God. Christ returns with the accolade that He is the Word of God.
"And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sits on it called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. And His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems, and He has a name written which no one knows but Himself . . . and His name is called the Word of God." (Rev. 19:11-13)
Learning to assimilate the word of God will prepare us to meet the returning Lord Jesus who is coming as "the Word of God".
Hmm, sounds kind of materialistic and beholden to dopamine rewards.
"It's a trap!"
Actually, the ever candid, ever honest Bible tells us that sometimes the word will be sweet to the taste but bitter when it is experienced, or digested more inwardly.
"And I went to the Angel and told Him to give me the little scroll. And He said to me, Take it and devour it, and it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey." (Rev. 10:9)
Sometimes the word of God will be sweet in our reading. But when God wroughts into our being the experiences necessary to make that truth a part of our being, something of the cross operates in us. That means some old habits, old self, old living is terminated. We may have to part with something as He adds His truth into our soul.
I believe this is the meaning of John's words in Revelation 10:8-10
"And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the Angel and devoured it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth, and when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter.
And they said to me, You must prophecy again over many peoples and nations and tongues and kings." (vs.10,11)
@sonship saidThere is nothing in Joshua 1:8 that tells Christians to take up pray reading. This only emanates from the false prophet Witness Lee and his resident mouthpiece.
I double checked Joshua 1, the whole chapter. I couldn't find anything teaching that God was invented by people. Ghost of a Duke must be worse than a false prophet!
I did not say pray-reading per se was mentioned in Joshua.
I applied the principle of not letting the word of God depart from our mouths by employing pray-reading.
You're idiotically nit-picky to think a Christian cannot refer to a passage to make application of some thing.
I wrote:
Praying over the word of God must be similar to what God commanded Joshua.
The words of God should not depart from Joshua's mouth in order that he might have great success in entering into the promised land.
" . . . This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth. but you shall muse upon it day and night so that you may be certain to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success." (Joshua 1:8)
This is still good advice for New Testament believers.
Did I say Witness Lee said "pray-reading" is specifically mentioned in Joshua 1:8?
Nice try.
I wrote:
But God said His word should NOT DEPART FROM YOUR MOUTH. Don't let Rajk999 read that.
Praying and reading - reading and praying over God's word will strengthen the Christian that she or he may have success in living through Jesus. Pray-reading is one way to make our spiritual way "prosperous" and have success in living a blended life with the Holy Spirit.
On second thought, it was not a nice try on your part. It was a lousy one.
"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall muse upon it day and night so that you may be certain to do according to all . . . etc. etc. etc." (Joshua 1:8)
Now musing is mentioned in that passage per se.
Pray-reading is one way to "muse" over the word of God.
I encouraged believers to include musing in their praying over the Scripture and to be inspired by the example of God's instructions to Joshua.
@sonship saidGoodness me, the lies keep coming. You wrote:
I did not say pray-reading per se was mentioned in Joshua.
'Praying over the word of God must be similar to what God commanded Joshua.'
This was a complete and shameful misrepresentation of scripture.
@sonship saidIdiocy is posting 3 consecutive posts in a single minute comprising of 55 lines of text and claiming it was original and not an unsourced copy and paste.
You're idiotically nit-picky to think a Christian cannot refer to a passage to make application of some thing.