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Did it ever rain before Noah's flood?

Did it ever rain before Noah's flood?



16 Feb 08
10 Jul 20
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@indonesia-phil said
As I recall from my Sunday school 'lessons', the story goes that there were animals in Noah's ark? Now, listen carefully; some animals eat other animals, and these are called carnivores. (Lions and so on) but some animals only eat green stuff, you know, grass, leaves and such. A deer would be an example of this, and these are called herbivores. The grass and trees whic ...[text shortened]... mals. I know this is all very scientific and complicated, but do try the best you can to understand.
If, as is being proposed, there was no actual rain, this does not negate the opportunity for vegetation. In the “no rain” scenario the “waters above the firmament” would be a atmospheric canopy of air and evaporated (or whatever) water suspended up there as a dense cloud cover. Trillions and trillions of litres of the stuff possibly creating a sub tropical climate over most of the earth which was rich vegetation watered by condensation. Horrible humidity.

Perhaps a massive meteor hits the earth causing all types of crust upheaval and sends dust up into the atmosphere. The water condenses onto the dust and a deluge comes down.

A bit SiFi but fun to think about.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
11 Jul 20
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@divegeester said
If, as is being proposed, there was no actual rain, this does not negate the opportunity for vegetation. In the “no rain” scenario the “waters above the firmament” would be a atmospheric canopy of air and evaporated (or whatever) water suspended up there as a dense cloud cover. Trillions and trillions of litres of the stuff possibly creating a sub tropical climate over m ...[text shortened]... e. The water condenses onto the dust and a deluge comes down.

A bit SiFi but fun to think about.
Gen 1:2 says: "Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters."

So at one point the earth was covered with water. No land yet.

Verses 6 & 7 says: Then God said: “Let there be an expanse between the waters, and let there be a division between the waters and the waters. 7 Then God went on to make the expanse and divided the waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the expanse. And it was so."

Now Jehovah divided the waters on the earth. Some went up into the atmosphere, some stayed on the earth. The water that Jehovah moved up was the water canopy that he later had to use during the flood.
The original purpose of this upper water layer or cloud layer was to act as a hot house to keep the earth in a condition that the vast majority could grow an abundance of food, unlike today where there are too many extremes that make much of the earth unsuitable for even a modest area of plants to grow.
Also humans were now exposed to the dangers of direct sunlight with it's dangers.

The point being made here is this was done by Jehovah as the bible says later he decided to use the upper cloud cover to be a major cause of the flood during Noah's day. Not a meteorite.

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