14 Dec 22
@chaney3 saidI don’t either, but everything can be questioned. Today many don’t know what bathrooms they should go in, so if you don’t want something to be true any excuse will do.
There appears to be enough reasonable doubt about how, when, and who wrote the New Testament.
Yet, the Bible is supposed to be our direct influence from God. I don't think that a God who wants us to know Him would create a book with so much unknowns attached to it.
@kellyjay saidKellyJay, have you ever questioned the authenticity of the Bible?
I don’t either, but everything can be questioned. Today many don’t know what bathrooms they should go in, so if you don’t want something to be true any excuse will do.
If you say no, it would likely be dishonest.
15 Dec 22
@chaney3 saidPutting your faith in something or someone is trusting when you have doubts, being
KellyJay, have you ever questioned the authenticity of the Bible?
If you say no, it would likely be dishonest.
able to question is a must or you are not thinking about it. Being 100% certain about
anything is a rare thing, outside of death and taxes, even walking across the ground
can cause you to sink unexpectedly as I found out in Alaska when a hole suddenly
showed up where I was.
@divegeester saidFor you it is, and for others, it may not be, wouldn't that simply be only your
It is for me, yes.
opinion not a real statement of truth?
15 Dec 22
@divegeester saidThe world is free to pick and choose what it wants to believe in, I've given you the
For the 35th time;
Other than your handed down and deeply held personal belief; do you have any evidence at all that the bible is the complete, exclusive, inerrant word of God?
If not why should anyone believe your assertions and appeals to authority?
reasons I believe and have continued to do so, with all of your inconsistencies.
@kellyjay saidAh yes, so we return to the narcissistic part of your Christianity. You believe that your personal opinion about "evidence" that's good enough for you saves you from the eternal torture that you believe other people ~ who don't share your personal opinion ~ deserve!
The world is free to pick and choose what it wants to believe in, I've given you the
reasons I believe and have continued to do so, with all of your inconsistencies.
Christianity = misanthropy + narcissism.
Every human deserves to be tortured for eternity [misanthropy] but your personal opinions about [1] yourself and [2] your personal torturer God figure mean that you will have everlasting life in paradise [narcissism].
@kellyjay saidI’m not asking for the “reasons you believe”, I’m asking you for possibly the 36th time …
The world is free to pick and choose what it wants to believe in, I've given you the
reasons I believe and have continued to do so, with all of your inconsistencies.
Other than your handed down and deeply held personal belief; do you have any evidence at all that the bible is the complete, exclusive, inerrant word of God?
15 Dec 22
@divegeester saidYou pick and choose what you like about scripture, so no, you are wrong, we do
It’s my personal opinion about that verse; same as you have your personal opinions about the bible.
not view it the same way. It is the Word of God I don't play around with trying to
pick the parts I like and don't like, as you do.
@divegeester saidYou have no idea what faith and trust are, you also don't even grasp the meaning
I’m not asking for the “reasons you believe”, I’m asking you for possibly the 36th time …
Other than your handed down and deeply held personal belief; do you have any evidence at all that the bible is the complete, exclusive, inerrant word of God?
of your own answers sometimes let alone the Bible, or what someone else says to
15 Dec 22
@divegeester saidJust a heads up, since this is where you appear to be most confused and unable
It’s my personal opinion about that verse; same as you have your personal opinions about the bible.
to grasp reality. Your opinion and my opinion are not what is important here it
is the reality of God's Word, you make opinions on par with reality, they are only
how we view it, not what it is.