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Dive, FMF, KellyJay thread

Dive, FMF, KellyJay thread




Yes, and our opinions and the truth are two different things! Our opinions don’t change truth, they can only do two things, three if you punt, agree or disagree.

The gospel of Jesus Christ according to John was either written by John or someone else. Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh who came into the world to save us from our sins or not. The Bible is the Word of God or not.

We can be corrected with truth saying that something is your truth is calling your opinions the truth because they are your opinions, then you in error do the same to others. Deny something is now no big deal all that is required is a second opinion.


1 edit

If we are talking about the Bible and we are offering different opinions about it, saying we are offering different opinions about it, is not an argument solution.

The one who is closer to the truth about the Bible is the one closer to the truth. If we are talking about the authors of the gospels, the one closest to getting it right will be. If there is a binary question that we split opinions on, the right answer can only be with one, truth doesn’t contradict itself, falsehood and people do.



Yes, not because it’s my opinion, I don’t believe that you accept the scripture as from God, that puts you are all over the place, this part is from God, that isn’t. You are without a sure foundation.


@kellyjay said
Yes, not because it’s my opinion, I don’t believe that you accept the scripture as from God, that puts you are all over the place, this part is from God, that isn’t.
Why is it your opinion that it's all "from God"?



I know, according to you, it is all about me and you, you are so stuck on yourself
that you leave out the relevance of the text itself, the very topic of most importance
because it is the Word of God that matters. Your arrogance has you fixated on what
is relevant to you, and that only. You are also not the only one who thinks that so
you have company.


Nothing that can get past your love of yourself.


@kellyjay said
I know, according to you, it is all about me and you, you are so stuck on yourself
that you leave out the relevance of the text itself, the very topic of most importance
because it is the Word of God that matters. Your arrogance has you fixated on what
is relevant to you, and that only.
Oh, the irony.

Your personal opinions are "all about you" as well.

Gosh, this riff of yours - that your personal opinions are somehow not personal opinions - is so feeble, but you just don't seem to realize.




If we were arguing over driving over a cliff, your failure to address the reality of the
cliff to continue to remind me it was my opinion there was a cliff ahead would be
no different than what we are doing here. The reality, not the fact we have different
opinions is what we are talking about, and once you find yourself with undeniable
proof, as you go flying off the cliff, will turn all opinions of the cliff into something
meaningless, reality doesn't bend due to our opinions. I'm discussing God and
the Bible, you're discussing me and you, get over yourself.


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