DNA Prove's Obama is a Foreign Citizen
Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate has been almost universally deemed a forgery, long before Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio's forensic examination found it to be created digitally and never having existed in paper form. Without even a digital examination, it is obvious it is a cut-and-paste job, with at least eight different typewriter fonts.
Originally posted by RJHindsWhat exactly is a 'foreign citizen'?
DNA Prove's Obama is a Foreign Citizen
And do you honestly believe that americans have a special marker in their DNA granting them citizenship?
I must go and get my DNA checked now, I might be Swedish and just not know it!
Does his DNA also say 'Muslim' somewhere in it?
24 Jun 15
Originally posted by wolfgang59I thought I was still on the Debates Forum, but it might have something to do with spirituality too. Who knows?
And what exactly has this rubbish got to do with Spirituality?
Perhaps God has made Obamas DNA "look like" he is not a citizen?
To test the faithful.
Perhaps Satan changed Obamas DNA?
To tempt people like you?
Perhaps Obama's Fairy Godmother will turn the White House back into a pumpkin.
Originally posted by twhiteheadCheck out the video before jumping to conclusions.
What exactly is a 'foreign citizen'?
And do you honestly believe that americans have a special marker in their DNA granting them citizenship?
I must go and get my DNA checked now, I might be Swedish and just not know it!
Does his DNA also say 'Muslim' somewhere in it?
25 Jun 15
Originally posted by RJHindsYes. Maybe. Some people on the Spirituality Forum, with just a certain brand of Christian religious fervour, mixed with a certain brand of American domestic political fervour, are transformed into relentlessly poisonous buffoons, and it has absolutely nothing to do with DNA. 😉
I thought I was still on the Debates Forum, but it might have something to do with spirituality too. Who knows?
Originally posted by FMFBarrack Obama a.k.a Barry soetoro was indoctrinated from the age of 10 to 18 with communist propaganda by Frank Marshall Davis and is probably the major father figure that Obama is referring to in his book Dreams From My Father. Frank Marshall Davis may not be Obama's real father, but he is difinitely Obama's political and ideological father.
Yes. Maybe. Some people on the Spirituality Forum, with just a certain brand of Christian religious fervour, mixed with a certain brand of American domestic political fervour, are transformed into relentlessly poisonous buffoons, and it has absolutely nothing to do with DNA. 😉
Speaking to the crowd, Obama reveals that "Frank," whom he mentions "schooled" him on how to "get used to" white racism, is really Frank Marshall Davis.
Davis was known as a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA; according to a Breitbart report, he was also on the federal government's Security Index during the Cold War era for his extreme politics. The report explains that because Davis was on that list, "he could have been immediately arrested" if war broke out between the Soviet Union and America.
"Frank" is mentioned throughout Obama's book. Curiously, in the abridged audio version of Dreams from My Father released in 2005, the year Obama began his Senate career, all mentions of his mentor were scrubbed.
Dreams From My Real Father: The Intimate Ann Dunham - Frank Marshall Davis Relationship
Michelle Obama Saying That Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) Was Born In Kenya
Barack Obama Admits he was born in Kenya Speech
2016 Obama plans to take America down
Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeObama has been committing fraud for a long time and very few people seem to care. He should not have been allowed to run for president by the DNC because he was not a natural born citizen as the law requires. But the Democrates are ruled by the liberals and they don't care as long as they can win. The end justifies the means to them and all communists and socialists.
Your President is black dude; deal with it.
25 Jun 15
Originally posted by RJHindsMr Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961 and Hawaii has had full statehood within the U.S.A. since 1959.
Obama has been committing fraud for a long time and very few people seem to care. He should not have been allowed to run for president by the DNC because he was not a natural born citizen as the law requires. But the Democrates are ruled by the liberals and they don't care as long as they can win. The end justifies the means to them and all communists and socialists.
Originally posted by RJHindsYour self appointed ability to determine what is fake and what is genuine really is quite laughable. You simply believe anything that supports your narrow minded view of the world.
If you had looked at my original post you would have known that the birth certificate was a fake. 😏
"Can't possibly accept a black President. What? He's not actually an American you say?...I knew it."
Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeThen tell me why would Obama say he was born in Kenya in that speech? And why would his wife claim Kenya as his homeland in her speech?
Your self appointed ability to determine what is fake and what is genuine really is quite laughable. You simply believe anything that supports your narrow minded view of the world.
"Can't possibly accept a black President. What? He's not actually an American you say?...I knew it."
Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate
WND has also reported that Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008, has maintained that there is no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate on file with the Hawaii Department of Health and that neither Honolulu hospital – Queens Medical Center or Kapiolani Medical Center – has any record that Obama was born there.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2011/01/252833/#iE4gKuzCIIAo6dp5.99
Hawaii Elections Official Swears That No Obama Long Form Birth Certificate Exists
Originally posted by RJHindsHe didn't. She didn't.
Then tell me why would Obama say he was born in Kenya in that speech? And why would his wife claim Kenya as his homeland in her speech?
You can't just pluck things out of context and then construct your own reality. What are you, a creationist?