That was not a serious reaction.
Others say of my posts - "Too sanctimonious"
28 Jan 19
@sonship saidOoops. This is what I get for using redhotpawn on a 3 inch screen...
The father of Deception can tell no lies.
The father of Deception can tell no lies ...
The father of Deception .... can ... tell ... no ... ...
What does this mean ?
Go easy on me when you break it down.
I have trouble sitting comfortably in the lotus position.
The Father of Temptation can tell no lies.
My bad ..
No one can decieve their own concsience.
They can with great effort suppress it.
With obsessive effort of will power they can hold it down.
They can lie to themselves until they nearly completely believe their own lie.
They can also bribe the conscience. The conscience condemns them and they do something ELSE good in hope to compensate. This is like bribing the conscience to stop bothering them by doing something ELSE good.
History knows some men and woman who held down the conviction of their conscience. Some murderers of their loved ones and family members as a last act killed themselves. They knew that for the evil act they would no longer be able to live with their conscience. Yet the urge to execute others was so strong.
Often murderers of others will finally turn to then terminate their own lives. I think it is probably because of not wanting to be caught by law knowing that they are wrong or they with their conscience seek to terminate.
29 Jan 19
What deals with the condemning conscience is the blood of Christ's redemption. The salvation of Jesus Christ will put the human conscience at PEACE. An extraordinary and supernatural PEACE because God says -
"Your sin has been PAID for in FULL ... by the Son of God on His cross."
Peace with God is PEACE. Peace with God through the blood of Jesus is a peace to the human conscience that the world cannot give.
@sonship saidThey can with great effort suppress it.
No one can decieve their own concsience.
They can with great effort suppress it.
With obsessive effort of will power they can hold it down.
They can lie to themselves until they nearly completely believe their own lie.
They can also bribe the conscience. The conscience condemns them and they do something ELSE good in hope to comp ...[text shortened]... ing to be caught by law knowing that they are wrong or they with their conscience seek to terminate.
With obsessive effort of will power they can hold it down.
They can lie to themselves until they nearly completely believe their own lie.
They can also bribe the conscience. The conscience condemns them and they do something ELSE good in hope to compensate. This is like bribing the conscience to stop bothering them by doing something ELSE good.
History knows some men and woman who held down the conviction of their conscience.
Like those who convince themselves into believing that because of the "total depravity of man", no human being is capable of making themselves righteous. Therefore, their own transgressions are the fault of the "fall of man" and ultimately not their own.
Furthermore they can even convince themselves of this:
What deals with the condemning conscience is the blood of Christ's redemption. The salvation of Jesus Christ will put the human conscience at PEACE. An extraordinary and supernatural PEACE because God says -
"Your sin has been PAID for in FULL ... by the Son of God on His cross."
In such cases they do in fact "lie to themselves until they ... completely believe their own lie".
Like those who convince themselves into believing that because of the "total depravity of man", no human being is capable of making themselves righteous.
"The total depravity of man" is not a phrase that this poster has used (sonship / formerly jaywill.). I have seen someone use it.
In spite of the fall of man there still remains that fact that we were created in the image of God and that there is this goodness still in man.
Therefore, their own transgressions are the fault of the "fall of man" and ultimately not their own.
The Bible speaks of BOTH man falling into sin and death.
And it speaks of the responsibility to recognize our sins, repent to be forgiven and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be conformed to Christ.
The fall of man and the responsibility of man are not two mutually exclusive matters in the Bible. It is not that:
A.) If there is the fall of man, man has no responsibility.
B.) If there is responsibility of man then there is no fall of man.
Both matters are revealed in Scripture.
Both matters are true.
Furthermore they can even convince themselves of this:
Jesus taught this. Jesus taught of the good true being able to bring forth good fruit and the evil tree being unable to do so.
What kind of "tree" you wish to be IS a responsibility for man to choose.
Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt; for by the fruit the tree is known.
Offspring of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For our of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
The good man, out of his good treasure, brings forth good things, and the evil man, out of his evil treasure, brings forth evil things." (Matt. 12:33-35)
God's salvation is to transform the tree.
God's salvation is to graft the bad plant INTO a perfect plant.
Then the perfect life of the perfect plant, the man Jesus, will invade and permeate by the process of sanctification the grafted in sick plant. And the right life of the Plant will swallow up the defects of the sick plant.
Do not come back to me about "reading comprehension" and "context" when you are an Atheist in secret. An Atheist cannot be anything but dead set in opposition to the Bible's revelation of God.
I wrote:
What deals with the condemning conscience is the blood of Christ's redemption. The salvation of Jesus Christ will put the human conscience at PEACE. An extraordinary and supernatural PEACE because God says -
"Your sin has been PAID for in FULL ... by the Son of God on His cross."
ThinkOfOne responds:
In such cases they do in fact "lie to themselves until they ... completely believe their own lie".
No they do not. They believe a revelation which did not have its source in any imagination of human beings.
They are Justified before God according to God's standard of righteousness.
Men may claim to have justified themselves to each other according to a human standard. The justification dispensed by God through Christ's redemption is a justification according to God's standard of righteousness .
It is to God Almighty we are ultimately accountable.
And the peace I speak of is not doctrinal agreement. It is receiving the living Person of Christ because "the human spirit is [divine] life because of righteousness."
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." (Rom. 8:16)
"But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is [divine] life because of righteousness." (v.10)
We have peace toward God. Peace toward God is peace.
I say again with Paul, whom you are a fool to despise, - Who is to condemn? It is God's Son who paid the penalty by dying on our behalf.
"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31)
Who shall bring a charge against God's chosen ones? It is God who justifies.
Who is he who condemns? It is Christ Jesus who died and, rather, who was raised, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us." (33,34)
The answer to the rhetorical question of "WHO ?" is "NO ONE, NOBODY, NO WAY, NO HOW". No one can condemn when God Himself has JUSTIFIED us.
If you do not have peace in the depths of your being about being justified by God for eternity, I recommend you pray something like this -
" Lord Jesus. I take my place under Your eternal Lordship as the One Who died and rose from the dead to redeem me of all my sins.
O Lord Jesus, intercede to God on my behalf as a believer and receiver of Yourself as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for Your faithfulness Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord that I need not beg. But I only need to believe and receive You into my heart."
@sonship saidIt's a power thing. Murderers will often take their own life so as not to relinquish power to the authorities. (And of course, avoid the consequences of their actions).
Often murderers of others will finally turn to then terminate their own lives. I think it is probably because of not wanting to be caught by law knowing that they are wrong or they with their conscience seek to terminate.
'Unplanned' murderers may do so out of guilt.
@thinkofone saidSalvation is a lie? That's a stretch.
[b]They can with great effort suppress it.
With obsessive effort of will power they can hold it down.
They can lie to themselves until they nearly completely believe their own lie.
They can also bribe the conscience. The conscience condemns them and they do something ELSE good in hope to compensate. This is like bribing the conscience to stop bothering them by do ...[text shortened]...
In such cases they do in fact "lie to themselves until they ... completely believe their own lie".
31 Jan 19
@sonship saidLike usual, you've taken parts of what I'd written out of context and created a series of straw men for you to attack.
I wrote:
What deals with the condemning conscience is the blood of Christ's redemption. The salvation of Jesus Christ will put the human conscience at PEACE. An extraordinary and supernatural PEACE because God says -
"Your sin has been PAID for in FULL ... by the Son of God on His cross."
ThinkOfOne responds:
In such cases they do in fact " ...[text shortened]... b] that I need not beg. But I only need to believe and receive You into my heart."
01 Feb 19
@sonship saidIndeed. No one can deceive their own conscience
No one can decieve their own concsience.
They can with great effort suppress it.
With obsessive effort of will power they can hold it down.
They can lie to themselves until they nearly completely believe their own lie.
They can also bribe the conscience. The conscience condemns them and they do something ELSE good in hope to comp ...[text shortened]... ing to be caught by law knowing that they are wrong or they with their conscience seek to terminate.