Well the why and wherefors of impure thoughts , manifest as disinformation and misinformation are many
So there are many reasons for impure thoughts. Okay.
These many reasons all had the power to introduce the problem of impure thoughts. Is there one over all uniting aspect which causes these many reasons to each possess this power?
"Christianity is degraded too" doesn't seem like an answer.
If many reasons, each of which contributes to the existence of impure thoughts, all share that characteristic, what endowed them to have this ability?
... It is a long story over many generations where the basic truths of Christian ideals have been perverted to a doctrine of materialism and hedonism.
But I am not asking you for a critique of another belief. I am asking about explanations concerning your belief.
How is it that something has to power to introduce impure thoughts into the universe and effected "many reasons" to share this attribute of impure reason manufacturing?
The details are not important, suffice to say that not all is well with the world.
I think the details are important if there is a solution or cure to the problem of impure thoughts causing karmic backlash. To address the problem a diagnoses of where the problem is, I think, would be important.
That is unless you are saying that we just have to live with impure reasons ad infinitum and the "karmic backlashed" that they produce.
We dont understand what 'love' means. The bible is misunderstood and hence the 'Word' is shrouded in distrust and secrecy.
Is it not possible to explain your belief without reference to the Bible? I thought you have something more insightful, more wise, more pure, more of an aid to our search for truth then the Bible.
I ask you about your belief and you nod toward the Bible and the problems of Christian theology? See if you can explain your belief without needing to speak of the Bible.
So we have the pure and the impure and "karmic backlash" to kind of set the impure under a corrective response.
What is the source of this corrective karma, the pure?
Why does it care that thoughts do not come up to its standard of purity such that backlash is needed ?
Or something like that.
But the purity of thought, thought put into action, will always be rewarded and those who practice will always be protected.
What is protexting them and why does this "protector" care?
How is it that there exists a deviation from the pure?
Is there something wrong with existence as it is?
16 Jan 19
@sonship saidThings are important but first things first. Impure thoughts come from impure thinking. Lying, coveting deception and general I'll will. One need only look at my posts to see there is plenty of casual I'll will easily splashed around and for what? Swearing usually- not against the commandments. . Thoughts must be purified by living righteously. It is a life work
Well the why and wherefors of impure thoughts , manifest as disinformation and misinformation are many
So there are many reasons for impure thoughts. Okay.
These many reasons all had the power to introduce the problem of impure thoughts. Is there one over all uniting aspect which causes these many reasons to each possess this power? ...[text shortened]... y does it care that thoughts do not come up to its standard of purity such that backlash is needed ?
16 Jan 19
@sonship saidExistence as it is is a major pain in the arseOr something like that.
But the purity of thought, thought put into action, will always be rewarded and those who practice will always be protected.
What is protexting them and why does this "protector" care?
How is it that there exists a deviation from the pure?
Is there something wrong with existence as it is?
@sonship saidWithout reference to the Bible? I guess. An all uniting aspect? Sure, if you can find one
Well the why and wherefors of impure thoughts , manifest as disinformation and misinformation are many
So there are many reasons for impure thoughts. Okay.
These many reasons all had the power to introduce the problem of impure thoughts. Is there one over all uniting aspect which causes these many reasons to each possess this power? ...[text shortened]... y does it care that thoughts do not come up to its standard of purity such that backlash is needed ?
Things are important but first things first. Impure thoughts come from impure thinking. Lying, coveting deception and general I'll will. One need only look at my posts to see there is plenty of casual I'll will easily splashed around and for what? Swearing usually- not against the commandments. . Thoughts must be purified by living righteously. It is a life work
What is plenty causal I will splashed around ?
Is a casual I will to live righteously to be avoided too.
Or is it out of the plenty of causal I will splashing around some is good and some results in impure thinking?
The commadments you speak of - whose commandments ?
I asked what destabilized the original pure.
Satan. The father of lies
It sounds like you are referring to the Bible in John chapter 8.
Those were words spoken by Jesus Christ recorded by His apostle John.
I would want to know where you draw lines as to what you accept from the Bible and what you believe that the Bible didn't inform you.
So you want to look to the Bible how much and up to what point? '
Were do you begin to draw the line "Here I take the Bible. But here I have been better informed then the Bible."
Is that line of demarcation lead to another writing or perhaps your own musings ?
Do your best and the Lord will do the rest. . . Mainly comes down to the company you keep 😉
Who is "the Lord" here?
How do you keep the company of "the Lord" ?
Is this "the Lord" as in the Bible's giver of the commandments, such as you said -
Swearing usually- not against the commandments.
And also spoke of Satan as the father of lies in John 8.
Do you mean the Lord Jesus Christ or the Lord God of the Bible ?
17 Jan 19
@sonship saidYou literally conjure what you need when thoughts are pure. Not that I'm into sorcery
[quote] Things are important but first things first. Impure thoughts come from impure thinking. Lying, coveting deception and general I'll will. One need only look at my posts to see there is plenty of casual I'll will easily splashed around and for what? Swearing usually- not against the commandments. . Thoughts must be purified by living righteously. It is ...[text shortened]... is good and some results in impure thinking?
The commadments you speak of - whose commandments ?
@sonship saidThis situation? We're here to bring more light into the world. Does it matter how it came about?
Existence as it is is a major pain in the arse
For there to be nothing in existence then is preferable?
How did that situation come about??
17 Jan 19
@sonship saidHuh? Slow down. Demonstrate that you know one point before you go onto the next.
Existence as it is is a major pain in the arse
For there to be nothing in existence then is preferable?
How did that situation come about??
Start with this: there is One mind only. Can you see the need for purity of thought?