After finding a bible with nice big letters, (my 7 other bibles including all my possesions burnt in the fire ) , I came upon the book of Revelation.
It emphasizes sticking to the 'Word' .
But what is the word?
Is it a living word delivered by an archetypal annointed one or is it to be found amongst other dead things ?
Two words in the Greek translate to "word" in English.
Logos is one as in John 1:1,14.
Rhema is another as in Eph. 5:26.
Much can be learned by studying the distinction between the logos and the rhema and how the two words are used in the New Testament.
If you show some genuine interest, maybe we can talk about it more.
@karoly-aczel saidFor a guy that claims to have owned 7 other Bibles, you appear to know next to nothing about God's Word, and that comes as no surprise because nothing you ever post reflects even a minimal amount of Bible knowledge.
After finding a bible with nice big letters, (my 7 other bibles including all my possesions burnt in the fire ) , I came upon the book of Revelation.
It emphasizes sticking to the 'Word' .
But what is the word?
Is it a living word delivered by an archetypal annointed one or is it to be found amongst other dead things ?
At the very least you should quote a verse, but you won't.
@karoly-aczel saidThe 'Word' is commonly referred to in the Bible as a reference to Jesus of Nazereth, the Christ. See John 1:1. See also Revelation 19:13. Other times, it is highly metaphorical: the word of truth, the word of God often means a working of God's Plan, as in Luke 11:28, Romans 10:17, 1 Peter 1:23, or 1 Thessalonians 2:13.
After finding a bible with nice big letters, (my 7 other bibles including all my possesions burnt in the fire ) , I came upon the book of Revelation.
It emphasizes sticking to the 'Word' .
But what is the word?
Is it a living word delivered by an archetypal annointed one or is it to be found amongst other dead things ?
In other uses, it is defined as we are used to: something written or something uttered.
@karoly-aczel saidIn the gospel Jesus preached while He walked the Earth, He explained the "Word" here:
After finding a bible with nice big letters, (my 7 other bibles including all my possesions burnt in the fire ) , I came upon the book of Revelation.
It emphasizes sticking to the 'Word' .
But what is the word?
Is it a living word delivered by an archetypal annointed one or is it to be found amongst other dead things ?
John 12
49“For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak. 50“I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me.”
For all intents and purposes, the words spoken by Jesus while He walked the Earth are the "Word" - the "Word of God" that is. Jesus also often used the metaphor of Him BEING the "Word".
What's remarkable is how few Christians seem to actually understand the metaphor of Jesus being the "'Word' of God". Most seem oblivious to many of the ways that Jesus used that metaphor in the gospel He preached while He walked the Earth.
@thinkofone saidSorry, "most" (not few) Christians understand the "Word" of John 1:1 to be referencing Jesus, as God.
In the gospel Jesus preached while He walked the Earth, He explained the "Word" here:
John 12
49“For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak. 50“I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me.”
For all inte ...[text shortened]... many of the ways that Jesus used that metaphor in the gospel He preached while He walked the Earth.
You don't even believe in Jesus as the Son of God, or even in God Himself, so I'm not sure how you think you have a leg to stand on with your slamming of Christians. Your whole "schtick" of "following the words of Jesus as he walked the earth" seems like another stab at Pascal's Wager, albeit a "Benny Hill" version.
The Bible also decries "speaking with the mouth" that which is not "written on the heart". Seems exactly like what you're doing.
What's remarkable is how few Christians seem to actually understand the metaphor of Jesus being the "'Word' of God". Most seem oblivious to many of the ways that Jesus used that metaphor in the gospel He preached while He walked the Earth.
Folks, understand that THinkOfOne has a favorite tactic he employs. It is to go after the confidence of believers in the Bible as to their reading comprehension ability.
This is one of his major tools in his toolkit. ToO seeks to cause the Christian to lose confidence in himself as to understanding what the words of the Bible have said.
If he can undermine the Christian's confidence causing him to think he has to come to ThinkOfOne for a more accurate ascertaining of the Bible's words, he feels he's accomplished control over your trust in God, to eradicate it.
In essence it is the old question posed by the ancient serpent , the devil, in the garden of Eden - " Yea, hath God said ... ?" (Gen. 3:1)
@suzianne saidSorry, "most" (not few) Christians understand the "Word" of John 1:1 to be referencing Jesus, as God.
Sorry, "most" (not few) Christians understand the "Word" of John 1:1 to be referencing Jesus, as God.
You don't even believe in Jesus as the Son of God, or even in God Himself, so I'm not sure how you think you have a leg to stand on with your slamming of Christians. Your whole "schtick" of "following the words of Jesus as he walked the earth" seems like another stab at ...[text shortened]... ing with the mouth" that which is not "written on the heart". Seems exactly like what you're doing.
You say that as if I said that "few Christians understand the "Word" of John 1:1 to be referencing Jesus, as God". Clearly I did not.
Sorry but the fact is that few Christians seem to actually understand the metaphor of Jesus BEING the Word of God.
Sorry, but the fact is that most seem oblivious to many of the ways that Jesus used that metaphor in the gospel He preached while He walked the Earth. For example, Jesus employs the metaphor in John 15:1-7.
You don't even believe in Jesus as the Son of God, or even in God Himself, so I'm not sure how you think you have a leg to stand on with your slamming of Christians.
I stand on the gospel preached by Jesus while He walked the Earth.
The irony is how often you "slam" Christians. You understand as well as I do that many Christians do not understand the words spoken by Jesus while He walked the Earth. You understand as well as I do that many of those have poor reading comprehension skills, poor critical thinking skills, poor conceptual thinking skills, etc. This includes the majority of those who regularly post on this forum.
Your whole "schtick" of "following the words of Jesus as he walked the earth" seems like another stab at Pascal's Wager, albeit a "Benny Hill" version.
What exactly is this supposed to mean?
The Bible also decries "speaking with the mouth" that which is not "written on the heart". Seems exactly like what you're doing.
What exactly is this supposed to mean?
@sonship saidAs so often happens, jaywill is unable to formulate a cogent argument against what I posted, so he resorts to an ad hominem attack. Evidently it's his only defense.
What's remarkable is how few Christians seem to actually understand the metaphor of Jesus being the "'Word' of God". Most seem oblivious to many of the ways that Jesus used that metaphor in the gospel He preached while He walked the Earth.
Folks, understand that THinkOfOne has a favorite tactic he employs. It is to go after the confidence ...[text shortened]... ncient serpent , the devil, in the garden of Eden - " Yea, hath God said ... ?" (Gen. 3:1)
To be fair, this is true of many of the Christians who post on this forum and not just jaywill. If any of them were able to formulate a cogent argument, I imagine they would.
For some reason both your lessons on reading comprehension or your coaching on cogent rebuttal of your ideas are both singularly unimpressive to me.
Your wanna-be lesson on reading comprehension of Isaiah 9:6 dudded like a spectacular failure.
My remark on your general attitude towards the Bible was quite cogent enough. I bet a few experienced people here understood it well.
But if you want me to more particularly examine your Word / Jesus post with its usual "while he was on earth" vaguary, I will.
For all intents and purposes, the words spoken by Jesus while He walked the Earth are the "Word" - the "Word of God" that is. Jesus also often used the metaphor of Him BEING the "Word".
According to Jesus what His followers were to heed to were not only His words but the words of the apostles sent by Him as well. In His prayer before His death He petitioned the Father about the word of His apostles being believed.
"And I do not ask concerning these only, but concerning those also who believe into Me through their word." (John 17:20)
We receive the teaching of the apostles if we intend to be followers of Jesus.
Just gathering the red letters before His death and resurrection is not keeping His word / or the Word of God in a full way.
As a matter of fact, what you have done is rejected some of the Word of God and His words by MEANS OF selecting only certain red letters which will seem to further your crypto atheist humanism.
For example - one might exalt the so-called "Golden Rule" as the Word from Jesus while stealthily undermining His words on His redemptive death and resurrection.
What's remarkable is how few Christians seem to actually understand the metaphor of Jesus being the "'Word' of God".
You are hardly YET the one to come along with lessons on properly interpreting what came from the mouth of Jesus.
For one, the God whom He manifested as His Father you flat out reject in unbelief in your steathful anti-theism. What is really remarkable is the confidence you have that this ruse can go undetected among His disciples.
You intend to reject the word of Christ behind a "while He was on earth" skeptical filter, for one. And secondly, you intend to utterly reject those apostles whom He sent.
But Jesus taught that to reject them was to reject Him also.
"Truly, truly, I say to you, He who receives whomever I shall send receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me." (John 12:20)
ToO cont.
The logic is simple ToO. For example Matthew's testimony you reject. He was an apostle. John's word you reject, And he too was an apostle. You reject whom Jesus sent so reject Jesus and thus reject who sent Jesus - God His Father.
Then there is also the testimony of Luke you reject except what you can glean for your "while He was on earth" selective bias. Of course Mark is treated the same.
The apostle Paul is accepted as a genuine sent one from Christ, pioneering the way into the experience of the resurrection Son of God. Of course Paul's teaching which he both received directly from the exalted Christ AND from the apostles who went before him, you reject.
So we can't take lessons from you trying to enlighten us about the Word. You intend to exterminate the Word and substitute your own secretive anti-theism.
If I point out for your own good that this is the behavior of a "wolf in sheep's clothing" or a "false prophet" you'll just hear that as an ad hominem attack. Rather it is a serious wake up call to you and to those whom your teaching seeks to dupe.
Most seem oblivious to many of the ways that Jesus used that metaphor in the gospel He preached while He walked the Earth.
Well, John whom you reject because he was SENT by Christ, said in Revelation that Christ will return with His name as "the Word of God" (Rev. 19:11-13). It is a glorious vindication in total we expect in His second coming.
" And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sits on it called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. (v.11)
And His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems, And He has a name written which no one knows but Himself. (v.12)
And He is clothed with a garment dipped in blood; and His name is called the Word of God. (v.13)
Yes, Christ will return for absolute and total universal vindication. Every word He spoke will be vindicated. He truly is coming as "the Word of God".
The blood upon His garment in this scene is that of His enemies. As "the Word of God" He will have to "war" against those who hate God and God's SPEAKING. His waring will be "in righteousness" and His judging will also be "in righteousness" .
Are you ready for this? You are not if you are twisting and rejecting His words behind humanistic euphemisms like "while He walked on earth" and opposing the teaching of His apostles.
You appear oblivious to the degree you have established yourself as an enemy of the Word of God. You should ask for mercy and re-consider your ways. Jesus is "faithful and true". Stop fighting against Him.
And His eyes are a flame of fire it says. You may have encouraged yourself with impressing some weak Christian here or there. But God sees right through your schemes to oppose Christ. His eyes through you are like a flame of fire. It be better to have those eyes be of love and redemption.
I stand on the gospel preached by Jesus while He walked the Earth.
No you don't. You're self deceived badly.
If I were in your situation I would go somewhere where I could really talked to God, pouring out my heart. And I would pray a simple prayer something like this.
"Dear God, if in anything regarding the Bible I am deceived, dear God take one week to reveal this to me. I simply ask you that in about one week please reveal to me if in anything in the Bible I am deceived. Just one practical way God. Just show me one way in which I do not rightly understand Your Bible."
I think this is a good starting prayer that couldn't hurt. And I think if you were sincere the Father would show you just ONE way in which you err.
I have done things like this and received results. But you do not stand upon His gospel. What do you have to lose in honestly asking God to show you if you do or not?