02 Oct 18
Originally posted by @thinkofoneYou were asked a question by Dive, and I'm interested in your answer, but you refuse at all costs.
What exactly do you have in mind with the following?:
<<You've recently been accused of exactly the same thing.>>
I want to know if you believe in Jesus or God.....or if you just believe in His 'words', and actual belief isn't necessary.
It interests me.
02 Oct 18
Originally posted by @chaney3Let's see.
You were asked a question by Dive, and I'm interested in your answer, but you refuse at all costs.
I want to know if you believe in Jesus or God.....or if you just believe in His 'words', and actual belief isn't necessary.
It interests me.
You wrote the following:
You're going down a slippery slope there.
You've recently been accused of exactly the same thing.
Looking at the speck in your brother's eye?
How did you get there from what I posted?
KJ has a long history of pulling this type of BS. It's what he does. He accuses others of doing what he does, then he acts all innocent about it.
For example, he has repeatedly accused rajk999 of such things as "ignoring verses" and "adding to what the verses say" when he's the one who does it. He's not only a hypocrite, he's so dishonest about it.
If you were more familiar with his history on this forum, perhaps you'd be better able to understand what's at work here.
What does your latest post have to do with anything?
Sometimes you worry me, C3.
02 Oct 18
Originally posted by @thinkofoneYou worry me.
Let's see.
You wrote the following:You're going down a slippery slope there.
You've recently been accused of exactly the same thing.
Looking at the speck in your brother's eye?
How did you get there from what I posted?KJ has a long history of pulling this type of BS. It's what he does. He accuses others of doing ...[text shortened]...
What does your latest post have to do with anything?
Sometimes you worry me, C3.
You are blatantly refusing to answer an important question, likely because you realize the consequences. Now that is BS.
You cannot "preach" the relevancy of the words of Jesus......if you ignore the parts you don't like.
YOU initiated the harsh words to KellyJay, which opened the pathway to have your own dodging questioned.
So I want to know this:
If you believe in the words of Jesus....and Jesus believed in the Father....then do you believe in the Father?
Originally posted by @chaney3The following assertion was made by KJ:
You worry me.
You are blatantly refusing to answer an important question, likely because you realize the consequences. Now that is BS.
You cannot "preach" the relevancy of the words of Jesus......if you ignore the parts you don't like.
YOU initiated the harsh words to KellyJay, which opened the pathway to have your own dodging questioned.
So ...[text shortened]... in the words of Jesus....and Jesus believed in the Father....then do you believe in the Father?
<<Man cannot make himself righteous... >>
So I countered with the following:
Such a concept is not contained in the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry.
If you believe that concept is contained in the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry, then cite all the passages where Jesus preached that concept during His ministry.
If you cannot cite any passages, then you believe in a different gospel than the one preached by Jesus during His ministry. If you cannot cite any passages, then you believe in a different gospel than the one Jesus said He was anointed to preach.
KJ was unable to cite any passages where Jesus preached that concept during His ministry. So he deflected by going off on a tangent and made the following assertion:
<<Jesus said that unless we believe in Him we are condemned already.>>
So I countered with the following:
Yes, Jesus said that.
And Jesus said that in the gospel preached by Him during His ministry.
And in the gospel preached by Him during His ministry, what did Jesus say believing in Him entails?
KJ gave a vague answer, so I asked him for specifics and to back up those specifics with passages from the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry.
Thus far KJ has refused to provide specifics and to back up those specifics with passages from the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry.
Instead he went off on another tangent that amounted to little more than a rant that vacuously condemned my position and regurgitated the dogma that he was taught . So I asked him to get back to the matter at hand.
Then he played all innocent and said he was "attempting to figure out what [I ] mean by 'during His ministry' which was BS, so I called him on it.
What does your question have to do with either of the matters at hand? Once again the matters at hand are:
1) "Man cannot make himself righteous..." and whether or that not is contained in the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry
2) "Jesus said that unless we believe in Him we are condemned already" and specifically what did Jesus say believing in Him entails in the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry.
Originally posted by @thinkofoneWhat do you mean by " … gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry."
The following assertion was made by KJ:
<<Man cannot make himself righteous... >>
So I countered with the following:
[quote] Such a concept is not contained in the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry.
If you believe that concept is contained in the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry, then cite all the passages where Jesus prea ...[text shortened]... what did Jesus say believing in Him entails in the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry.
It is term known to you, not me. What are the times and dates of this "... during His
ministry" is it when Jesus was alive, and not after He died, what does that mean? Does it
mean that you refuse to acknowledge the Holy Spirit as having anything to do with
Jesus' ministry?
02 Oct 18
Originally posted by @chaney3He'll dodge that one all day long.
You were asked a question by Dive, and I'm interested in your answer, but you refuse at all costs.
I want to know if you believe in Jesus or God.....or if you just believe in His 'words', and actual belief isn't necessary.
It interests me.
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeYes, I see that. It's too bad because it's an interesting topic.
He'll dodge that one all day long.
Originally posted by @chaney3Well, here is the response he would like to give you, if only he had a little more fortitude and self-belief:
Yes, I see that. It's too bad because it's an interesting topic.
I'm not into labels Chaney, but I am probably best understood as a Christian Deist. Although I dismiss most of the bible as fabrications and contradictions, I do recognize a profound truth in the words and teachings of Jesus during his ministry (while he walked the Earth) and by and large find these parts credible. I do believe however that these core teachings of Jesus have been wrapped in exaggerations and nonsense by biblical writers, such as the resurrection or atonement. - So you see, I am a Christian in so much as I follow the teachings of Jesus (while he walked the Earth) but am also a Deist, in that I do not believe God revealed himself directly through the Bible or any other religious text, but do believe a divine entity exists in some unknowable fashion.
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeIf true why is he so gutless just to come out and say that? The thing is the power of the
Well, here is the response he would like to give you, if only he had a little more fortitude and self-belief:
I'm not into labels Chaney, but I am probably best understood as a Christian Deist. Although I dismiss most of the bible as fabrications and contradictions, I do recognize a profound truth in the words and teachings of Jesus during his mi ...[text shortened]... e or any other religious text, but do believe a divine entity exists in some unknowable fashion.
gospel isn't that Jesus said good things, and died. Lots of people have done that, Jesus
laid down His life for us, but people do that too, monks have set themselves on fire to
make a point. The glory in Christ was His divinity, His sinlessness, and that He became
sin for us so that we could be born again, a spiritual birth that isn't going to occur if He
were just another guy.
Originally posted by @kellyjayHow did he becoming sin? How does the Jesus who wasn't sin differ to the Jesus who was sin?
If true why is he so gutless just to come out and say that? The thing is the power of the
gospel isn't that Jesus said good things, and died. Lots of people have done that, Jesus
laid down His life for us, but people do that too, monks have set themselves on fire to
make a point. The glory in Christ was His divinity, His sinlessness, and that He became ...[text shortened]... e could be born again, a spiritual birth that isn't going to occur if He
were just another guy.
Originally posted by @kellyjayYou know, you could have simply asked this question in the first place and I would have answered.But instead you went off on another tangent that amounted to little more than a rant that vacuously condemned my position and regurgitated the dogma that he was taught. So I asked you to address the matter at hand. If you had simply asked this question at that point, I would have answered.
What do you mean by " … gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry."
It is term known to you, not me. What are the times and dates of this "... during His
ministry" is it when Jesus was alive, and not after He died, what does that mean? Does it
mean that you refuse to acknowledge the Holy Spirit as having anything to do with
Jesus' ministry?
Then you dishonestly played all innocent and said you were "attempting to figure out what [I ] mean by 'during His ministry'" which was BS, so I called you on it. Then you kept heaping BS upon BS.
Even at that, tell you what KJ. Admit your dishonesty. Apologize. Promise to address the two matters at hand. And I'll answer this question.
Originally posted by @chaney3I take it you realize your question has nothing to do with either of the matters at hand and so chose not to respond to my post.
Yes, I see that. It's too bad because it's an interesting topic.
Did you really need to have it all spelled out for you to realize it?
Just because you "want to know" something doesn't make a question on-topic. You realize that there's a reason that rajk999 has a policy of not answering personal questions, don't you?
You do realize that GoaD is just trolling as usual, don't you?
Originally posted by @stellspalfieYeah, it's just a part of the seemingly never ending nonsense that isn't part of the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry. If he remains true to form, you won't get anything more from KJ than mindless regurgitation of the dogma he was taught.
How did he becoming sin? How does the Jesus who wasn't sin differ to the Jesus who was sin?
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeToO, of course, would (if he didn't lack a backbone) confirm that the above is an accurate account of his theological outlook. (Give or take a walking the Earth).
Well, here is the response he would like to give you, if only he had a little more fortitude and self-belief:
I'm not into labels Chaney, but I am probably best understood as a Christian Deist. Although I dismiss most of the bible as fabrications and contradictions, I do recognize a profound truth in the words and teachings of Jesus during his mi ...[text shortened]... e or any other religious text, but do believe a divine entity exists in some unknowable fashion.