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god does not exist

god does not exist



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Originally posted by @fmf
Some atheists believe that god or gods do not exist. "Implicit atheism and explicit atheism are types of atheism. Implicit atheism is defined as 'the absence of theistic belief without a conscious rejection of it', while explicit atheism is 'the absence of theistic belief due to a conscious rejection of it'." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_and_explicit_atheism
Every atheist ever has one single thing in common. And it isn't what you peddle.

Not believing there is purple mud on mars is not the same as as saying there is no purple mud on mars. This isn't even 101 shlt.


Originally posted by @sonship
It's clarity. Inconvenient or irritating, or whatever, for you, perhaps, but it's clarity.


Originally posted by @apathist
Not believing there is purple mud on mars is not the same as as saying there is no purple mud on mars. This isn't even 101 shlt.
This is exactly why one talks in terms of implicit atheism and explicit atheism. You probably need a little less of your too-big-for-your-boots thing, and a bit more of the paying attention thing. 😉


Originally posted by @fmf
I am perfectly willing to answer questions about what I believe. Stop running away from our conversations.
Answer then what you believed when you believed the gospel? Stop running away from

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Originally posted by @apathist
That could be an interesting question but you ruined it. You have no evidence, grow a pair and admit it. They call your belief 'faith belief' for a solid reason.
No evidence, I have reasons, and evidence neither of which you may accept. I call what
I have faith, for the reason it can not be proven true, but then everyone shares that
limitation when it comes to things like this if you acknowledge God or not. Even within
what we call science people lump a great many things together that may or may not be
true, they put faith in what they think, not what can be proven. The beginning of all things,
where did everything come from, my first question when speaking about God is that
there isn't any answer to this that isn't faith based, and science doesn't even have one
so its passed over, or always starts in the middle of some process.


Originally posted by @apathist
vs i dunno? Where are the facts?

Theists do not get this. Atheists are not saying we know you are wrong. You are though very consistent about not backing up your claims.
People are 99% - 100% atheist.
You either lack belief in most gods or all gods.


Originally posted by @wolfgang59
People are 99% - 100% atheist.
You either lack belief in most gods or all gods.
Well, I'm a 100% Atheist with all gods but One.

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Originally posted by @kellyjay
Well, I'm a 100% Atheist with all gods but One.
Only 99% Atheist then.
Almost there.

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Originally posted by @wolfgang59
Only 99% Atheist then.
Almost there.

2 edits

Originally posted by @kellyjay
Answer then what you believed when you believed the gospel? Stop running away from
Ask Christians about the gospel. I am an agnostic atheist. Ask me questions about what I believe just as I am asking you about what you believe. My beliefs about the gospel could scarcely be clearer if you've read any of my posts over the last 10 years.


Originally posted by @fmf
Ask Christians about the gospel. I am an agnostic atheist. Ask me questions about what I believe just as I am asking you about what you believe. My beliefs about the gospel could scarcely be clearer if you've read any of my posts over the last 10 years.
I am not interested in your current beliefs, I am interested in what you used to believe in.


Originally posted by @kellyjay
I am not interested in your current beliefs, I am interested in what you used to believe in.
Start a thread about it then and see if you can find anyone who wants to discuss them with you.

According to your beliefs, I wonder if am I seeing "Jesus" in the way you are behaving.

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Originally posted by @fmf
Start a thread about it then and see if you can find anyone who wants to discuss them with you.

According to your beliefs, I wonder if am I seeing "Jesus" in the way you are behaving.
You think someone other than you knows what you left behind, what you use to believe. Granted many here particularly claim that they can read minds, but I believe only you know what you used to believe.


Originally posted by @kellyjay
You think someone other than you knows what you left behind, what you use to believe.
I have talked privately with probably a dozen people here, yes. Some at great length, in person. Maybe half of those people are still active in this community. Perhaps they will want to discuss it with you. I don't. I hereby give them my permission to share what they know or think with you. I am not a Christian, KellyJay. I post as a non-believer.

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