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Grace? What is it, Biblically speaking, and how does it work?

Grace? What is it, Biblically speaking, and how does it work?


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The sovereignty of God and human responsibility.

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@kingfischer72 said
God was IN Christ, NOT imputing our sins to us. Grace is how He deals with us today. It is no longer a "sin question", but rather a "SON question". You will be accountable for what you did with His Son. We live in a "dispensation of grace, NOT the Law.
🙂 👍

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The importance of the vessel is borne out by what it is filled with.

The anointing oil makes the vessel holy, it is not holy on its own, or when empty.

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@suzianne said
The importance of the vessel is borne out by what it is filled with.

The anointing oil makes the vessel holy, it is not holy on its own, or when empty.

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The point really is, you WON'T come up "for parole" if you've been saved by grace.

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Man has always been saved by grace, but not always through faith alone. "Works" were once required as "a demonstration" of faith.

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Only faith in the gospel is required. That's not a "work".

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@kingfischer72 said
Only faith in the gospel is required. That's not a "work".
Faith without works is a dead faith. If you are not changed by the inner workings of the spirit and carry out good works as a consequence, your faith is bogus.

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@suzianne said
The importance of the vessel is borne out by what it is filled with.

The anointing oil makes the vessel holy, it is not holy on its own, or when empty.
If a vessel has holes at the bottom (base) it will not float for long.

Any vessel that is like a sieve, the oil poured into, whether holy or not, will leak out.

Grace if full of holes. It's no different than the slogan that, 'God never changes.'

God must have wasted His time in giving and writing His law with His own finger? And then later changed His mind by giving Grace to those who violate the law? How fickle can this Lord Almighty be?

God is not fickle, but those who were/are taken by Paul's written lines sure are, as they swallowed the worm (lie) as well as the hook and sinker. And down they go!

Revelation 22:12 - "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." This verse from Revelation speaks of the second coming of Jesus, where He will repay each person according to their deeds, highlighting the concept of divine justice and reward.

Any Grace (pardon) that the Lord, God Almighty will care to dish out will only come in the way of reducing the prison time for good behavior, by those serving hard time. And possibly suspended sentences for those who got high on illicit light substances (loco weed). Suspended sentences for those who fell for Paul's high and mighty divine BS on Grace, but still performed good deeds (works).

A solid and nonporous Vessel is Jesus, and what is contained is Holy. To accept Jesus is merely to accept the Holy content. Anyone can drink what is Holy from any vessel they choose. And we ask, what is the Holy universal content? Brotherly LOVE!

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

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@pettytalk said
As an example, taken at random from the internet, the following brief is from Christianity.com

What is Grace? Bible Meaning and Importance.

Grace is the opposite of karma, which is all about getting what you deserve. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve.

“Grace” is one of the most important concepts in the Bible, Christianity, and the world. It is most clea ...[text shortened]... pothetically, would he get it, if he asked for it?

Off the cuff, one must ask for forgiveness first, believe Jesus died for their sins and was resurrected, literally, then God will save that one by his grace through faith.

Grace is unmerited favor.

Do this and live the law demands
But gives me neither feet nor hands
A better way the gospel brings
It bids me fly and gives me wings

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@josephw said
Off the cuff, one must ask for forgiveness first, believe Jesus died for their sins and was resurrected, literally, then God will save that one by his grace through faith.

Grace is unmerited favor.

Do this and live the law demands
But gives me neither feet nor hands
A better way the gospel brings
It bids me fly and gives me wings
The bible says that the Grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men. The Grace of Gdd is the sending of Jesus to die for mankind. And this is for all people. Furthermore Paul referred to this as the free gift of God. Free means there is nothing to do or say to receive it, and you get it anyway.

So clearly there is something not right with your interpretation.

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@rajk999 said
The bible says that the Grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men. The Grace of Gdd is the sending of Jesus to die for mankind. And this is for all people. Furthermore Paul referred to this as the free gift of God. Free means there is nothing to do or say to receive it, and you get it anyway.

So clearly there is something not right with your interpretation.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

If you don't "do or say" what that verse says, you or anyone else won't be saved.

Yours is the wrong interpretation. You've been contradicted by the scriptures. As always.

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