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Halloween—Ancient Night of Terror
It is the last night of October. By the light of the moon, a small group of costumed figures move from house to house stating their demands with dire threats. Guarding some doorsteps are grimacing pumpkin heads glowing with burning candles—made from human fat. Other doors drip with human blood. It is the night of Samhain, Celtic lord of the dead.
Perhaps in no other “Christianized” celebration does Satan so blatantly honor himself and memorialize his war dead. The writer J. Garnier suggests that celebrations of suffering and death can be traced back to the ancient destruction of all of his human followers, as well as the hybrid sons of fallen angels, at the time of the Flood. Cultures the world over have festivals for the dead, “held by all on or about the very day on which, according to the Mosaic account, the Deluge took place, viz., the seventeenth day of the second month—the month nearly corresponding with our November.”—The Worship of the Dead, by J. Garnier.
The Druids were no exception. On October 31, Samhain was said to release the spirits of the dead to mingle with the living. Druids roamed the streets with lanterns, and on coming to a house, they demanded money as an offering for Satan.
Halloween is a major satanic ritual day. “It’s a religious holiday for the underworld, with satanists performing sacrifices and witches quietly celebrating with prayer circles or meals for the dead,” according to a USA Today article. It quoted Washington witch Bryan Jordan as saying, “[Christians] don’t realize it, but they’re celebrating our holiday with us. . . . We like it.”
Parents, do you want your children imitating these sinister rituals?

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Originally posted by galveston75
So as long as a child is having " fun " there are no lines that can't be crossed?
Think on this a bit before you answer.
wut? lines crossed? rephrase please?

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Originally posted by galveston75
Halloween—Ancient Night of Terror
It is the last night of October. By the light of the moon, a small group of costumed figures move from house to house stating their demands with dire threats. Guarding some doorsteps are grimacing pumpkin heads glowing with burning candles—made from human fat. Other doors drip with human blood. It is the night of Samhai ...[text shortened]... ith us. . . . We like it.”
Parents, do you want your children imitating these sinister rituals?
Forget it. You clearly have an agenda-which you wont admit. I dont .
I see creativity, fun and something different for the kids.

And just to give you some background, I am the most protective parent I know in my neighbourhood. But I dont believe in those taboos.
I feel sorry for you.

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
Forget it. You clearly have an agenda-which you wont admit. I dont .
I see creativity, fun and something different for the kids.

And just to give you some background, I am the most protective parent I know in my neighbourhood. But I dont believe in those taboos.
I feel sorry for you.
No I have no agenda at all. I'm simply trying to show you what the history of Halloween is and the darkness that's involved with it. If it doesn't bother you then that's your option to do as you please....

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
wut? lines crossed? rephrase please?
Lines of what's good and bad, right or wrong, etc. For some letting your children play with toy guns is ok and for others it is crossing the line of showing children that even in play it is wrong to kill another person and that life is sacred.

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Originally posted by galveston75
No I have no agenda at all. I'm simply trying to show you what the history of Halloween is and the darkness that's involved with it. If it doesn't bother you then that's your option to do as you please....
You have no agenda? yes you do. You are a JW and you follow their agenda as has been repeatedly shown by your posting history,

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Originally posted by galveston75
Lines of what's good and bad, right or wrong, etc. For some letting your children play with toy guns is ok and for others it is crossing the line of showing children that even in play it is wrong to kill another person and that life is sacred.

If I dont get my kid a watergun then he will use his fingers.
Lets shelter our kids and then see what happens when they get older and have not been taught about what is right? You get me?

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Originally posted by galveston75
No I have no agenda at all. I'm simply trying to show you what the history of Halloween is and the darkness that's involved with it. If it doesn't bother you then that's your option to do as you please....
History? Who's history is that? Michael Jacksons?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel

If I dont get my kid a watergun then he will use his fingers.
Lets shelter our kids and then see what happens when they get older and have not been taught about what is right? You get me?
Yes it is a parents option to shelter or teach them right from wrong on all levels of life. But it doesn't take a blind person to see the affects of a childs out come either good or bad that a parent can influance them with.
If your child uses his finger to play like he's killing then perhaps as a parent, if that even bothers you, you could spend time showing how that type of play killing is wrong, if you even think it is.
Your child uses you as an example of life. If play killing doesn't bother you, why should your child view it differently?

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
History? Who's history is that? Michael Jacksons?
That's silly.

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Lol... I really hope your not serious about his question being a serious question?

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Originally posted by galveston75
Don't you have a life? Go play somewhere else.
Blow it out your donkey, peckerneck.

©FreakyKBH 2010

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Originally posted by galveston75
Yes it is a parents option to shelter or teach them right from wrong on all levels of life. But it doesn't take a blind person to see the affects of a childs out come either good or bad that a parent can influance them with.
If your child uses his finger to play like he's killing then perhaps as a parent, if that even bothers you, you could spend time ...[text shortened]... ample of life. If play killing doesn't bother you, why should your child view it differently?
Proof is in the pudding.
I'm a loser (by societies standards) but I want to educate my kids to make informed choices as much as possible.
So when do we tell them about stuff like sex? I reckon when thay ask.
(My daughter once asked for a peodaphile for for her 12th birthday,lol)

Anyway, back to the point. The proof is in the pudding. My small boy is not yet at the age of reason but is above average in manners and demeanour as compared with the others his age.

My soon-to-be 15 yr old daughter is awesome. She's the best public speaker in her school by a country mile. She is academically the smartest kid in her school. And, most importantly, she has respect for her old man (me), especially at an age when they are rebelling against their parents.
I take raising my children very seriously and have put much effort into them, especially in their formative years. They can become JWS. They can become satanists. I dont care. What I do care about is them having respect for your fellow man. You dig?

edit:and they both love halloween

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Blow it out your donkey peckerneck.

©FreakyKBH 2010
That's funny. What is a "donkey peckerneck"?

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