how little interest you have in talking about Jesus's other teaching,
To this remark I have to reply that after ten years of me starting threads on God's eternal purpose and His life dispensing salvation to produce sons and such things - your comment is totally unfair.
Your comment of myopic disregard for other themes in the NT is a totally misrepresentative review of the things I have time and time again taken pains to explain repeatedly.
Maybe you don't read those discussions but only wait to see if its me so you can make some heckling comment.
But I have talked and WILL continue to talk about lots of things in the Bible other than the judgment of God on consummate unbelief.
Yea, so I edited my post.
@fmf saidLet me help out the man. I think maybe he got lost when you used the phrase 'obeying his commandments and good works. His saviour and his god is Witness Lee whose doctrine is the complete opposite of Jesus Christ. So poor sonship .. he is not a disciple or follower of Christ, choosing instead to regurgitate the rubbish preached by Witness Lee.'
Quote the complete sentence, sonship. Don't be so ostentatiously low-integrity.
It's fascinating to see how much interest you have in talking about eternal torture [without ever making it sound morally coherent, to my way of thinking. but that's a different matter] and, meanwhile, how little interest you have in talking about Jesus's other teaching, about obeying his commandments, about doing good works, about Christian activity around the world, about nuts and bolts Christian thinking on poverty and education and justice, about moral issues, about ethics and dilemmas, about Christian thought in the context of the modern world in the face of change, and about walking the Christian walk in practical terms. Nope. Little to none of that. Just eternal torture, stuff like your endless irrelevant droning about your own deification, and other recitations of dogma. This is not an "attack". It's an invitation for you to reflect.