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Here’s a “yes-or-no” scenario to consider

Here’s a “yes-or-no” scenario to consider


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God is not a God of confusion, and neither is He One who is ever in conflict with Himself, He does not change from one moment to the next. If some spirit tells you something contrary to what was written in scripture, whatever is in your life whispering in your ear telling you to reject the Bible over what it says is not from God. Just ask Eve.

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God tells, shows you, specifically, concisely, precisely and with the power of his spirit so you are in absolutely no doubt … that eternal suffering and hell do not exist in the future he has mapped out for mankind and that the references to it in the Bible are merely symbols, metaphors and reflections of what could have been had he not been victorious.

Is this your experience?
Has the power of the Spirit of God so convicted you in this way?

Are you in any way disappointed with his revelation to you?

I would doubt it.

I have changed my mind on some things I formerly believed because I did think mroe light from the Holy Spiritr came to me, as I grew in spiritual life.

I can't think of an instance when after being adjusted, corrected, enlarged or had to discard a former concept, my reaction was strong disappointment with my Father.

I expect that we know some things only in part.

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part: But when that which is complete comes, that which is in part will be rendered useless." (1 Cor. 13:9,10)

I expect that our prophesying (speaking for God, speaking forth God) is "in part" in some areas because we are not omniscient. We do not know all the things that God knows. Our trust in Him must grow, deepen, expand.

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So to your "yes - or - no" I would say a simple "no."
I would probably not be disappointed if I had to believe the Spirit of God was granting me more light.

Maybe I might be disappointed if I thought it was just somebody's human argument that he knows better and you cannot produce a defeater argument.
But I don't know for certain. But that "disappointed" probably would be a rather silly pride thing.

Curious: Why do you not like to capitalize "spirit" when you write of "his spirit?"

Is the Spirit of God (God's Spirit), God in your belief?

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Do you spend ALL your time considering idiotic scenarios that you can rake people over the coals for answering?



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God tells, shows you, specifically, concisely, precisely and with the power of his spirit so you are in absolutely no doubt … that eternal suffering and hell do not exist in the future he has mapped out for mankind and that the references to it in the Bible are merely symbols, metaphors and reflections of what could have been had he not been victorious.

Is this your experience?
Has the Holy Spirit SO persuaded you of this that you ask about ?

From long ago I WAS persuaded that there are metaphors and symbols in His

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If you heard anything like that it is NOT God.




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Consider it another mystery in life if you cannot figure it out, for you are suggesting God is a liar.


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