Originally posted by galveston75Ah! Someone who speaks for the True God. The One who did not abandon us when the rebellion took place in the Garden of Eden. He stuck with us loyal, true and purposed a way for us to be restore to perfection with the opportunity for everlasting life. That is the God who inspired the "holy" Bible (Satanic influence free). A book to learn from not worship.
We only worship Jehovah God.....
Originally posted by wolfgang59My reply to rwingett's post which was in reply to the OP was just my attempt at humor with rwingett which seems to fail all the time with him. I don't think he likes me. Years ago we went round and round much the same as we all do today, but then rwingett stopped posting and rarely appears since then. I think I must have either offended him in some way or he just doesn't like debating with ignorant people like myself. Can't say I blame him. wringett is one of the most intelligent posters I've ever had the pleasure of being beat up by.
If there is a holiest verse there must be a least holy verse. What is that?
And when you determine it I suggest you get rid of it.
Anyway, I have a different sort of sense of humor. I don't think it gets picked up on much. Most of the time I'm just sitting here laughing. With a smirk on my face and a gleam in my eye. Eat, drink and be merry! I can still hear my old man saying, "wine, women and song". Then it's over. Just after the fat lady sings!
I must be getting tired. I'm starting to ramble. 😀
Originally posted by roigam"Someone who speaks for the True God."
Ah! Someone who speaks for the True God. The One who did not abandon us when the rebellion took place in the Garden of Eden. He stuck with us loyal, true and purposed a way for us to be restore to perfection with the opportunity for everlasting life. That is the God who inspired the "holy" Bible (Satanic influence free). A book to learn from not worship.
God help us when that happens! Someone is always saying that sort of thing.
The way I see it God speaks for Himself.