How can a loving God allow cancer to exist

How can a loving God allow cancer to exist


01 Oct 04
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fabianfnas
Nono, faith is very easy to comprehend. You use 'faith' when you lack 'knowledge'.

Some have faith that black people are inferior. There are people who have faith that the world will go under tomorrow. There are faith in Trump, Obama, Clinton. So I will say that faith is religious in its very nature where knowledge is not needed by the faith-holders.

It's easy to have faith when knowledge are missing but you still want to be sure.
Do you have a lack of faith in the existence of God or do you know that God doesn't exist?


11 Nov 05
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Do you have a lack of faith in the existence of God or do you know that God doesn't exist?
Are we talking about the christian god, or are we talking about any god?
Because when you mention god, with capital G or lower g, you don't very well qualify which god.

01 Oct 04
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fabianfnas
Are we talking about the christian god, or are we talking about any god?
Because when you mention god, with capital G or lower g, you don't very well qualify which god.
Take your pick.


11 Nov 05
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Take your pick.
My pick isn't yours. Your pick is as good as mine. I have faith in my pick as you has faith in your pick. Because both of us is acting in faith without knowledge.

01 Oct 04
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fabianfnas
My pick isn't yours. Your pick is as good as mine. I have faith in my pick as you has faith in your pick. Because both of us is acting in faith without knowledge.
You claimed that no one knows God. How do you know this to be true? Can you back up your claim or is it just an uncorroborated assertion?

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
You claimed that no one knows God. How do you know this to be true? Can you back up your claim or is it just an uncorroborated assertion?
An uncorroborated assertion.
Like nobody really knows the Tooth Fairy.

Or perhaps you believe there is someone who really knows the Tooth Fairy?

01 Oct 04
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @wolfgang59
An uncorroborated assertion.
Like nobody really knows the Tooth Fairy.

Or perhaps you believe there is someone who really knows the Tooth Fairy?
How would you prove that the tooth fairy doesn’t exist?


15 Dec 13
01 Oct 17
5 edits

Originally posted by @apathist
It is your camp that brings claims with no evidence.

Keeping this related to the topic of God's allowance:

I told you about a girl who had the tragedy of losing her eyesight for life because of a medical mistake - Fanny Crosby.

I told you that instead of succumbing bitterness and militant atheism she wrote poems and hymns about Jesus Christ, around 9000 of them. They have been a great inspiration to others in all kinds of adverse situations by offering faith, encouragement, support and praise of God.

What is your problem with at least considering this as legitimate evidence that God exists and supported her in spite of her tragedy ?

I do not ask you if you are convinced by the life story of Fanny Crosby. I only ask you why would you say such a life cannot be considered as evidence for the Christian God?

Once again - Evidence is one thing. Persuasion is another thing. Evidence is not Persuasion.

So why can you say "The life of Fanny Crosby is not evidence of God's reality" ?

- sonship


11 Nov 05
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @wolfgang59
An uncorroborated assertion.
Like nobody really knows the Tooth Fairy.

Or perhaps you believe there is someone who really knows the Tooth Fairy?
Exatly. Tooth Fairy is a myth.
So is the Christian God.

The difference is that the saga of god is written down and collected in a book.
If the myth of the Tooth Fairy was written down, then it wouldn't be any difference.


11 Nov 05
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
You claimed that no one knows God. How do you know this to be true? Can you back up your claim or is it just an uncorroborated assertion?
Noone knows about anything about any god. Every god is equal in this regard. They are equally unknowable.

You want to know how I know? I have faith!
(We are in the Spiritual forum now. Noone knows anything, everyone have faith.)


15 Dec 13
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fabianfnas
Exatly. Tooth Fairy is a myth.
So is the Christian God.

The difference is that the saga of god is written down and collected in a book.
If the myth of the Tooth Fairy was written down, then it wouldn't be any difference.
Do you have a good alternative explanation for this ?

For over a millennia Jews in the city of [Jerusalem kept as sacred the seventh day of the week called a Sabbath with utmost devotion.

Quite suddenly, ten thousand at least Jews in Jerusalem began to hold a more sacred day - the 8th day. That is the first day of a new week. They celebrated it as a time to break bread and believe in the resurrection from to dead of Jesus Christ.

The physical body of Jesus was never produced either by the Romans or the skeptical and opposing Jews.

Evidence is not Persuasion.
What alternative explanation?


11 Nov 05
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @gswilm
Do you have a good alternative explanation for this ?

For over a millennia Jews in the city of [[b]Jerusalem
kept as sacred the seventh day of the week called a Sabbath with utmost devotion.

Quite suddenly, ten thousand at least Jews in Jerusalem began to hold a more sacred day - the 8th day. That is the first day of a new week. Th ...[text shortened]... nd opposing Jews.

Evidence is not Persuasion.
What alternative explanation?[/b]
Faith, my friend, faith.

According to the christian dogma, faith is all you need.
Evidence? Bah! Faith!

01 Oct 04
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fabianfnas
Exatly. Tooth Fairy is a myth.
So is the Christian God.

The difference is that the saga of god is written down and collected in a book.
If the myth of the Tooth Fairy was written down, then it wouldn't be any difference.
Can you prove that either does not exist?

14 Mar 15
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Can you prove that either does not exist?
Why is it necessary for us to disprove something that you have invented? If you have definitive proof, simply present it.

01 Oct 04
01 Oct 17

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Why is it necessary for us to disprove something that you have invented? If you have definitive proof, simply present it.
Fabian claimed that no one knows God, that was his invention. If he has definitive proof he simply needs to present it and everyone will stop believing in God.

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