@fmf saidExactly
No, with "assessing" you can come up with a record of progress.
Evaluation or judgement can come later.
@kellyjay saidPerhaps karoly aczel was just saying something nuanced to you.
Assessment Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
assessment: [noun] the action or an instance of making a judgment about something : the act of assessing something : appraisal.
@fmf saidAny judgment call is first an assessment and a decision or verdict; the only thing you did is say this is part of one of two of a two-step process for judgment. There is no point for part one without part two.
Assessment can and usually does involve recording progress as something is going on. Evaluation involves recording what progress occurred after whatever was going on - after it has finished. Judging definitely involves making a decision. For you to say that to differentiate between these words is "a distinction without a difference" is a mistake.
@kellyjay saidYou are mistaken. Being aware of the progress made does not necessarily require any judgement to be made. I've pointed this out now. And karoly aczel has concurred.
Any judgment call is first an assessment and a decision or verdict; the only thing you did is say this is part of one of two of a two-step process for judgment. There is no point for part one without part two.
@kellyjay saidYou are simply refusing to accept what karoly aczel meant by the word ~ what I understood his meaning to be ~ and what he has now confirmed he meant by the word. You insist it must mean something else. Way to go KellyJay! Hardcore debating, yea!
Disagreeing after hearing your response is not refusing to see it; it is seeing it and not accepting it.
@fmf saidWhat was meant and what was said can be two different things; when you assess a situation, you decide what you are looking at as I assess your reactions in this conversation.
You are simply refusing to accept what karoly aczel meant by the word ~ what I understood his meaning to be ~ and what he has now confirmed he meant by the word. You insist it must mean something else. Way to go KellyJay! Hardcore debating, yea!
24 Jan 22
@kellyjay saidJust block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Go for it.
What was meant and what was said can be two different things; when you assess a situation, you decide what you are looking at as I assess your reactions in this conversation.
@fmf saidI base knowing what "evil" is on what God says evil is.
You don't? I'd have thought you'd base your definition of evil on Christian theology.
So what is evil according to God? In total, evil is antichrist.
The scriptures say "the love of money is the root of all evil". I guess evil begins there.
It takes little imagination to understand what evil is. Use yours!
@fmf saidActually I remembered it wrong , he used 'evaluting' , which again is without judgement
The nuance of what karoly aczel will vanish if you simply refuse to see it.
@fmf saidI don't have to block out what was said, and I disagree with him; it isn't difficult to understand. We don't have to agree while looking at the same pieces of data, the same facts, anything. I don't think disagreeing with you means you are not seeing what is there. I'm perfectly able to give you the right to make up your mind while looking at something I am and coming up with a different conclusion. We all don't have to agree on everything; not every debate is a reason to belittle someone for not agreeing to claim the intent of hiding from something other of that nature.
Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Just block out what he meant. Go for it.
@karoly-aczel saidevaluate
Actually I remembered it wrong , he used 'evaluting' , which again is without judgement
[ ih-val-yoo-eyt ]SHOW IPA
See synonyms for: evaluate / evaluated / evaluating / evaluator on Thesaurus.com
🍎 Elementary Level
verb (used with object), e·val·u·at·ed, e·val·u·at·ing.
to determine or set the value or amount of; appraise:
to evaluate property.
to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess:
to evaluate the results of an experiment.