Originally posted by DoctorScribblesI agree with everything you say,and I must add a few things that people may not want to hear,but it is a form of forced reality I must enlighten everyone here about....
Perhaps. But in a hundred years time, when these isolated reigns of terror have passed like the Salem Witch Hunts and the Nazi Holocaust, the Muslim countries of the Middle East will still be human rights wastelands, as they have been for centuries on end, and the fact that people fail to indict Islam as the culprit only exacerbates that reality.
Lets compare the muslim religion to christianity,but not detailing it,just generalizing.The expansion of the Muslim religion in the world today is the WORSE thing that can happen to this world.Just ask yourself this....
Can you imagine a world of only the Koran,no Bible and everyone must bow down to Allah,follow the rules of that religion and that form of society with the human rights issues,women and children's freedoms considerably diminished,women beaten,faces hidden,death threats if some groups "try" to form a christian religion and more?
See,it dosen't matter how "interesting" or supposed peaceful the muslim religion is "supposed"to be,because the extremists and terrorists will always follow alot more than any christian groups out there in the world.And one rotten apple will ruin the whole barrel of good apples many times over.See my point?
I hear antichristian argue about the "crusades".Well,let me tell you something!......It would have been a blessing to the world if the crusades would have wiped out the muslim religion and the Koran 100% for all eternity!I'm not even a religious guy,but i know that the expansion of this muslim religion will further draw the world into Chaos,not peace,this is reality,not speculation...it is happening as I write this!Human rights issues with many of these countries is just the tip of the iceberg!Terrorism will increase,not decrease,especially if some of the extremists get their hands on nuclear weapons,as i'm sure they will one day!Another question...who would you rather trust with a nuclear weapon....a christian military base in Canada,USA,Europe,Sweden for example or an all muslim military base in Iran or Pakistan?We all know the answer to that one!No need to explain!!!I'm sick and tired of anyone trying to say all these nice things about the muslim religion.As far as i'm concerned,these people need a rude awakening.For every terror act committed on any soil,especially the USA or any christian or Jewish areas,for every single non muslim person killed,10,000 muslims should be bombed out of existance!This will certainly put so much fear in the twisted muslim society with there extremists that "hide"in the shadows among the innocent(like the weak puSSSSIES THEY ARE) that they will be forced to stop there weak holy wars(send them all to the 7 virgins!).
See,mathematically speaking,the muslim society will simply cease to exist based upon their own sick terrorism.If they STOP their "sick"acts...then we STOP bombing them!No,my thoughts are not the same as theirs,since some societys will never want to have "PEACE" unless it is FORCED upon them.It appears to me that their "own " muslim society does not have enough power to stop the sick extremists,so someone "must"do it for them.No,diplomacy will not work.It has been tried,and only works on a temporary basis at best!
A world of this kind muslim religion?You got to be kidding!The day,I have to stop my machine at work,to take that mid day "bowing down to Allah" crap,or the day my girlfriend has to cover her face in public to agree to the rules of muslim society,and the day many of my freedoms dissolve because the muslim society has taken over the christian way of life...is the day I jump off a skyscraper!
Originally posted by tactical abyssSurely this is a parody? Right?
I agree with everything you say,and I must add a few things that people may not want to hear,but it is a form of forced reality I must enlighten everyone here about....
Lets compare the muslim religion to christianity,but not detailing it,just generalizing.The expansion of the Muslim religion in the world today is the WORSE thing that can happen to t ...[text shortened]... n over the christian way of life...is the day I jump off a skyscraper!
Originally posted by tactical abyssAnd you? How many Muslim countries have you been to?
I agree with everything you say,and I must add a few things that people may not want to hear,but it is a form of forced reality I must enlighten everyone here about....
Lets compare the muslim religion to christianity,but not detailing it,just generalizing.The expansion of the Muslim religion in the world today is the WORSE thing that can happen to t ...[text shortened]... n over the christian way of life...is the day I jump off a skyscraper!
Originally posted by tactical abyssAs someone (again) without a dog in this fight I would like to point out that all of the immature followers of these 3 immature religions deriving from the middle east have been murdering, robbing, and slandering each other (and everyone else) ever since they all crawled out of the dunghills that they all come from. I wish you would all just shut up. To my mind I don't see a dime's worth of difference between any of you. You all treat completely unverifiable and generally useless ideas as more important than the lives of your own children. One day those children will wake up and realize they are wasting their time listening to any of you.
I agree with everything you say,and I must add a few things that people may not want to hear,but it is a form of forced reality I must enlighten everyone here about....
Lets compare the muslim religion to christianity,but not detailing it,just generalizing.The expansion of the Muslim religion in the world today is the WORSE thing that can happen to this world.
Originally posted by TerrierJackAre you talking to me, or just the Islamophobes?
As someone (again) without a dog in this fight I would like to point out that all of the immature followers of these 3 immature religions deriving from the middle east have been murdering, robbing, and slandering each other (and everyone else) ever since they all crawled out of the dunghills that they all come from. I wish you would all just shut up. T ...[text shortened]... y those children will wake up and realize they are wasting their time listening to any of you.
Originally posted by TerrierJackWell I don't. I'm with you... as long as you take exception to DoctorScribbles' paternalistic, neo-colonial, hegemonic approach to "setting everyone straight". Dunghills notwithstanding, live and let live eh? Let things develop, evolve, transform. Don't let shallow, rootless Western haters set the agenda and tee up Profitable Wars.
Do you follow one of those 3 Stooges religions?
Originally posted by FMFIt is significant to me that all 3 obsess over the evil in the world because they are doing everything they can to keep conflict going so that more will be mistreated and killed. If I am supposed to be able to judge by their fruits I would expect that all of them are wrong without exception and they should all immediately hit their knees and prey like demons that there is actually no hell below us. Otherwise they better get fitted for asbestos robes. (And BTW - if honest people go to the actual hell and it will not have them in it then it sounds like heaven to me!)
Well I don't. I'm with you... as long as you take exception to DoctorScribbles' paternalistic, neo-colonial, hegemonic approach to "setting everyone straight". Dunghills notwithstanding, live and let live eh? Let things develop, evolve, transform. Don't let shallow, rootless Western haters set the agenda and tee up Profitable Wars.
Originally posted by FMFIm wonder, how is it like living in Indonesia?
Well I don't. I'm with you... as long as you take exception to DoctorScribbles' paternalistic, neo-colonial, hegemonic approach to "setting everyone straight". Dunghills notwithstanding, live and let live eh? Let things develop, evolve, transform. Don't let shallow, rootless Western haters set the agenda and tee up Profitable Wars.
a lot of muslims there, are you as bold there as you are in the forums?
Originally posted by robbie carrobiehttp://www.newsadvance.com/lna/news/local/article/lu_pulls_plug_on_democratic_club/16172
Indonesia, you can live there, but don't dare practice your religion or exercise your conscience!
It is always either Larry, Curly or Moe (unless of course it is Shemp hiiting himself.)
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIgnorant and/or disingenuous rubbish intended to spread hatred and obscure reality.
Indonesia, you can live there, but don't dare practice your religion or exercise your conscience!
If adult Christians proselyltising to Muslim children is "practi[sing] your religion or exercis[ing] your conscience" then you can keep it!
As the wildly biased web site's account of this isolated incident from 4 years ago (in this nation of 230,000,000 people) tries so hard not to point out - but inadvertently reveals anyway - adults of any faith proselyltising to children of any other faith is in contravention of the Child Protection Law, Chapter 86, No. 23/2002.
This is one of a whole series of laws in this country that makes its stable and remarkably successful (considering the difficulties) multi-faith system work. The Child Protection Law, Chapter 86, No. 23/2002 protects Christians and Hindus and Buddhists too, as do a raft of other laws.
"The Muslim children attending did so with the full consent of their parents", the little propaganda piece says. Of course, for songs and games on a Sunday morning. Why not? Children from families of different faiths do things together here all the time, every single day, up and down this huge country.
But I have no doubt that the bit in the article about "Bible studies" being a part of the programme for 18 months is a lie. For 18 months "Muslim parents" endorsed that? I imagine they started trying that on - after 18 months - and that's when the authorities stepped in.
'Muslim parents' would not want their Muslim children to be proselyltised by Christians by way of 'Bible studies'. Please grow up and be Of This World, for heaven's sake! It is utterly inconceivable. No more likely, robbie, than you would send your kids down to the local mosque to a Koran study class. If those parents wanted their children to become Christians that would be fine, they could convert, and there would be no brush with law involved for the Christians.
This is what this stupid little article you had me look at strains so hard NOT to mention. Most Christians in this country would consider the zealous antics of Dr Rebekka Zakaria, Ratna Bangun and Eti Pangesti as embarrassingly dimwitted and anti-social.
As a person who has lived on and off, among Muslims and Christians living side by side, for almost 18 years, I have no doubt whatsoever that the "news story" on the fanatical little web site you provided a link to, is nothing more than a propaganda piece that studiously does not explain the context or the reality here.
This kind of poisonous stuff on the net enables people like yourself - bless your cotton socks - to say things like "Indonesia, you can live there, but don't dare practice your religion or exercise your conscience!" without you knowing what or where or who you're talking about - leaving you free to propogate your nasty little smear and hate agenda.
Same old, same old.