17. Do you not realize you are foolish, clueless, scoffing, totally clueless proud of your cluelessness, in thick darkness, in total cluelessness, arrogance, foolishness, clueless, utter failure, foolish self excusing ego, totally clueless, and also exhibiting cluelessness and foolishness... and thick darkness - because you don't believe in Jesus?
@fmf saidOops...Although I might use stronger language not permitted on this website.
2. What will you say when you die and realize that you are wrong about eternal torture?
@fmf saidI am an immoralist, especially on Thursdays.
3. How can someone have morals if they don't believe in a divine lawgiver?
@divegeester saidI have a get out of eternal torture by God free card.
4. If there is actually a situation of eternal torture by God, you should not be liable for it because ___________________ ?
@divegeester saidProbably very badly.
5. If miracles don’t exist, then how do you explain speaking in tongues?