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Is religious indoctrination child abuse?

Is religious indoctrination child abuse?


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FMF: How many years did you spend in "secular universities"?

Originally posted by dj2becker
I did 2 years post grad at one ...
So when you said, on page 4, "I did not study at a secular university" it was a lie?


Originally posted by Rajk999
You need to escape the cult you are in, but you are a weak-minded man.
You know sometimes I really think that God has raised you up to give opportunity for the truth to be taught. (Not what you're teaching)

It reminds me of RJHinds who tried to make the same accusations that I was in a cult.

Here is where I meet. What do you see that makes you think I meet with a cult ?
Be specific and quote please.

The church in Dunn Loring, VA.

We have just one goal– to experience Christ for the building up of His Body, the Church. To reach this goal, we gather frequently to study the Bible, foster a life in Christ, establish our young ones in the faith, serve mankind with the gospel, and encourage one another’s function in the Body of Christ.


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Originally posted by sonship
You know sometimes I really think that God has raised you up to give opportunity for the truth to be taught. (Not what you're teaching)

It reminds me of RJHinds who tried to make the same accusations that I was in a cult.

Here is where I meet. What do you see that makes you think I meet with a cult ?
Be specific and quote please.

The church in ...[text shortened]... ne another’s function in the Body of Christ. [/quote]

God raised me up to remind you what Jesus Christ preached, because clearly you and your cult members have forgotten the teachings of Christ. Plus I 'teach' nothing. All I have ever done here is to repeat verbatim what Jesus said. I present no interpretations, no analysis, no writings of men and scholars... nothing of the sort.

One definition of cult is : a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. This fits you ... you and your group are devoted to the teacdhings of a particular man and that man is NOT Jesus.

As for your one goal statement. Here is a perfect example of how you do not appreciate the difference between what a man says and what a man does. God is interested in the latter. You preach the former.

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Originally posted by FMF
So when you said, on page 4, "I did not study at a secular university" it was a lie?
I was referring to the time while I was at the cult. After that it was distance tuition.

You are still dodging this question:
Who decides what the correct skills and knowledge is to teach a young child, you or the university?


Originally posted by Rajk999
God raised me up to remind you what Jesus Christ preached, because clearly you and your cult members have forgotten the teachings of Christ. Plus I 'teach' nothing. All I have ever done here is to repeat verbatim what Jesus said. I present no interpretations, no analysis, no writings of men and scholars... nothing of the sort.

One definition of cult is ...[text shortened]... en what a man says and what a man does. God is interested in the latter. You preach the former.
God raised me up to remind you what Jesus Christ preached, because clearly you and your cult members have forgotten the teachings of Christ. Plus I 'teach' nothing. All I have ever done here is to repeat verbatim what Jesus said. I present no interpretations, no analysis, no writings of men and scholars... nothing of the sort.

No, you are mistaking yourself for the person you would like to be.

You do teach and interpret. In fact based on what you teach you INSULT or at least ACCUSE others who teach with all kinds of slanderous charges.

Yes, you quote SLECTIVELY.
My quoting and interpretation of the Bible is much more even in scope giving place to all angles of a matter.

Identify the passage that you think I would avoid.

One definition of cult is : a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.

So by religious veneration and devotion to YOURSELF you must be by that definition, in a cult.

Did you think that because you quote no one, recommend no one, refer never to anyone else, that makes you not in a cult ?

Do you think any Christian who receives help from and/or recommends that others can get help from that source too is in a cult ?

Then you're stupid.

It went through one ear and out the other before. But I put it up again.

" Furthermore we ask you, brothers, to acknowledge those who labor among you and take the lead among you in the Lord and admonish you.

And to regard them most highly in love because of their work. (See 1 Thess. 5:12,13)

Sorry would be cult fighter.

1.) Acknowledging certain servants of God does not make me in a cult.
2.) Regarding highly certain ones who labor among the local churches does not make me in a cult.
3.) Even regarding them "in love because their work" does not make me a cult member.

Now I have to attend to some other matters

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Originally posted by dj2becker
Who decides what the correct skills and knowledge is to teach a young child, you or the university?
If you're a trained teacher like you claim, you should already know.

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Originally posted by dj2becker
I was referring to the time while I was at the cult. After that it was distance tuition.
You have said "I did not study at a secular university" several times. And now you suddenly say you studied in a "secular university" for two years because it suits you in the conversation to say so, just as it suited you to say "I did not study at a secular university" at other times in the conversation.


Originally posted by sonship
God raised me up to remind you what Jesus Christ preached, because clearly you and your cult members have forgotten the teachings of Christ. Plus I 'teach' nothing. All I have ever done here is to repeat verbatim what Jesus said. I present no interpretations, no analysis, no writings of men and scholars... nothing of the sort.

No, you are ...[text shortened]... se their work"
does not make me a cult member.

Now I have to attend to some other matters[/b]
You labour to promote the teachings of a man and that man is not Jesus Christ.

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Originally posted by FMF
You have said "I did not study at a secular university" several times. And now you suddenly say you studied in a "secular university" for two years because it suits you in the conversation to say so, just as it suited you to say "I did not study at a secular university" at other times in the conversation.
You are taking the statement out of context. I was talking specifically about my studies during my time at the cult and my education degree and early childhood development which I did not study at a secular university.


Originally posted by dj2becker
I was specifically talking specifically about my education degree and early childhood development which I did not study at a secular university.
You have been caught in a barefaced lie. Again.

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Originally posted by FMF
You have been caught in a barefaced lie. Again.
The context of the conversation was my educational degree and you know it. If you want to take my statement out of context and twist it to mean what you want to feel free to do so.


Originally posted by dj2becker
The context of the conversation was my educational degree and you know it. You are taking my statement out of context.
Put your lying little troll routine in your pipe and smoke it, Fetchmyjunk.


Originally posted by FMF
You have been caught in a barefaced lie. Again.
Haven't really been keeping count, but that makes at least 7.

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Originally posted by FMF
Put your lying little troll routine in your pipe and smoke it, Fetchmyjunk.
FMF: You can get information about it from the internet. If you had trained as a teacher, you would have studied it.

Me: I did not study at a secular university... (to become a teacher)

So according to FMF logic if I didn't study to be a teacher at a secular university it means I have never studied anything else at a secular university. 🙄


Originally posted by dj2becker
FMF: You can get information about it from the internet. If you had trained as a teacher, you would have studied it.

Me: I did not study at a secular university... (to become a teacher)

So according to FMF logic if I didn't study to be a teacher at a secular university it means I have never studied anything else at a secular university. 🙄
Go puff on your pipe.

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