@fmf saidFor the record, I find your moral equivalency of Mohammad and Jesus and those like Paul influenced by Jesus, offensive and disingenuous, unless you really do think it OK to do such things as take female sex slaves and marry 6 year olds and convert with the sword.
I don't believe the Bible and I don't believe the Torah and I don't believe the Koran - I don't believe any of them are a revelation of God. For me, there is no "more likely" or "less likely" calculation. The notion of a revealed "Holy God" is yours and not mine. It's your prerogative to believe what you want about "which [tradition] seems more representative".
To each his own.
@whodey saidAside from Rajk999, there is little or no talk between Christians here about obeying Jesus's commandments or walking the walk of a Christian life, so you dwelling on the "moral presentation" of competing religious figures is moot.
Considering the moral presentation of the teachings and actions of Jesus, Paul, and Mohammad, which one seems more representative of a Holy God?
Most Christians here dwell in narcissistic themes and riffs about being "saved" or becoming "God-men" or their own immortality. I have probably talked about the morality of the Sermon on the Mount, for example, on more occasions than several of the prominent Christians put together, and I'm only an atheist.
@whodey saidNone of them seem to me to be credible revelations of God, regardless of whether you find it "offensive".
For the record, I find your moral equivalency of Mohammad and Jesus and those like Paul influenced by Jesus, offensive and disingenuous, unless you really do think it OK to do such things as take female sex slaves and marry 6 year olds and convert with the sword.
To each his own.
@whodey saidWell, if it turns out that we are both wrong, and Islam is the true revelation and will of God after all, then your preference for Christianity and my lack of belief will be neither here nor there.
unless you really do think it OK to do such things as take female sex slaves and marry 6 year olds and convert with the sword.
20 Apr 19
@fmf saidWhen have I advocated not living the Christian life?
Aside from Rajk999, there is little or no talk between Christians here about obeying Jesus's commandments or walking the walk of a Christian life, so you dwelling on the "moral presentation" of competing religious figures is moot.
Most Christians here dwell in narcissistic themes and riffs about being "saved" or becoming "God-men" or their own immortality. I have probably tal ...[text shortened]... e, on more occasions than several of the prominent Christians put together, and I'm only an atheist.
I don't believe we are saved by works, if that is what you mean, and I don't advocate continued sin and rebellion.
But do I sit around and judge those like Raj does? Nope, no need to do so and it is certainly not my job.
I still fail to see how this relates to the disingenuous moral equivalency of Jesus and Mohammad.
@fmf saidI reckon it all boils down to what kind of God do you think God really is?
Well, if it turns out that we are both wrong, and Islam is the true revelation and will of God after all, then your preference for Christianity and my lack of belief will be neither here nor there.
Who is more representative, and once you decide on one, which one is worth serving?
@whodey saidYou should adhere to the religion of your choice. My moral compass is undoubtedly influenced by Christianity, for obvious reasons, but I discovered that that orientation did not depend on any belief in supernatural causality, divine revelation or fear of "God". My moral compass has been further tweaked since losing my faith by living in a Muslim majority country for many years.
I reckon it all boils down to what kind of God do you think God really is?
Who is more representative, and once you decide on one, which one is worth serving?
@whodey saidI don't believe either of them have any supernatural dimensions or connections. I cannot detect any significant difference in moral behaviour between you and Muslim friends I have, at least no difference that makes your moral stances - such as they are - seem superior to theirs.
I still fail to see how this relates to the disingenuous moral equivalency of Jesus and Mohammad.
@whodey saidSo you find converting with a sword unpalatable. Strange for a Christian to say.
For the record, I find your moral equivalency of Mohammad and Jesus and those like Paul influenced by Jesus, offensive and disingenuous, unless you really do think it OK to do such things as take female sex slaves and marry 6 year olds and convert with the sword.
I am sure you know about Charlemagne and his practice after a battle.
First he murdered 10% of captured soldiers.
Then he gave the remainder a choice, convert to Christianity or die.
You really should read up on him.
@caissad4 saidJesus teaches us to love our enemies not to kill them.
So you find converting with a sword unpalatable. Strange for a Christian to say.
I am sure you know about Charlemagne and his practice after a battle.
First he murdered 10% of captured soldiers.
Then he gave the remainder a choice, convert to Christianity or die.
You really should read up on him.
@caissad4 saidConstantine hijacked the Christian faith even though he was not a Christian, and the rest is history. We then had the Inquisitions and Crusades, etc.
So you find converting with a sword unpalatable. Strange for a Christian to say.
I am sure you know about Charlemagne and his practice after a battle.
First he murdered 10% of captured soldiers.
Then he gave the remainder a choice, convert to Christianity or die.
You really should read up on him.
Jesus warned his followers that his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. He never advocated taking up the sword and even shunned the people wanting to make him king after feeding him with the few loaves of bread and fish.
No, government mixed with God makes for a toxic mix because politics is only about selfish ambition and power. To then conflate it with the will of God is problematic.
@fmf saidI am not discussing myself or your Muslims friends. I'm discussing only Jesus vs. Mohammad.
I don't believe either of them have any supernatural dimensions or connections. I cannot detect any significant difference in moral behaviour between you and Muslim friends I have, at least no difference that makes your moral stances - such as they are - seem superior to theirs.
Feel free not to compare the two in an honest manner.
@fmf saidSo you have no problem with their new law to kill homosexuals?
I don't believe either of them have any supernatural dimensions or connections. I cannot detect any significant difference in moral behaviour between you and Muslim friends I have, at least no difference that makes your moral stances - such as they are - seem superior to theirs.