Originally posted by leunammiI asked you for proof.
Jesus is absolutely, 100% percent sure who he was/is and his identity, he has given us the whole story, you just choose not to believe it.
Don't take my word for it, step out in faith and seek after God, not the opinions of those in a chess forum, they are varied and confusing. If you are truly seeking God, he will meet you and you will be left with no doubt. But you need to step out.
Can you provide it?
Originally posted by leunammiOk I challenge you to test your theory. Seriously go to your church leader and tell him you don't believe the trinity and you don't believe it is necessary to gain life but you still want to active in your church. Give it a try....
Much has been said in this forum from what I have noticed regarding churches and what they 'make' you believe. I have been going to church on and off for many years, AOG, Vineyard, other non-denominations and not once was I ever told I had to believe in the trinity or I would burn in hell, you guys embellish and dont know what you are talking about. Does ...[text shortened]... hether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
It's simple.
Originally posted by leunammiThe opinions on this chess forum are no different than those in the 'real world'. Most have doubt and confusion.
Jesus is absolutely, 100% percent sure who he was/is and his identity, he has given us the whole story, you just choose not to believe it.
Don't take my word for it, step out in faith and seek after God, not the opinions of those in a chess forum, they are varied and confusing. If you are truly seeking God, he will meet you and you will be left with no doubt. But you need to step out.
By the way, why are you assuming that God cannot work through this chess site? There could be many readers who pick up a Bible due to reading someone's post, and who continue to read their Bible because of it.
I see no reason why you should minimize a medium in which God is discussed.
Originally posted by chaney3Your post had the consistency of Gorgonzola.
It is you who is the punchline.
You ignored the contents of my post, which involved God and Jesus. I did not feel it necessary at that time to include the Holy Spirit. Instead of commenting on my point, you merely looked for a reason to tell a usual dumb joke. I'm surprised you couldn't find a way to include cheese as you usually do.
Your arrogance is noted.
(That's a kind of cheese).
Originally posted by leunammiActually this is not Jesus speaking, it is his Father Jehovah.
Jesus is God!
Revelation 1:8 King James Version (KJV)
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
That is Jesus' words.
Here are some references to this:
Alpha and Omega (75 occurrences)
"While many apply this title both to God and to Christ, a more careful examination of its use restricts its application to Jehovah God. ... The first verse of Revelation shows that the revelation was given originally by God and through Jesus Christ, hence the one speaking (through an angelic representative) at times is God himself, and at other times it is Christ Jesus."
"The title “the Alpha and the Omega” applies to Jehovah, stressing that there was no almighty God before him and that there will be none after him. He is “the beginning and the end.” (Rev. 21:6; 22:13) Although Jehovah is referred to as “the first and the last” at Revelation 22:13, in that there is none before or after him, the context in the first chapter of Revelation shows that the title “the First and the Last” there applies to Jesus Christ in another sense. He was the first human to be resurrected to immortal spirit life and the last one to be so resurrected by Jehovah personally.—Col. 1:18."
But if you go back and read Rev 1: 8-11 you will see it is actually speaking of two beings both Jesus and his Father Jehovah by John.
Also Jesus is never refereed to as "Almighty God" anywhere in the bible.
Originally posted by chaney3I am not assuming God cannot work through a chess site, and i am minimizing nothing, I know God can and does work things like a chess forum. You just seem to be asking the same questions and getting the same answers. By nature of the medium, I think this forum can serve to feed you milk but getting the meat will require work from you, you can only be spoon fed for so long.
The opinions on this chess forum are no different than those in the 'real world'. Most have doubt and confusion.
By the way, why are you assuming that God cannot work through this chess site? There could be many readers who pick up a Bible due to reading someone's post, and who continue to read their Bible because of it.
I see no reason why you should minimize a medium in which God is discussed.
Originally posted by galveston75I think I am going to pass and defer to my previous comments on this, my experience is as I have stated.
Ok I challenge you to test your theory. Seriously go to your church leader and tell him you don't believe the trinity and you don't believe it is necessary to gain life but you still want to active in your church. Give it a try....
Originally posted by leunammiWhy do you assume that I don't seek elsewhere? I do, and still get varied opinions about the 'same issue', the trinity.
I am not assuming God cannot work through a chess site, and i am minimizing nothing, I know God can and does work things like a chess forum. You just seem to be asking the same questions and getting the same answers. By nature of the medium, I think this forum can serve to feed you milk but getting the meat will require work from you, you can only be spoon fed for so long.
There is no proof, only opinions based on individual interpretation of scripture, in which Jesus was never clear about His identity.
Except......when He prayed to someone different than Himself. The countless times He referred to God as Father, someone different than Himself. Talking to God from the garden and the cross, someone different than Himself, etc etc.
Unless you can provide real proof, you are likely twisting His unclear words in the Bible to 'fit' what you 'want' to believe, and NOT what He said.
Originally posted by chaney3So be it.
Why do you assume that I don't seek elsewhere? I do, and still get varied opinions about the 'same issue', the trinity.
There is no proof, only opinions based on individual interpretation of scripture, in which Jesus was never clear about His identity.
Except......when He prayed to someone different than Himself. The countless times He referred to Go ...[text shortened]... isting His unclear words in the Bible to 'fit' what you 'want' to believe, and NOT what He said.