@sonship saidI don't insist that God does not exist, sonship. I have explained that to you dozens of times. You are pretending not to understand and/or you are pretending not to remember. It's one of your odten-used discursive gimmicks.
You, insisting God does not exist - a far more likely candidate for having thrown your hat into hope representing a teaching demons and fallen angels would want men to believe..
You better repent.
That's nice. Take a nap today. Catch up on your sleep.
Now do admit that God may exist?
Low integrity as is so often the way with you.
The level of my integrity determines this?
Are you admitting that God may exist or not?
Its about God's EXISTENCE here.
Next you'll be pretending I've never explained my beliefs to you.
I do not have to pretend anything about not getting a straight answer from you yet. I am not sure if you're afraid of something.
No one can force you to anything. I just ask that if you don't insist on atheism's positive claims then you must be admitting that God may exist.
You seem to grasping for reasons not to answer that.
So I go away and naval gaze about my integrity for two hours.
Then you can tell us whether you are admitting that God may exist?
You are conversational charlatan.
You can answer the question whether you are really an agnostic - saying God MAY exist and not a classic atheist purporting it to be a truth claim that there is no God.
I believe that God exists and is the answer in His salvation to any moral problems rightly or wrongly you may wish to point out in me.
"Our Savior God" - not ashamed to confess my need for a "Savior God" at all.
29 May 22
@sonship saidI stand corrected.
- demon possessed (sonship)
Now its my turn to say "You're making stuff up."
I said you could be under the influence of a "doctrine of demons."
And I said we should not assume that either of us are above being so influenced.
Quote me where I wrote ever you were "demon possessed" and you will receive a public apology from me for claiming here right now that I did not say that to you.
What sonship actually said was that my posting was under the influence of demons.
You would never dream of saying anything so crass.
You'd just write something as crass, as you have in this discussion.
So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.
Gross; thick; dense; coarse; not elaborated or refined.
coarse; crude; not refined or sensible
I guess that's why your comment above was removed with a reminder to check guidelines of the Forum.
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Your hypocrisy is no pristine example of your own integrity.